
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
专利代理license agent
博客系统word press
救生用具personal survival kit
数字助手personal digital assistant
漂浮装置personal flotation device
移动时间individual travel time
管辖权personal jurisdiction
配备消防员的装备personal equipment fire-fighter's outfit
防护设备individual protective equipment
集合时间individual assembly time
风险individual risk
中华民共和国仲裁法Arbitration law of the People's Republic of China
中央警报管理机界面central alert management human machine interface
串联接put in series
主管competent person
二次穿着的个漂浮装置PFD with secondary donning
21个1 per 2 person
为可靠性human reliability
为失误human error
为失误恢复human error recovery
为失误概率human error probability
为失误率预测技术technique for human error rate prediction
为失误评估和减小技术human error assessment and reduction technique
体暴露情景human exposure scenario
体毒瘾physical addiction
力抛投launching by hand
力操舵装置hand-power steering gear
力液压操舵装置hand-hydraulic steering gear
力起锚绞盘hand anchor capstan
员保护目标 2personnel protection goal 2
员保护目标personnel protection objective
员保护目标 1personnel protection goal 1
员危险目标personnel hazard objective
员吊笼personnel cradle
员报警personnel alarm
员救助目标 3rescue of personnel goal 3
员救助目标 2rescue of personnel goal 2
员救助目标rescue of personnel objective
员救助目标 1rescue of personnel goal 1
员特定流速specific flow of persons
员载荷persons load
因可靠性分析human reliability analysis
因可靠性评估的社会技术方法socio-technical approach to human reliability assessment
机械通风artificial ventilation
工去污油分离机hand-cleaning centrifuge
工复原人工重调hand reset
工时效硬化处理age hardening
工海草artificial sea-grass
工漏涂artificial holiday
工生物角膜artificial biological cornea
工磁场电磁海流计electromagnetic current meter
桥楼操作OMBO =one man bridge operation
港税harbor dues
的净成本net cost of averting a fatality
造卫星发射的弹道导弹satellite-launched ballistic missile
6 1顶1 per 6 person
驾驶one man bridge operation
驾驶OMBO =one man bridge operation
仲裁代理arbitration agent
伞兵车一体式空投技术integrated air-drop technology for paratrooper and car
债权会议creditors' meeting
关键为因素critical human factors
初始员密度initial density of persons D in an escape route
升高孔盖raised manhole cover
印度尼西亚民银行Bank Rakyat Indonesia
吹气气胀式个漂浮装置orally inflated PFD
周期性无值班periodically unattended
周期无值班机器处所periodically unattended machinery space
商务business people
1974/1978 国际海上命安全公约International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 74,78, as amended from time to time published by IMO (SOLAS)
国际海事命安全公约SOLAS convention
埋置孔盖sunk manhole cover
备用个用具spare personal equipment
多式联运经营combined transport operator
多艘无水下航行器联合控制系统combined control system for UUVs
定期无机舱periodically unattended machinery space
履行承运performing carrier
岸上shore-side personnel
平置孔盖齐平人孔盖flush manhole cover
当事双方主体资格证明文件proofs of documents identifying subject eligibility of the parties
当事意思自治party autonomy
托运组织shipping' organization
承运委员会shipper's council
持续有操作的控制站continuously manned central control station
持证有资格者certificated person
指定地点的货交承运free carrier-named place
指挥prescribed person
捞获的失事船只的货物的指定管理wreck master
攻击某某事fall on board of
值班机器处所unattended machinery space
值班机械操作unattended machinery operation
机舱zero man engine room
机舱unattended engine room
水下潜器unmanned under-water vehicle
无线电radio personnel
无缆自治水下机器autonomous underwater vehicle
压力容器pressure vessel for human occupancy
机舱engine-room manned
有缆遥控水下机器remotely operated vehicle
5包5 packets per person
0.5升0.5 litres per person
毫米波体扫描仪millimeter wave body scanner
沿着脱险通道的员流速speed m/s of persons along the escape route
法律compliance officer
送达send in person
海关检验surveyor of customs
消防服装和个保护设备fire-fighting clothing and personal protective equipment
混合型个漂浮装置hybrid-type PFD
潜在员伤亡potential loss of life
潜艇艇员单脱险individual submarine escape
特殊specific person
特殊special personnel
相关为因素involved human factors
聊天室private chatroom
租船cargo ship
租船cargo freighter
租船cargo vessel
经纪佣金条款brokerage clause
背心型个漂浮装置vest-type PFD
脱险通道员密度density of persons in an escape route
自作用的个漂浮装置self-acting PFD
自动气胀式个漂浮装置automatically inflated PFD
船上ships staff
船上载员personnel on board
螺栓固定孔盖stud fixed manhole cover
规定的specific flow of persons
警告对员有紧迫危害的报警alerts given warning of immediate personnel hazard
计算的calculated flow of personss
证言testimony of witness
谈判领导negotiation leadership
负责responsible person
负责person in charge
财务finance staff
责任responsible person
责任competent person
货交承运指定地点free carrier
资格responsible person
轭架型个漂浮装置yoke-type PFD
轮机员工作间engineer workshop
宇宙飞船manned space vehicle
美国航天中心manned spacecraft center
航天发射技术manned space launching technologies
运输港站经营operator of a transport terminal
连续有值班的集中控制室continuously manned central control station
连续有控制站continuously manned control station
适任competent person
遥控自治水下机器autonomous and remotely operated vehicle
铰链式孔盖hinged manhole cover
长期的无区域periodically unattended machinery space
防止员危害目标 2personnel hazard goal 2
防止员危险目标 1personnel hazard goal 1
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