
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
上层管理top managers
不公开委托undisclosed principal
不参与管理的合伙silent partner
不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险提出诉讼The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy
不诚实的经纪dishonest broker
与他共同承包contract in collaboration with others
与债权商量arrange with creditors
与新客户建立私联系come into personal contact with the new customer
与某合伙enter into partnership with (sb)
与某商谈按产量奖励付酬arrange with sb. about incentive pay
与某就某事进行谈判be in treaty with sb. for (sth)
与某成交conclude a transaction with somebody
与某洽谈生意negotiate the business with (sb)
与某结清账目square accounts with (sb)
与某结清账目balance accounts with (sb)
与某订立合同make enter into a contract with (sb)
与某订约enter into an engagement with (sb)
与某讨价还价chaffer with (sb)
与某达成协议conclude an agreement with somebody
与某达成合同close a contract with (sb)
与某达成独家代理协议come to an arrangement with sb. on sole agency
与银行商定向出口提供资金arrange with a bank to provide finance for the exporter
专业技术specialized technical personnel
专利受让transferee of patent
世界著名的阿玛尼品牌已无须介绍,但鲜为知的是它现在成了首屈一指的家具设计品牌There is no need to introduce the world renowned Armani label, but what may be less known is that it is now a leading furniture designer
业主sole proprietor
保险人身意外伤害personal accident
企业private business
借债personal debt
债务personal liability
收入总额individual gross income
日工资率individual per diem rate
独资企业individual proprietorship
独资企业single proprietorship
独资企业sole proprietorship
签发或背书的流通票据straight paper
经营企业one-man business
计件工资individual piece rate wage
贷款公司personal finance company
贷款公司consumer finance company
需求individual needs
需要personal requirement
中华民共和国专利法Law on Patents of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (1979)
中华民共和国企业破产法Law of the People's Republic of China on the Bankruptcy of Enterprises (trial implemention, 试行)
中华民共和国全民所有制工业企业法Law of the People's Republic of China on the Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People
中华民共和国卫生检疫条例Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Health Quarantine
中华民共和国国籍法Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国审计署China Auditing Office
中华民共和国经济合同仲裁条例Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Arbitration of Economic Contracts (1983)
中华民共和国经济合同法Law of Economic Contracts of the People's Republic of China (1982)
中标已予正式公布The winner in the tender was officially advertised
临时商transient trader's tax
临时股票持有scrip holder
为…作保证人stand guarantee for
为公司雇佣保险代理employ an insurance agent for the company
为我们委托而作on account of our principals
主管员与职工之间的关系management-labour relations
主要负责chief executive officer
争议中的公断umpire in a dispute
汇票交付承兑refer to acceptor
交易中间business intermediaries
交易会出席数很多There is a large attendance at the fair
交易会有关工作personnel associated with the work of the fair
交易所投机失败后无力偿债之lame duck
交由承运保管be placed in the custody of the carrier
交由某自行决定leave to one's discretion
交由某酌办leave to one's discretion
交由货物承运保管delivery into the custody of the carrier
产业交易中买卖双方私之间的协定private treaty
产业工blue-collar workers
为风险human risk
事费用staff cost
功率单位,等于 1/10马力manpower
力需求manpower demands
员与培训personnel and training
员受伤责任负担overhead burden of liability for injury
员清单manpower inventory
员管理manpower control
员规划manpower planning
员费用manpower costs
员费用cost of manpower
员需要personnel requirement
员需要配置manpower requirement layout
均产量per capita production level
均数量quantity per capita
才资本manpower capital
中国民保险公司People's Insurance Company
民币国际标准化组织与联合国欧洲经济委 员会协作制定的货币代码中, RMB 的符号China Yuan
的需求human needs
企业法单位impersonal entity
企业界重要big wheel in business
作业员安排job placement
作出保证的委托guaranty principal
使误解的错误说明misleading misdescription
侵犯某权利infringe upon sb's rights
借款申请borrower's application
债务无力偿还insolvency of debtors
债权常指国家债券,公司债券或期票的持有人 (holder of government bond, corporate bond or promissory note),与债务人 (obligor) 相对obligee
债权分户账claimant's ledger
债权构成composition of creditors
债权账款credited payments
债权账款accounts payable
债权账款creditor accounts
偿付债务时债务必须接受的货币legal tender
偿还任一方债权repayable to either
储备货币债权reserve currency creditor (与储备货币债务人(reserve currency debtor) 相对)
储货代理agent carrying stock
免除某义务dispense a person from his obligations
免除某税款exempt sb. from taxes
入某账户account of
全体员技术水平personnel skill levels
全权全球代理universal agent
公休工日数man-days of legal holiday
公共公证public surveyor
公共运输common carrier
公正notary public
公用事业法public interest corporation
公认鉴定licensed surveyor
公证recognized surveyor
公证出具的拒绝证书notarial protest certificate
公证报告surveyor's report
公证磅码单sworn measurer weight certificate
公证度量sworn measurer and weighter
商检公证鉴定authentic surveyor
船舶共同所有part owner
共同海损通常由海损理算处理General average is usually handled by adjusters
关务代理agent en douane
内部对公司股票的操纵manipulation of a company's securities by insiders
冗余员解雇费redundance payment
分行或分店负责branch chief
创办股票promoters' share
创办股票founders' stock
创造利润founder's profit
判决确定的债权judgement creditor (与判决确定的债务人(judgement debtor) 相对)
利益受益所有beneficial owner of the interest
制造商代理manufacturer's agent
前债权former creditor
剩余私财产residuary personal estate
劳合社代理Lloyd's agent
劳埃德保险Lloyd's underwriters
劳埃德船级协会代理Lloyd's Agent
劳氏鉴定Lloyd's surveyor
劳资关系现场检查field examiner
包销exclusive dealer
区别造产品与天然产品distinguish the artificial from the natural
单纯寿保险单straight life policy
卖方在"巨号"轮上订妥150公吨余数的舱位The seller has made reservation on S.S. Giant for the balance 150 M/T
卖方将把货物交承运或其代理人保管The seller will commit the goods to the custody of the carrier or his agent
卸货代理landing agent
各种员的费用cost of each category of personnel
合伙偿付能力partner's personnel solvency
合伙共有co-partner possession
合伙协调coordination of co-partners
合伙资本表statement of partner's capitals
合同的投标bidder for a contract
合法持有bona fide holder
合约规定任何争议应提交伦敦商会指定的进行仲裁The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a person appointed by the London Chamber of Commerce
后程承运on carrier
后继承运successive carrier
向一个或一个以上特定的提出订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受承诺时承受约束的意旨,即构成发盘A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound in case of acceptance
向付款再提示汇票represent a draft to the drawee
向保险索赔100,000 美元claim US $100,000 from the underwriter
向承运索赔损坏赔偿费claim damages against the carrier
向某买进1,000公吨book with sb. 1,000 M/r
向某征收20,000 英镑破损费charge sb. £ stg. 20,000 for breakages
向某征税4,000美兀assess a tax of US $4,000 upon (sb)
向某担保货物的质量give sb. a warranty of quality for the goods
向某提供必要的信息provide sb. with necessary information
向某提出控告file a suit against (sb)
向某提出索赔file a claim against (sb.)
向某榨取钱财squeeze money out of (sb)
向某献殷勤make advances to a person
向某订货indent upon sb. for goods
向董事会推荐某commend somebody to the directory
听某支配at one's disposal
售予某1,000公吨book sb's order for 1,000 M/T
售证保证guarantees by the licenser
a business man
套汇trader arbitrage
英国银行merchant banker
英国银行merchant bank
商业代理commercial agent
商业代理a man of business
商业债务trade debtor (与商业债权人 (trade creditor) 相对)
商业发票抬头栏内应填入买方名称The buyer's name should be given in the box of accountee
商业合伙business associates
商业承运merchant carrier
商业萧条时,许多失业When business is depressed, many people lose their jobs
在代理促销下这些货物畅销于市场These goods met with a good sale on the strength of the agent's promotion
在双方当事未达成协议情况下,仲裁机构不会受理争议案件Failing an agreement by the both parties, the arbitration institution will not take cognizance of the case
在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
在平等基础上与某谈判treat with sb. on equal terms
在适当情况下,代理对委托人的货物或款项有抵消或留置的权利The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money
场上交易商品交易所中有经纪人(floor broker),投机者(speculator)floor trader (包括:当日交易人 (day trader)、期货买卖人(position trader)、小利买卖人 (scalper))
场外交易outside dealer
场外经纪street broker
场外证券交易经纪curb broker
外勤收款outside collector
外国临时居留证Temporary Residence Permits for Foreigners
外国勤务津贴foreigner's duty pay
外国股票转移foreigner's shares transfer
外国投资可调回他们的投资及其资本收益The foreign investors are allowed to repatriate their own invested capital and any capital gain
多式联运经营multimodel transport operator
多式联运营运multimodel transport operator
多种类保险业务承保multiple-line underwriters
美国大百货公司巡视floor walker
套利arbitrage dealer
如与现法发生冲突时,除双方当事有约定外,优先适用惯例In the event of conflict with the present law, the usages shall prevail unless agreed by both parties
如发生当事不能控制的意外事件,应对交货时间给予合理延长In case of events beyond the control of the parties, a reasonable extension of the time of delivery should be granted
如按实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于最低数额,技术引进必须补足差额When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference
如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单已交付买方或其代理,卖方仍有权停止交货If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent
守约承包observant contractor
客观需要时的代理agent of necessity
公司Teijin Ltd. (1918)
常驻permanent personnel
应付抬头或其指定人payable to order
技术贸易应对有关员提供的便利facilities to be accorded with the relevant personnel
应有某负担的费用expenses chargeable on (sb.)
应纳税taxable person
开立以卖方为受益的信用证issue an L/C in favour of the seller
开证申请the applicant for the credit
开证申请accredited buyers
开证申请the accountee for the credit
当一方当事坚持认为合同落空时An arbitration clause is usually not invalidated when a party maintains that the contract is frustrated
当推定全损不可避免时,被保险一般把受损货物的货权委付给保险公司When constructive total loss is unavoidable, the insured usually abandons the title to the damaged goods to the insurance company
当货运单据转让给最终买主,他就取得提单收货的资格When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading
总体上说来货物是令满意的The goods are satisfactory as a whole
总的说来,质量令满意In the main, the quality is satisfactory
总采购代理general procurement agent
总金额为2,000民币The amount is CNY 2,000 in the aggregate
意外身事故准备reserve for accidents
成套项目承包project contractor
成药专利权proprietor of a patent medicine
我们已指定该地区的独家代理We've already appointed the sole agent in this territory
所有亦缩为 propr.proprietary
托运远期信用shipper's usance
托运重量与尺码shipper's weight and measurement
扣押某货物以抵偿租金distrain upon a person's goods for rent
承包保养服务contractor maintenance service
承包提供的设备contractor furnished equipment
承包代理contracting agency (处)
承认某签字而照付honour sb's signature
承运货物缺损证明书carrier's statement
承销选择权underwriter's option
技术引进期望expectations by the technology recipient
工程技术管理supervisory engineering staff
技术许可转让technology licensor (与技术许可接受人(technology licensee) 相对)
技术转让transferor of technology
技术转让technology assignor
技术鉴定technical assessor
民币换算为外币translate RMB yuan into a foreign currency
把大笔资金投一项工程pour a large sum of money into a project
把所有权转给现持有的契约holding deed
把票据权利背书转让给别endorse over a bill to another person
把结果用电报告知某wire sb. the result
把财产交由某保管entrust sb. with the property
把财产判给合法所有The property was adjudged to the rightful owner
把财产让与别convey an estate to another person
把货物交承运保管commend the goods to the care of a carrier
把货物交由承运或其代理人保管leave the goods in the care of the carrier or his agent
投资money man
护理病attend upon a sick person
报关代理custom-house broker
报关经纪custom house broker
抵押保险利益mortgager's insurable interest (与受押人保险利益 (mortgagee's insurable interest) 相对)
抵押债权mortgage creditor (与抵押债务人(mortgage debtor) 相对)
持票提单bearer B/L
持票票据bearer bill
指定理算appointed adjuster
口平均计算的国内生产总值per capita GDP (gross domestic product)
按全部材料和力投入量的百分比计量的附加费用percentage surcharge on total material and manpower inputs
捞获失事船只货物的指定管理wreck master
损失由运输承担carrier's risk
授与预立的信托资产grantor trust
授予信托资产grantor of trust
授予合格证书的检验certificated inspector
授予某证明书confer a certificate on (sb.)
授予某证明书award a certificate to (sb)
授信accrediting party (与受信人(accredited party) 相对)
授权给代理delegate authority to an agent
探听同业商店行情的comparison shopper
接到代理的电传后我们立即与他联系We got in touch with the agent immediately after we received his telex
控告某要求赔偿损失费用sue sb. for damages
推销sale force
支票岀票check drawer
收件比较 addresser, addressor 寄件人addressee
收样recipient of samples
收账debt collector
收货或其指定的人consignee or order
收货由托运人指定to order of shipper
收领receiving officer
新加坡民币元Renminbi Yuan
显名委托named principal (与隐名委托人 (un named principal) 相对)
有些中国已经将宜家作为他们自己家庭的延伸Some Chinese have always treated IKEA as an extension of their own homes
有关当事the party concerned
有几箱被动过Several boxes were tampered with and a part of the contents was missing
有损于某利益be prejudical to sb's interest
有确定继承权的heir apparent
有资格当公共鉴定be qualified as a public surveyor
有钱moneyed man
期货买卖position trader (场上交易人 (floortrader), 有三类:代客买卖的经纪人 (floor broker),投机人 (speculator) (包括:当日交易人 (day trader),期货买卖人(position trader), 逐小利者 scalper))
期货交易中经纪给履约的客户的清单difference account (盈亏通知书)
杂项名账户sundry person's account
杂项债权sundry creditor (与杂项债务人(sundry debtor) 相对)
材料与工费用material and labour cost
或空白抬头的汇票是可以转让的票据Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments
票据bearer paper
票据bearer instrument
来自代理的报道消息advices from agents
标准工小时standard labour hour
欠某一大笔款项be indebted to sb. for a large sum
欺诈的商a deceitful trader
此批到货时的情况令很满意The outturn of shipment is quite satisfactory
此货将按费用向收货收取而交货The goods will be delivered charges collect
汇票原始当事original parties to a bill of exchange (指受票人 (drawee), 岀票人(drawer),受款人 (payee))
汇票当事parties to a draft (包括:受票人 (drawee), 出票人 (drawer)、受款人 (payee))
汇票收款beneficiary of remittance
海上运输保险marine insurer
海关监督superintendent of customs
海关税务customs clerk
海关经理agent en douane
美国海外私投资公司Overseas Private Investment Corporation
海运代理ocean shipping agent
海运经纪shipping broker
消息灵通informed sources
清算或接管人债务证书receiver's certificate
港口代理port agent
港口代理agent at the port
港口运输代理port agent
火险承保fire underwriter
灰领工gray-collar worker (指管理自动化仪表的工人及服务性行业工人)
物价上涨对固定收入的们影响最大The price increases bore most severely upon the people with fixed incomes
物价水平将直接影响们的生活Price level will directly affect the living of the people
理算的指定appoint ment of adjuster
保险理赔代理settling agent
生产工费用cost of production labour
生产工productive labour (指直接工人 (direct labour))
生产工production labour (指直接工人 (direct labour))
用房子向某抵押借款100,000美元mortgage a house to sb. for US $100,000
由于别的竞争售价低于你方We cannot make any headway with your offer because other competitors are underselling you
由于被保险故意的违法行为所导致的损失不予赔偿Loss or damage attributable to the wilful misconduct of the insured is not recoverable
由承运代理进行安排arranged by AC
由接电话付电话费reverse the charge
由收报付费的电报collect telegram
由某支配的款项money at sb's command
由某相机处理act on one's own discretion
由租船付入港费charter pays dues
由经纪全权处理的账户discretionary account
由经纪全权处理的账户discretional account
由验收签证be certified by the acceptor
码头装卸工亦缩为 steve.stevedore
研究research workers
美国破产所有的股票拍卖creditor sale
社会social man (与经济人 (economic man) 相对)
社会及口统计一体化体制framework for integration of social and demographic statistics
票据背书endorser of a bill
票据背书backer of a bill
禁止某进口这些货物inhibit sb. from importing the goods
税务tax collector
税收查定tax assessor
第三债务garnishee (根据法院扣押令扣押债务人财产者)
第二债务关系party secondarily liable
答谢某好意reciprocate sb's good wishes
管理managerial people
管理overhead manpower
厂方管理management personnel
管理managerial talent
粉领工pink-collar worker (多指女性教员,文书,售货员等职业者)
索赔claimer (与被索赔人 (claimee) 相对)
索赔claimant (与被索赔人 (claimee) 相对)
索赔代理claim agent
索赔理算claim adjuster
英国纳税rate payer
纳税接到他退税请求未获准许的通知The taxpayer was notified of the disallowance of his claim for refund
缺勤工日数man-days in absence
聘请技术专家与专业engagement of technical and professional experts
股东number of participants
股份参与equity participant
股权所有stock owner
股票经纪有股票所有权stock jobber
股票经纪代理作用stock broker
股票转让代理transfer agent
―般债权general creditor
船务代理shipping agent
营业代理business agent
融通accommodation party
行政管理administrative workers
被保险有权提出索赔The assured has the right to file a claim
被发盘声明或做出其他行为表示同意一项发价即为承诺接受。缄默或不行动本身不等于接受A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not itself amount to acceptance (承诺)
被指定的代理authorized agent
被授权签字authorized signature
被授权检验authorized surveyor
被授权签字authorized signatory
被推荐为…候选人be proposed as a candidate for
要求有关当事合作A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence
要求某信守承诺call upon sb. to keep his promise
要求某按约行事hold sb. to the contract
要求某提供信息tap sb. for information
计划,组织,事,指挥,协调,报告,预算七项管理职能planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting
承包put out to contract
让某出入海关免受检查frank sb. through customs
训练合适的本国副手train suitable domestic counterpart personnel
议价代理bargaining agent
许多要某人付款have many calls on sb's money
调查管理survey supervisor
财产受托bailee of property
财政赞助a financial backer
货交承运价格free carrier... named point
货物承保cargo underwriters
货物损害短量索赔a claimant to goods damage and shortage
货运承揽提单forwarder's bill of lading
货运承揽收据forwarder's cargo receipt
货运承揽证明书forwarding agent's certificate of transport
货运承揽证明书forwarder's certificate of transport
贷款给某make advance to a person
费用由发货支付The expenses are for the consigner's account
费用由收货承担The chargers are borne by the consignee
赔偿代理claim setting agent
赔偿某的损失indemnify sb. for his losses
起诉某犯投机倒把罪prosecute sb. for speculation
商检适合类食用消费fit for human consumption
通知承兑支付货款inform the acceptor of making payment
通知某装船事宜notify sb. of shipment
通融资金背书endorsor for accommodation
通过中间交易transact business by through the agency of a broker
通过私渠道获取信息obtain information through private channels
通过经纪事务所而不通过证券交易所证券买卖over the counter
通过经纪事务所而不通过证券交易所买卖over the counter
销售代理sale's agent
销售代理sales agent (与采购代理人 (purchase agent)相对)
阿克索造纤维公司Akzo N.V. (1969)
附去民币1,000元的支票一张enclose a cheque for CNY 1,000
绝境fall into hopeless straits
impersonal forces (指自然力等)
非生产non-production labour (指间接人员 (indirect labour))
非生产性non-production labour
非生产性non-productive labour
项目主办project sponsor
项目发起与倡议人project promotor and initiator
项目所有owner of project
预备付款drawee in case of need
首席监督chief supervisor
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