
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
一线工作front-line worker
一般服务General Service staff
一般服务员与专业人员比例General Service to Professional ratio
一般服务员与专业人员比例GS/professional ratio
一般服务员及有关职类General Service and related categories
一般服务员等级表General Service scale
一般服务员职类GS category
一般服务员职类General Service
一般服务员职类General Service category
七日仓条款seven-day clause
事有关的责任personnel-related liabilities
与会员状况estate of the participant
专业professional staff
专业员及以上职类professional and higher categories
专业员职类professional category
专业员薪金表professional scale
专职full-time staff
零和two person zero-sum
零和既定竞赛strictly determined two-person zero-sum games
非固定和two-person non-constant sum
免税额personal exemptions
和家庭用品personal and household effects
学习计划individual learning plan
履历表personal history form
工作计划目标individual work plan objective
帐单personal account statement
数字助理wireless handheld computer
数字助理personal digital assistant
晋级personal promotion
最低额personal floor
服务协议缩写为PSAPersonal Services Agreement
物品personal effects
能力individual competency
过渡津贴personal transitional allowance
临时会议temporary conference staff
临时会议temporary meeting staff
临时共用服务缩写为TAPtemporary assistance pool
临时办公员协助temporary clerical assistance
临时合同COASE staff
临时合同temporary contract staff costs
临时合同员费用COASE staff
临时合同员费用temporary contract staff costs
主管overhead personnel
主管员多方评分人multirater for supervisors
主要受抚养primary dependant
二等受抚养secondary dependant
二等受抚养津贴secondary dependant's allowance
事主任head of the personnel
事借调协议personnel loan agreement
事处理申请personnel processing request
事手册personnel manual
事政策personnel policy
事政策及程序personnel policies and procedures
事管理staff management
事管理people management
事管理personnel management
事行动personnel action
事行动表PA form
事行动表personnel action form
事行动要求request for personnel action
事费用staff costs
力开支manpower expenditure
力规划manpower planning
Oracle力资源应用程序Oracle Human Resources Application
力资源改革human resources reform
力资源管理human resource management
口因素population factor
员分类法rank-in-person approach
员削减reduction in force
员匹配staff mapping
员晋升personal promotion
员流动性mobility of staff
员流动性staff mobility
员的重新安置redeployment of personnel
员的重新调整redeployment of personnel
员编制限制staffing constraint
员配备标准staffing standards
员配备结构staffing pattern
员配备行动申请staffing action request
员配备表staffing table
员配当manpower loading
境权利证明right of entry proof
境清算liquidation of entry
库单warehousing entry
才之争war for talent
才库corporate roster
才管理talent management
格"五大"模型big five personality model
类的决策环境the environment of human decisions
群筛查mass screening
不尽满意的工作表现unsatisfactory service
信息系统专业员协会和社团associations and societies for information systems professionals
候补员名册roster of candidates
候选名册corporate roster
关键key personnel
兼职part-time personnel
内部候选internal candidate
决策policy maker
准参与associate participant
削减员编制reduction in force
副署alternate signatory
半日工作part-time personnel
半职业subprofessional personnel
决策unitary decision
保险计划的参加者, 受益participant
受训员, 实习生training course participant
受训员, 实习生trainee
可接受的候选prequalified candidate
司一级联络divisional focal point
司级业务往来发起divisional transaction initiator
司级交易发起divisional transaction initiator
合格员名册eligibility roster
合格员名单roster of eligibles
合格员登记表eligibility roster
合格候选eligible candidate
合格后选名册roster of eligibles
合法受抚养eligible dependant
名义收和名义价格nominal income and price
后选名册roster of candidates
员工个绩效staff performance
员工多方评分multirater for staff members
国民待遇的准national treatment with access
国际力资源管理international human resource management (HRM)
国际才培训和开发联合会International federation of training and development organization
国际招聘工作internationally-recruited staff
域外员服务协议out-of-area personal services agreement
培训过的trained personnel
培训过的trained manpower
外国收信息返回计划foreign income information returns program
外国来源的收foreign source income
外地招聘staff members recruited from outside the local area
外派outposted personnel
外派员培训expatriate training
外派员的选择selections of expatriates
外籍士的配偶spouse of expatriate staff member
外籍士的配偶expatriate spouse
外籍工作员的配偶spouse of expatriate staff member
外籍工作员的配偶expatriate spouse
外行报告lay reporting
外部候选external candidate
多方评分参与multirater participant
定额备用金持有imprest holder
实地field staff
实地员住房补贴housing subsidy for field staff
实地项目field project personnel
实际出勤一日数actual man-days in attendance
对口counterpart staff
对口counterpart personnel
对口工作counterpart staff
对口工作counterpart personnel
对工作员按日计算的承付款一般服务人员daily paid staff commitment General Service
对应员培训counterpart training
岀价最高的投标highest bidder
工作staff members
工作员借调secondment inter-agency
工作员借调secondment of staff member
工作员更替和填补延迟调整数adjustment for staff turnover and delays
工作员每日费用率daily rate staff expenditure
工作员表现评级ratings of the performance of staff
工作组service with a mission
当地招聘locally recruited staff
当地聘用personnel locally recruited
往来业务发起transaction initiator
征聘事求人position vacant
技术才储备skills inventory
技术支持technical support staff
拥有直系瞻养职员净薪金dependency rate salary
指定受益designation of beneficiaries
指定受益prospective beneficiaries
授权签字signatory authority
排队期望expected number in the queue
access fee
access charge
提供in-kind staff
提供staff in-kind
操作键盘输key in
支持服务servicing staff
文职civil service
无受抚养的数额single rate
无赡养职工工资single rate salary
服务support staff
服务supporting staff
服务servicing staff
次级受抚养secondary dependant
次要专业subprofessional personnel
电子事处理申请Electronic Personnel Processing Request
出口基金公司Private Export Funding Corporation
车辆的搬运removal of privately-owned automobile
部门发展项目Private Sector Development Program
签约contracting party
系统中期望顾客期望排队顾客人数expected number of customers in the system queue
系统内期望expected number in the system
组织口统计学organizational demography
经纪暂保单broker's cover note
经资格预审的候选prequalified candidate
经过培训的trained personnel
经过培训的trained manpower
编外力资源non-staff human resources
网页主管web master
联合国志愿员承付额UN volunteer commitment
联络单位focal point
自愿加入集体寿保险voluntary group life insurance
行政administrative employee
评定工作员职等grading of staff
负有抚养责任的员比例dependency rate
辅助supporting staff
设备input devices
补贴settling in allowance
市场壁垒barrier to entry
外国市场entering foreign markets
部门计划管理员工具箱Departmental Programme Managers’ Toolkit
银行签字bank signatory
非专业员的报告lay reporting
非全额参与associate participant
非本地招聘staff members recruited from outside the local area
项目持有project holder
预期的最终受益和效益intended end beneficiaries and benefits
高潜质员管理management of high potential
高级才中心centre of excellence
高级管理员分类表 缩写为SES分类表SES schedule
高级管理员分类表 缩写为SES分类表Senior Executive Service schedule
高级管理员服务缩写为SESSenior Executive Service