
Terms containing 代理权 | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.不可撤销的委托代理权irrevocable power of attorney
interntl.trade.不能撤销的委托代理权irrevocable power of attorney
UN东非区域海洋和海岸环境的保护、管理和发展问题全权代表会议Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region
tech.代理委托power of attorney
interntl.trade.代理人优先授偿权agent's lien
proj.manag.代理人侵权行为agent's tort
busin.代理人侵权行为agent's torts
commer.代理人无权对售岀的货物向买主作任何保证The agent has no authority to give the buyers a warranty with respect to the goods sold
fin.代理人留置权agent’s lien
econ.代理人留置权factor's lien
el.代理人留置权agent's lien
busin.代理人留置权指委托人如不按约支付代理佣金,代理人有权扣押其财产agent's lien
interntl.trade.代理人的侵权行为agent's torts
econ.代理人的侵权行为agent's tort
econ.代理人的权利和义务agent's right and duty
econ.代理人的权利和义务agent's rights and duty
shipb.代理人的权利和义务the rights and duties of agent
econ.代理人的越权行为warranty off authority
interntl.trade.代理人的越权行为本人对代理人的有关行为不负责warranty of authority
econ.代理人的越权行为the warranty off authority
busin.代理人越权行为warranty off authority
econ.代理协议一经签署,赋予代理商的一切权利即宣告有效All rights vested in the agent shall become valid the moment the agency agreement is signed
commer.代理合同确定了双方的权利与义务,代理人的权限范围和报酬The contract of agency settles the rights and duties of the two parties, the scope of authority granted to agent and the remuneration due to him
oil代理商留置权factor's lien
busin.代理委托权power of substitution
securit.代理执行投票权协议agreement on exercising voting right by proxy
securit.代理执行权责服务费corporate actions service fees
econ.代理权per procuration
econ.代理权a power of attorney
tech.代理权power of procuration
textile代理权representation right
textile代理权power of agency
textile代理权authority of agency
busin.代理权power of representation
interntl.trade.代理权right of representation
busin.代理权delegated power
oil代理权power of attorney
textile代理权vicarious authority
securit.代理权ministerial power
manag.代理权power of agency
securit.代理权声明proxy statement
securit.代理权征集的披露proxy solicitation disclosures
econ.代理权期满the expiration of agency
textile代理权条款power of attorney clause
econ.代理权申述书a proxy statement
econ.代理权的提供offer of representation
securit.代理权竞争proxy contest
securit.代理权竞争的价值disciplinary value of proxy contests
China, law代理权终止termination of authorization
textile代理权证书certificate of agent's authority
busin.代理权证书certificate of agent's authorities
logist.代理权subject of authorization
busin.代理权delegated authority
IT代理权限屏蔽grant rights mask
tech.代理职权vicarious authority
China, law代理许可权agency permission
econ.信用担保代理权agency del credere
fin.债券全权代理证书bond power
econ.债券全权代理证书bond power (指委托第三者代为出售或转让债券)
commer.全权全球代理人universal agent
interntl.trade.全权代理权general power of attorney
securit.全权代理权general power of appointment
fin.全权代客管理账户discretionary account
fin.全权代客管理账户协议discretionary account agreement
econ.全权代理the authorized agency
busin.全权代理omnicompetent agent
econ.全权代理universal agency
busin.全权代理general power of attorney
interntl.trade.全权代理人universal chuck
interntl.trade.全权代理人universal agent
busin.全权代理人general proxy
econ.全权代理人an authorized agent
econ.全权代理人a universal agent
interntl.trade.全权代理人authorized agent
econ.全权代理人an empowered person
busin.全权代理人empowered person
interntl.trade.全权代理委任general power of attorney
busin.全权代理行universal agency
textile全权总代理universal agent
econ.全权总代理a universal agent
tech.初年度代理权first-year commission
avia.加权平均代理模型weighted average surrogate model
commer.受权代理缩为 P.P.by proxy
commer.受权代理per procurationem
exhib.受权代理人authorized agent
tech.名义代理权ostensible authority
interntl.trade.商业代理权trade agency
econ.在招揽订单时你方无权超越你代理的地区范围You have no right to exceed the limit of your agency district in canvassing for orders
commer.在适当情况下,代理人对委托人的货物或款项有抵消或留置的权利The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money
commer.如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单已交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent
interntl.trade.委任代理权power of attorney
textile委托代理权agency by agreement
commer.委托人授权代理人代表他向第三者招揽订货合同The principal authorizes the agent to procure contracts with third parties on his behalf
securit.实际代理权actual authority
econ.广告代理权the advertising agency
busin.广告代理权advertising agency
interntl.trade.律师代理权power of attorney
busin.代理权general attorney
proj.manag.我们想要取得独家代理权We'd like exclusive distribution rights
econ.我公司美国代理有权指定各州的分代理Our American agent is granted with the right to appoint a sub-agent in every state
busin.授予代理权grant agent right
busin.授权代理express appointment
securit.授权代理authorized agent
interntl.trade.授权代理人authorized agent
textile授权代理人warranty of attorney
interntl.trade.授权代理厂商the authorized agent
commer.授权代理经理职务be authorized to act for the manager
interntl.trade.授权代理者warranty of attorney
el.授权代理证书warranty of attorney
textile授权委托代理warrant an agency appointment
econ.授权的代理人an authorized agent
interntl.trade.授权的代理各authorized agent
commer.授权给代理人delegate authority to an agent
space控制权限代理control authority agent
busin.撤销代理权cancel a power of attorney
econ.无反悔代理权agency by estoppel
busin.无权代理unauthorized agency
securit.无权代理have no authority to act as agent
el.无线电行政管理全权代表会议Radio Administrative Plenipotentiary Conference
econ.代理商明文规定的代理权the ostensible authority
busin.明文规定的代理权ostensible authority
econ.有权代理the authorized agency
busin.未授权代理人agent without authority
interntl.trade.未授权的代理人agent without authority
econ.未授权的代理人an agent without authority
busin.未经授权代理unauthorized representation
busin.未经授权的代理unauthorized representation
econ.根据代理商在经营能力方面的表现,公司应授与独家销售权The company shall grant an elusive selling right to the agent relying upon the representation of the agent with the respect to his operational capability
econ.根据本合同的条款,该公司的经理授予他的代理商在该地区独家销售产品的权利According to the terms of the contract, the manager of the company grants to his agent the exclusive right to sell the products in this region
busin.法定代理权right of legal representation
gen.法定代理权the right of legal representation
securit.泛用代理权abuse of authority
textile滥用代理权abuse of the power of agency
econ.滥用代理权abuse of the power agency
libr.版权代理copyright agent
interntl.trade.特别代理权special authority
textile独家代理权sole agency
tech.独家代理权exclusive right
el.独家经销代理权exclusive sale right
tech.独家销售代理权exclusive right to sale listing
securit.票据代理权draft authority
econ.给予代理权grant agency rights
China, law行使代理权exercise the power of agency
securit.表决权代理委托proxy appointment
securit.表见代理权apparent authority
China, law超越代理权go beyond the authorization
busin.越权代理agency beyond one's commission
econ.这家出口商在委任独家代理权时格外谨慎The exporter is very careful in granting exclusive agency rights
busin.违反代理权保证breach of warranty of authority
interntl.trade.违反有代理权的保证breach of warranty of authority
busin.违反行使代理权保证breach of warranty of authority
securit.追索权代理recourse factoring
fin.非专有代理权non-exclusive mandate
securit.非独家代理权non-exclusive mandate
busin.默示代理权implied authority
interntl.trade.默示的代理权implied authority
econ.默认代理权implied authority
law默认代理权implied agency
tech.默许代理权implied authority