
Terms for subject Economy containing 人格 | all forms | in specified order only
不具有法人资格的企业an unincorporated enterprise
不具有法人资格的企业unincorporated enterprise
人为的价格artifical price
人格"五维度模型"big five personality model
人门〔起码〕价格threshold price
令人满意的价格a satisfactory price
以享有与发起人同样优先权的资格入股get in on the ground floor
以代理人资格签署sign " per pro"
使某人有资格qualify sb. for (a reward, post, 获奖、获得职位)
合格人员登记表an eligibility roster
合格公证人qualified notary
合格技术人员qualified technicians
合格的借款人suitable borrowers
合格的检验人competent surveyor
国家人格national personality
完全的法人资格full juridical personality
有法人资格的协会the association having status of legal person
有法人资格的协会association having status of legal person
根据性格挑选人才法a trait approach
法人的资格legal personality
法人资格the legal personality
生产第一线的管理人员要对制造合格产品负责The first-line supervisor is responsible for the manufacture of a quality product
诱人价格charm price
资本的人格personification of capital
车间主任应在新雇用的年轻工人中实施严格的纪律,维持良好的秩序The workshop director should enforce strict discipline and good order among the newly employed youngsters