
Terms containing 人 件 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy
el. 邮局中专管处理姓名住址不详信件的人员blind reader
gen. 邮局中专管处理姓名住址不详信件的人员blind officer
gen.业内人士分析,这一事件将会影响古驰在内地市场的扩张Industry insiders said the event will impede Gucci's expansion in the mainland
el.业务构件条件接人service component conditional access
el.个人学习软件包individual learning package
busin.个人承包计件工资制agreed individual wage on account of piecework earning
IT个人文件personal document
multimed..NET 个人服务组件.NET my services
UN, tech.个人装备无防毒面具-10件套-仅适用于执行防暴任务的军事特遣队personnel equipment without gas mask — set of 10 — applicable to military contingents with riot control tasks only
busin.个人计件工资individual piecework wage
commer.个人计件工资individual piece rate wage
busin.个人计件工资individual piece-rate wage
el.个人计算机软件公司PC Software Inc.
el.个人计算机软件评论personal computer software review
fin.个人财务计划编制软件personal financial planning software
shipb.《中华人民共和国加人世界贸易组织法律文件》Legal Instruments on China's Accession to the WTO
expl.为了减少索赔事件的发生、炸药的使用人员保存完整的爆破作业记录是聪明的举措、监测爆破振动和冲击波、尽可能通知公众、尽量降低钻孔和交通噪声、减少粉尘并减小其他可觉察到的影响In order to reduce damage claims, the explosives user is wise to keep complete records of his operations, to monitor vibrations and airblast, to do what he can to inform the public, and to minimize drilling noise,dust,traffic noise, and other perceptible effects
el.主输人/输出控制部件master input/output control block
tech.二输人端组件two-input module
UN, polit.亚太及世界人口专题文件Asian-Pacific and Worldwide Documents on Population Topics
UN, polit.亚太经社会文献信息系统人口文件ESCAP Bibliographic Information Service Population File
el.交换机无人值守/有人值守条件exchange unattended/attended condition
avia.交流输人组件AC input module
telecom.交错插人式组件zigzag in-line package
securit.享有有条件债券的债权人holder of contingent claim
econ.享有有条件债权的债权人holder of contingent claim
econ.人 口条件demographic condition
el.人为事件man-induced events
dril.人为条件artificial condition
telecom.人事件incoming event
el.人力核准文件manpower authorization file
telecom.人口条件entry condition
econ.人口条件demographic condition
refrig.人口条件entrance condition
met.【压】人口轧件厚度incoming rolled material gage
met.人口轧件温度incoming rolled material temperature
railw.人口边界条件inlet boundary condition
plast.人口配件wall fitting
plast.人口配件inlet fitting
space人员回收任务软件personnel recovery PR mission software
proj.manag.人境文件entry documents
econ.人境证件entry documents
el.人工器件编程电路manual device board
tech.人工备件manual backup unit
IT人工文件循环manual file rotation
space人工智能软件辅助knowledge-based software assistant
avia.人工智能软件辅助knowledge based software assistant
tech.人工条件反射conditioned reflex
sport., med.人工条件反射artificial conditioned reflex
manag.人工照明条件requirement of artificial illumination
tech.人工照明条件requirements of artificial illumination
el.人机对话系统光学分析软件optical analysis software for interactive system
IT人机软件包man-machine package
proj.manag.人档备案文件file copy
China, law人民检察院直接受理的案件case directly accepted by a people's procuratorate
China, law人畜饮水条件conditions of drinking water for human beings and animals
expl.人的思维总是受经验和自然条件的限制Human thinking is always bounded by experience as well as natural conditions
bridg.constr.人行道块件sidewalk block
econ.人身生产条件human conditions of production
tech.人造石构件artificial stone work
archit.付给在困难或特殊条件下工作的建筑工人的额外报酬dirty money
econ.以受雇工人不加入工会为条件的雇用契约yellow-dog contract
telecom.低插人力接插件low insertion force connector
econ.使某人的索赔具备条件qualify one's claim
securit.供保荐人公司参考的技术文件technical documents circulated to sponsor firms
econ.保管财物待完成条件后再交给受让人的负责人员escrow officer
interntl.trade.信件代书人letter writer
el.信息插人部件message insertion unit
avia.允许进人的条件condition on admission
China, polit.全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》附件一第七条和附件二第三条的解释Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC Regarding Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
el.写人事件计数器write to event counter
el.写人接口部件write interface unit
fin.准人条件eligibility requirements
econ.出租人与承租人兹同意遵照合同所规定的条件,由出租人出租并由承租人承租本合同中所述的房屋The lessor hereby leases to the lessee and the lessee hereby hires and takes by lease from the lessor the house described herein under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement
el.分组引人事件packet entry event
telecom.分组进人事件packet entry event
UN, afr.《刚果人政治谈判 最后文件》Final Act of the inter-Congolese political negotiations
el.利用已封装绝缘体基硅集成光学元件的客户接人系统customer access systems utilizing packaged silicon-on-insulator integrated optical components
gen.劳动条件恶劣、 残酷剥削工人的工厂sweatshop
el.半智能元件传送机器人semi-intelligent robot for component handling
tech.压模嵌人件die insert
China, law原件所有人owner of original copy
commer.双方当事人把这一事件交由仲裁法庭裁决The both parties committed the matter to the arbitration tribunal
el.可插人部件pluggable unit
avia.可输人软件的飞机零件loadable software airplane part
gen.向工作人员出示行李票及其他相关信息,留存一份申报单影印件、免费电话号码及申报办公室电话号码Present your claim ticket and other pertinent information to the employee, leave with a copy of the report, a toll-free number to call and the number of the local office where you made your claim
transp.向运送人交货条件缩写为FCAfree carrier
tech.向运送人交货条件free carrier
met.咬人条件bite condition
el.器件[设备]插人损耗insertion loss of the device
el.器件输人端数number of device inputs
comp.name.国际快件承运人公会International Express Carriers Conference
commer.在双方当事人未达成协议情况下,仲裁机构不会受理争议案件Failing an agreement by the both parties, the arbitration institution will not take cognizance of the case
proj.manag.在''另存为"对话框的"文件名"框中、键人要用于生成报告的文件的名称、然后单击"保存"In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type the name of the file that you want to use for the report, and then click Save
plast.墙壁通人孔装配件〈管〉wall inlet fitting
el.增强型电荷注人器件intensified charge injection device
UN, ecol.处理人口普查和调查数据软件包工作组Working Group on Software Packages for Processing Census and Survey Data
avia.备件输人文件spares input document
econ.备有汽车零件出售的商人a stockist of auto parts
multimed.多收件人multiple recipients
el.多量子阱注人模器件multiquantum well injection-mode device
commer.如发生当事人不能控制的意外事件,应对交货时间给予合理延长In case of events beyond the control of the parties, a reasonable extension of the time of delivery should be granted
gen.如果你知道某人抑郁,这件事也同样影响你。If you know someone who is depressed, it affects you, too (小贴士:医院称为 hospital, 通常提供住院治疗;诊所称为clinic,通常只接受门诊患者,比医院规模小。hospital 和hotel 同源;而clinic和incline 同源,因为病人历史上是斜躺在床上接受治疗的。注意,在使用 hospital 这个单词时,美国和其他英语国家不一样,通常需要一个冠词,如 in the hospital; 但在英国及其他国家,一般用 in hospital。 charlatan 是达不到标准,只为了获得利润而行医的人。古罗马有个词叫 archiater, 是宫廷医生 (court physician), 比较接近中文“太医”的含义。诊断并治疗后,或者诊断后不治疗就离开的患者叫outpatient(门诊患者),而住院治疗的患者叫 inpatient。入院叫 to be admitted, 住院叫 hospitalization。)
econ.如果发生人力无法控制的任何偶发事件,卖方和买方必须彼此协商,以便使损失减少到最低程度in the event of any contingencies beyond control, the seller and the buyer shall consult with each other in order to minimize the loss
gen.如果这样,则必须提供证明其个人经济状况的文件,如银行存款证明In this case, you must produce documents, like certificate of bank deposit, so as to reflect your actual economic capability
tech.委托人授予特别权力的文件special power of attorney
el.存储区域网络文件输人/输出服务器NAS file I/O server
interntl.trade.完成工作所需人的条件job specifications
interntl.trade.完成工作所需人的条件job specification
China, law寄件人sender
comp., MS寄件人政策架構SPF An extension of the SMTP protocol that prevents spammers from forging the From: fields in e-mail messages by verifying that the IP address in the SMTP Received: header is authorized to send e-mail for the sender's domain (SPF)
el.寄存器压人硬件堆栈push register on hardware stack
proj.manag.对、现如今每个人都很忙、没人有时间再去写 "蜗牛邮件" 了Yes, everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore
el.对象链接与嵌人/分布式组件对象模型object linking and embedding/distributed component object model
telecom.对象链接与嵌人定制控件OLE custom control
proj.manag.导入与导出普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格式Import from and export to popular email programs, personal information managers, and standard file formats
econ.小件货物运人许可证invoice licence
plast.人件embedded parts
mil., air.def.嵌人式控制器软件embedded controller software
el.嵌人式文件体系结构embedded document architecture
el.嵌人式系统软件环境embedded system software environment
agric.嵌人式软件embedded software
el.嵌人式软件环境embedded software environment
AI.工业机器人组件industrial robot component
lab.law.工作施行和人体的不利条件work performance and handicapped persons
auto.工作条件恶劣的驾驶人hardest driver
el.帧中信元接人器件cells in frames access device
tech.并行输人一输岀插件板parallel input-output card
China, law开拆他人邮件open the mail of another person
gen.引人注目的事件one for the book
nautic., tech.当事人双方主体资格证明文件proofs of documents identifying subject eligibility of the parties
el.录[存]人文件功能logging file function
plast.成型后嵌件置人法post-moulding insert technique
plast.成型后嵌件置人法post-molding insert technique
sport.成绩相等的运动员均应进人下一赛次、如实际条件不允许、则应抽签决定进人下一赛次的人选The tying competitors shall be placed in the next round or, if that is not practicable, lots shall be drawn to determine who shall be placed in the next round (注释:1. 抽签英文为 draw lots,有时英文 lots 可省略; 2. 抽签决定道次、比赛顺序等,竞赛规则中英文常用被动语态如: the order of lanes, the order of competitions etc. shall be draw)
gen.我们已经回复了你们的邮件。实在抱歉,我们不能确保为您提供两间明天入住的单人间We have answered your email. Sorry, we wonf t be able to guarantee you two single rooms for tomorrow
gen.我们是罗伯特•福克斯和约翰・斯密斯。我们发给你们一封邮件,要求订两个单人房间We're Robert Fox and John Smith. We sent you an email, asking you to reserve two single rooms
proj.manag.我们相信免费软件对于开发人员、合作者和最终用户来说是一个安全的选择We believe in free software as a safe choice for developers, partners and end users alike
proj.manag.我们预料将出现一种测试套件、其内整合了常见的故障现象、包括人为、软件与硬件所导致的错误We envision a test suite that would incorporate common failures, including errors caused by humans, software and hardware
econ.所谓"以有条件转让的契约形式保存的单据",就是交给第三者保存并在钱款交付后将其转交给某人的一种单据A document held in escrow is one given to a third party to keep and to pass on to someone when money has been paid
textile托运人装载和点件shipper's load and count
busin.托运人装载和点件shippers load and count
econ.托运人装运和点件shipper's load and count
exhib.托运人证件shipper certification
interntl.trade.投交收件人亲收deliver to the addresses in person
proj.manag.投标人退还文件bidder's return of documents
securit.投资参予人规定与条件terms and conditions for investment participants
met.拉模嵌人件die insert
el.指令输人部件instruction input unit
gen.”据《东京商业杂志》所言,“日本人送礼至关重要,而不像西方仅把它当作一件不起眼的事。”According to Business Tokyo, among the Japanese "gift giving is a necessity, not merely a nicety as in the West
el.接人条件access condition
gen.提供错误信息,申请人有可能永远不符合条件进入美国Applicants who provide incorrect information may become permanent ineligible to enter the United States
ITplug-in assembly
tech.plug-in unit
plast.人件insertion piece
el.插人安装元件insertion mount component
agric.插人元件insertion element
telecom.插人力低的接插件low insertion force connector
tech.插人式器件plug-in device
plast.插人式嵌件contact insert
refrig.插人式球形测温元件insert thermo-bulb type element
el.插人式电子部件plug-in electronics
avia.插人式配件扩口male flared
tech.插人部件plug-in unit
commer.收件人比较 addresser, addressor 寄件人addressee
textile收件人付款charge collect
busin.收件人付费receiver to pay
el.收件人付运费carriage forward
cryptogr.收件人使用期限recipient usage period
telecom.收件人看不到其他收件人姓名的电子邮件blind courtesy copy (bcc)
telecom.收件人看不到其他收件人姓名的电子邮件blind carbon copy (bcc)
polygr.数人分排稿件的衔接[排版]begin even
el.数字输人话音应答部件digital input voice answer block
avia.数据输人和显示组件data entry and display assembly
tech.文件主管人superintendent of documents
securit.文件当事人parties to documents
avia.文件数据插人documentary data insert
el.文件服务器输人/输出处理器file server input/output processor
el.文件管理装人设备file management loading facility
tech.文件编写人记录owner record
IT无人值守文件传送unattended file transfer
busin.无条件受托人bare trustee
securit.无条件的受托人bare trustee
fin.无条件继承人unconditional heir
econ.无条件继承的不动产,不限制具有一定身份的人才能继承的土地fee simple
AI.智能人软件Knowledge Man
food.ind., law有条件地批准为适合人类消费conditionally approved as fit for human consumption
securit.有条件收人减少qualified income shortfalls
securit.有条件的临时投资收人qualified temporary investment income
China, law有被害人的案件case that involves a victim
China, law未成年人犯罪案件case involving criminal offense committed by a juvenile
proj.manag.未知收件人unknown recipients
el.条件接人conditional access
el.条件接人系统conditional access subsystem
el.条件接人子系统conditional access subsystem
el.条件接人控制conditional access control
el.条件接人控制系统conditional access control system
el.条件接人标识符conditional access identifier
el.条件接人模块conditional access module
el.条件接人系统识别conditional access system identification
el.条件接人表conditional access table
avia.〔客〕核心处理输人/输出组件core processing input/output module
China, law案件当事人litigant
textile案件当事人party to a case
China, law案件当事人party of a case
el.模拟输人/输出组件analog input/output package
el.欧洲条件接人工程conditional access for Europe engineering
el.正向沟道热电子注人条件front-channel hot-electron injection conditions
el.正常输人条件normal input case
el.正输人负输出元件positive input negative output element
econ.此种新产品的零售价每件不得高于58元人民币The retail price of this new product shall not be above RMB ¥58 per piece
el.每人-日件数units per employee-day
commer.每件平均价格为20元人民币The average price is CNY 20.00 per piece
exhib.比客人先到旅馆的信件hold mail
gen.没有几个人知道这件事few persons know this
China, law法人条件qualifications of a legal person
telecom.注人条件launch condition
met.液压牌坊嵌人件hydraulic housing insert
el.电子轰击型电荷注人器件electron bombardment charge injection device
telecom.电荷注人器件charge injection device
telecom.目标[对象]链接与嵌人/分布式组件目标[对象]模式软件平台object linking and embedding/ distributed component object model
telecom.目标[对象]链接与嵌人/分布式组件目标[对象]模式软件平台object linking and embedding/distributed component object OLE/DCOM model
el.目标数据输人部件target data input units
el.直接接人设备文件控制块DAD file control block
el.硬件读人模式hardware read-in mode
el.磁带文件八进制装人tape file octal load
el.磁盘文件写人disk file write
avia.磁盘文件读人disk file read
el.离子注人的电可编程元件ion-implanted electrically programmable element
textile私人信件private letter
textile私人信件personal letter
adv.私人信件private mail
busin.私人文件individual file
proj.manag.私人文件夹private folders
China, law私自开拆他人邮件stealthily open the mail of another person
multimed.秘密收件人blind-copy recipient
busin.税收抵免的纳税人条件persons eligible
el.红外电荷注人器件infrared charge injection device
telecom.线路人口插件line access card
telecom.线路接人插件line access card
avia.〔支〕组件人口压力传感器sensor pressure pack inlet
securit.结算单收件人statement recipient
el.综合数据输人软件comprehensive data entry software
el.网件可装人模块Netware loadable modules
el.网件嵌人系统技术Netware embedded systems technology
el.网件输人/输出子系统Netware input/output subsystem
el.网络接人部件network access unit
intell.美国联邦调查局对私人信件的秘密检査mail cover check
el.联机应用系统人机对话软件on-line application system interactive software
econ.联运人的起码条件minimum qualification for MTO
plast.胀人式嵌件expanding insert
el.背向沟道热电子注人条件back-channel hot-electron injection conditions
proj.manag.自动将当前日期插人文档中的软件标志date stamping
avia.自动输人与文件更新系统automated input and document update system
tech.自木构件上端钉人surface nailing
desert.自然-人为条件natural-anthropogenic condition
el.节点存储器-处理部件输人缓冲器node store to processing unit input buffer
telecom.装人文件load file
econ.计件工人rate worker
busin.计件工人men paid by the job
busin.计件工人保证piece worker's guarantee
econ.计件工人补偿the pieceworker's makeup allowance
busin.计件工人补偿津贴pieceworker's makeup allowance
busin.计件工人补偿津贴pieceworker's make up allowance
el.设计基准外部人为事件design basis external man-induced events
commer.证券持有人同意更改证券条件的证券assented securities
commer.该包裹由收件人付款二美元-由收到者付款的two US dollars to be collected on this package
textile货交承运人条件free carrier
met.轧辊咬人轧件roll bite
el.软件支持专业人员协会Software Support Professionals Association
China, law软件著作权人software copyright owner
el.软件辅助多点输人software aided multipoint input
avia.软件输人用户指南software loader users guide
el.输人出控制部件input/output control unit
el.输人出访问部件input/output access unit
el.输人出运算部件input/output arithmetic unit
el.输人硬件描述语言input hardware description language
el.输人/输出处理部件input/output processing unit
el.输人/输出硬件中断处理input/output hardware interrupt processing
el.输人部件input unit
archit.输人部件input block
avia.返回寄件人return to sender
gen.这个商人穿着一件十分有价值的汗衫The businessman wears a vest which is very valuable
el.通用人事信息管理软件general personnel management software
el.逻辑输人文件输出logic in, document out
cust.邮件人关mail entry
el.邻近效应校正个人计算机软件包a PC software package for proximity correction
el.部件[单元]校正输人unit correction entry
comp., MS郵件連絡人mail contact (A mail-enabled Active Directory contact that contains information about people or organizations that exist outside an Exchange Server organization. Each mail contact has an external e-mail address)
el.采用 LSS 理论的先进器件结构离子注人模拟程序ion implantation simulator with LSS theory intended for advanced device structures
China, law鉴别发件人distinguishing the addresser
el.键盘-磁盘输人软件key-to-disk software
el.随机接人控制部件random access control unit
auto.件销售人员parts counterperson
AI.零件检验机器人parts inspection robot
auto.零件櫃檯人員parts counterperson
auto.零件櫃檯人員parts person
gen.零件自动插人机inserting machine
avia.零部件制造人批准书part manufacturer approval
avia.零部件制造人批准书parts manufacturer approval
refrig.风机人口和岀口条件poor fan entry and discharge
auto.驾驶人和车辆证件或执照管理机构driver and vehicle licensing agency
auto.驾驶人和车辆证件管理中心Driver and Vehicle Licensing Center
auto.驾驶人手操纵控制driver hand control
el.高容差三约瑟夫逊结电流注人逻辑器件high-tolerance three-Josephson-junction current-injection logic device