
Terms for subject Economy containing 人息 | all forms
利息收人倍数interest coverage
利息收人款interest receipts
向国家银行贷款的人支付定量利息Borrowers from the national bank pay definite interest
我们再也没听到有关这笔订货的装运的任何消息,实在令人吃惊It's surprising that we have not heard anything further from you concerning the shipment of this order
我们在对手的销售部有熟人给我们提供有用的信息We have a contact inside our rival's sales department who gives us very useful information
由于你方不遵守合同,我方对仓储费和利息损失提出索赔,共计人民币2000元Because you don't conform to the contract, we claim compensation for the losses suffered in paying storage and interest, which amount to RMB ¥2000
给股息获得人的减免税优待dividend credit
股息领取人a recipient of dividend
美国海关的自动经济人信息交汇系统Automated Broker Interface
这家当铺为个人提供低息贷款This pawnshop lends money to individuals at a low rate of interest