
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
不动产代理real estate agent
不动产有限公司合伙real estate limited partnership
不动产经纪real estate broker
不动产经纪real estate agent
专门防护设备personal protective equipment
土地所有权personal ownership on land
所得税personal income tax
中华民共和国住房与城乡建设部Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P. R. China
中华民共和国农村土地承包法Law of the People's Republic of China on Land Contract in Rural Areas
中华民共和国国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources of the P. R. China
中华民共和国土地增值税暂行条例Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Land Appreciation Tax
中华民共和国土地管理法Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国土地管理法实施条例Regulations on the Implementations of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国城乡规划法Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国城市房地产管理法Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate
中华民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning the Assignment and Transfer of the Right to the Use of the State-owned Land in the Urban Areas
中华民共和国水土保持法Law of the People's Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation
中华民共和国水法Water Law of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国测绘法Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国海洋环境保护法Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国物权法Real Right Law of the People's Republic of China
中华民共和国环境保护法Environmental Protection Law of the Peopled Republic of China
中华民共和国矿产资源法Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China
亚洲私投资公司Private Investment Company for Asia
与环境委员会Commission on Man and Environment
与环境系统评价实验室日本Evaluation Laboratory of Man-Environment Systems Japan
与生物圈man and the biosphere
与生物圈规划man and biosphere program
工业噪声man-made noise
工业干扰man-made noise
为侵蚀erosion by human activities
为因素工程human factors engineering
为大地脉动Artificial Earth Pulse
为影响范围human dimension
为排放anthropogenic discharge
为污染artificial pollution
为污染anthropogenic contamination
为污染土壤artificially contaminated soil
为污染物artificial pollutant
为污染物man-made contaminant
为污染物artificial contaminant
为污染物来源source of manmade pollutant
为肥力anthropogenic fertility
为表层anthropic epipedon
口与环境委员会Council on Population and Environment
人口增长对环境造成的口压力population pressure
口压力指数index of population pressure
口定时炸弹population time bomb
口容量population carrying capacity
口密度population density
土地口承载力population supporting capacity (of land)
口承载力比population ratio
土地的口承载潜力 potential population supporting capacity (of land <->)
土地的口承载潜力评定potential population supporting capacity assessmentof land <->
口推算population projection
口普查population censuses
口环境容量environmental capacity of population
口统计学human demography
口调查区census subdivisions
口、资源、环境和经济系统environment and economy system
口、资源、环境和经济系统population and resources
地关系man-land relationship
地关系 human-earth relationship
孔地面漫灌manhole surface flooding
字形迷宫式密封chevron seal
居生态环境habitat ecological condition
居生态环境ecological environment of human settlement
工养殖用地 man-made fishery land
工变流artificially varied flow
工合成月样synthetic lunar sample
工增益调整manual gain control
工天气生成器模式weather generator model
工影响天气专门委员会Special Commission on Weather Modification
工影响天气协会Weather Modification Association
工影响天气咨询委员会Weather Modification Advisory Board
工影响天气有限公司Weather Modification Inc
工影响天气计划weather modification program
工操作数字化雷达manually digitized radar
工效能函数分配方法human effectiveness function allocation methodology
工数据管理系统manual data management system
工数据采集终端manual data acquisition terminal
工校验程序manual calibration program
工气象转报中心Manual Weather Relay Center
工环境man-made environment
工目视系统human visual system
工神经系统artificial neural system
工管井hand tube well
工草地sown pasture
工草地artificial pasture
文地图human map
机交互处理interactive processing
-机交互处理系统man-machine interactive processing system
机交互行星图像处理系统interactive planetary image processing system
机对话储层识别系统interactive reservoir identification-system
机联作装置man-machine interface
机联作地热绘图和评价系统system for interactive geothermal mapping and assessment
机联作数据存取系统man-computer interactive data access system
机联作数据采集系统man-computer interactive data acquisition system
机通信系统man machine communication system
类和生物圈计划man and biosphere programme
类和资源研究所加拿大Institute of Man and Resources Canada
类影响气候研究study of man's impact on climate
类水下作业委员会Committee on Man's Underwater Activities
类-环境关系研究协会Association for the Study of Man-Environment Relations
类环境学家委员会Human Environment Scientists Committee
类环境-展示推断和运用man's environments display implications and applications
类环境计划human environment programme
类生态型anthropogenic ecotype
类生态学学会Society for Human Ecology
类资源研究局human resources research office
类资源研究所Human Resources Research Laboratory
access manway
造卫星试验中心Satellite Test Center
造地球卫星satellite artificial terrestre
造地球卫星观测计划Artificial Earth satellite observation program
造资本human-made capital
造金刚石manmade diamonds
从气球上发射的造卫星satellite launched from a balloon
伯利恒工影响天气试验约旦Bethlehem Weather Modification Experiment Jordan
债权和债务人creditor and debtor
全球为作用下的土壤退化评价global assessment of human induced soil degradation
分析姓名name of analyst
加仑/gallons per capita per day
加仑/•日gallons per capita per day
劳动事管理信息系统labour and personnel management information system
北极研究用无潜水器unmanned arctic research submersible
升/日litres per person per day
生产率output per manshift
南达科他州工影响天气研究计划South Dakota Weather Modification Program
印度尼西亚工造林与土地恢复管理总局Directorate General of Reforestation and Land Rehabilitation (Indonesia)
印第安居留地Indian reserve
印第安居留地Indian territory
印第安居留地Indian reservation
压气pressure port
受益权beneficial owner
类研究所Anthropological Institute
合格出借qualified lender
冲程suction stroke
压力back pressure
国家类环境协调委员会National Coordinating Committee on Human Environment
国际类学联合会International Union of Anthropological Sciences
国际类生物学标准化委员会International Committee for Standardization in Human Biology
国际造卫星测地学实验international satellite geodesy experiment
国际促进和保护国外私投资协会International Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investment
国际生物学规划-类适应性International Biological Programme-Human Adaptability
国际生物学规划-类适应性International Biological Program-Human Adaptability
国际采矿、选矿及冶炼工联合会International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
土地权利subject of land tenure
土地登记申请land registration petitioner
地产所有landed proprietor
地球和类研究所Institute for the Study of Earth and Man
地球引力对体影响病理学研究所Institute for Gravitational Strain Pathology
均匀脉冲激光受激工辐射pulsed uniform laser stimulated artificial radiation
城市口机械增长率mechanical growth rate of urban population
城市口自然增长率natural growth rate of urban population
大型工神经网络large artificial nerve network
实益拥有beneficial owner
小型轨道无地球卫星minimum orbital unmanned earth satellite
工程地质engineering geologist
巴基斯坦科学家和科学界士协会Pakistan Association for Scientific and Scientific Profession
带缆单常压潜水系统tethered one man atmospheric system
当量equivalent population
影响和生物圈的变量分析系统system analysis of variables of the impact man and biosphere
房地产经纪house agent
房屋所有协会homeowner's association
承包操作领域contractor maintenance area
抵押担保mortgage guarantee
支付代理paying agent
海底探测用仪表平台unmanned instrument platform
地球物理观测台unmanned geophysical observatory
地震观测站unmanned seismological observatory
最佳口和环境会议Congress on Optimum Population and Environment
最小型无轨道地球卫星50 公斤以下Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite of the Earth
操作的卫星manned satellite
操作的环境系统评价manned environmental systems assessment
操纵水下探测站manned underwater station
朝鲜民主主义民共和国亚洲Democratic People's Republic of Korea
机构投资institutional investor
机构经纪institutional broker
机构经纪估价系统institutional broker's estimate system
法线normal incidence
每日升数litres per person per day
每班劳动生产率output per manshift
水下万能机器universal underwater robot
与排放阀fill and drain valve
浮式住floating settlement
海军实验性载观测卫星naval experimental manned observatory
海外私投资公司overseas private investment corporation
深海载测站deep ocean maimed instrumented station
犹太农业学会Jewish Agricultural Society
独立经纪independent broker
环境与类研究中心Center for the Environment and Man, Inc.
登记持有holder of record
相互作用式-模型法interactive man-model method
矿业工联合会南非mine workers union
担保的常规按揭贷款privately insured conventional loan
资金来源private flow
立权option writer
经审査可接触保密材料的individual cleared for access to classified material
美国类学协会American Anthropological Association
美国类资源部Department of Human Resources (US)
美国北部州际工影响天气委员会North American Interstate Weather Modification Council
美国规划员学会American Institute of Planners
联合国类环境会议conference on the human environment (UN)
联邦-州-私合作测雪系统Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Survey System
自动个记录系统automatic personal registration system
自动工资、成本、事系统automated payroll, cost, and personnel system
自然文环境natural human environment
英联邦类生态学理事会Commonwealth Human Ecology Council
货交承运指定地点价格free carrier
贫困-口增长-环境退化poverty, population, and environment
及不载人月球探测器manned-unmanned lunar explorer
地球探测Manned Earth reconnaissance
地球物理考察移动式潜水器geophysical exploration manned mobile submersible
地球轨道飞行Manned Earth Orbit
地球轨道实验室Manned Earth-Orbiting Laboratory
外海试验站maimed open sea experimentation station
宇宙飞船manned space craft
宇宙飞行manned space flight
月球着陆和返回manned lunar landing and return
月球考察manned lunar exploration
月球考察规划manned lunar exploration program
潜艇manned submarine
登月并重返地球manned lunar landing and return
登月舱发射manned lunar launching
登月规划manned lunar landing program
轨道实验室人造卫星Manned Orbiting Laboratory
轨道海洋测量系统实验manned orbital oceanographic survey system experiment
轨道站manned orbiting stations
馈,淡feed in
部际工影响天气委员会所属Interdepartmental Committee on Weather Modification