
Terms for subject Business containing 付 税 | all forms | in specified order only
付税pay duty
付息免税额interest payment allowance
付息及税前收益earnings before interest and tax
估计应付未付税estimated taxes accrued
免付印花税free on stamp
免付所得税free pay
关税免付free of customs (duty)
关税耒付duty unpaid
合理延付税款通例least and latest rule
坚持要求纳税人缴付税exact payment from a taxpayer
已付关税价price at duty paid
付税taxes payable
付税tax due
付税amount of tax to be paid
应付工资税liability for payroll tax
应付工资税责任liability for payroll tax
应付预扣职工所得税employee withholding payable
应付预提税款的人persons subject to withholding
延期偿付国税滚存金deferred national tax refundments brought forward
承租人应付税amount due from the leaser
按滑动费率支付专利权税sliding-scale royalty
未清偿的预付估计税款outstanding advance for estimated tax
消费者所付小额税款private nuisance tax
税捐及公益应付款tax and public dues
税金已付tax paid
累计预付所得税accumulated income tax prepayment
须付通行税的道路toll road
付税tax prepayment
付税prepaid tax
预付所得税income tax prepaid
预付版权税advance of royalties
预扣职工应付所得税employee withholding payable