
Terms for subject Economy containing 付账单 | all forms | in specified order only
他变卖了部分房地产,付清了他的全部账单He discharged all his reckonings by selling part of his real assets
付清账单take up a bill
以付款凭单核对证明的账户a vouching account
到期未付账单an overdue bill
对此账单,我公司所以办理现金折扣,乃系奖励如期付款The cash discount given on this bill is an incentive to pay the bill on date due
应付未付账单account rendered
应付账款结单statement from creditors
店主对我的摩托车有留置权,直到我付清他的账单为止The shop owner has a lien upon my motorcycle till I pay his bill
拒付的账单unaudited voucher
付账单accept a bill
请以支票支付附寄账单所载款项Will you please let us have your check for the amount of the enclosed bill
账单到期付款pay as you go