
Terms for subject United Nations containing 人员 | all forms | in specified order only
一般临时助理人员general temporary assistance
一般事务人员特等general Service Principal level
一般事务人员General Service
与非工作人员费用有关的通货膨胀inflation in non-staff costs
专业人员员额professional posts
亚太经社会区域人力资源开发高级官员会议Meeting of Senior Officials on Human Resources Development in the ESCAP Region
亚洲及太平洋人口与发展组织间小组委员会Inter-organizational Subcommittee on Population and Development in Asia and the Pacific
人事调查员办公室Ombudsman Unit
人口和社会发展委员会Committee on Population and Social Development
人口问题委员会Committee on Population
伤亡人员撤离/医疗后送的能力casevac/medevac capabilities
保养人员maintenance personnel
公职人员国际行为守则International Code of Conduct for Public Officials
公职人员腐败corruption of public officials
关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员 地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction
《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约》渥太华公约Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction Ottawa Convention of 18 September 1997
刚果战斗人员解除 武装、复员和重返社会disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of Congolese combatants
初级专业人员junior Professional levels
前战斗人员重返社会和社区支助项目project for the reintegration of former combatants and support to communities
医院工作人员洗手设施和系统hand washing facilities and systems for hospital staff
南太平洋人类生态与环境行动委员会South Pacific Action Committee for Human Ecology and Environment
参谋人员staff officers
受害人康复问题国家委员会National Commission for the Rehabilitation of Sinistrés
向所有人员提供必要的核生化防护服和防护装备例如保护面罩、工作服、手套、个人净化包、注射器NBC protection clothing and equipment e.g., protective mask, coveralls, gloves, personal decontamination kits, injectors
向特遣队提供综合人员、运输、维持供应、医疗和财务支助integral personnel, transport, supply maintenance, medical and financial support to the contingent
国际预防犯罪从业人员学会International Society for Crime Prevention
在受核生化威胁的环境下对所有人员和人员装备进行净化行动decontamination operations for all personnel and personal equipment in a NBC threat environment
在受核生化威胁的环境下对所有人员和人员装备进行初步的净化行动initial decontamination operations for all personnel and personal equipment in a NBC threat environment
塔吉克人纳扎尔委员会派Tajik Shura-e-Nazar faction
外勤人员Field Service
失踪人员委员会Committee on Missing Persons
安保人员Security Service
安全理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第12671999号决议所设委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 1999 concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities
客户和基层计划生育工作人员相互影响问题专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on the Interaction between Clients and Grassroots Family-Planning Workers
就委员会综合名单上的人拟定特别的刑警组织国际通知special Interpol international notice for persons on the Committee’s consolidated list
履带式装甲人员输送车-工兵APC engineer — tracked
工业、技术、人类住区和环境委员会Committee on Industry, Technology, Human Settlements and the Environment
工业、技术和人类住区委员会Committee on Industry, Technology and Human Settlements
工作人员发展和培训方案staff development and training programmes
工作人员薪金税staff assessment
工作人员规划活动Work Force Planning Exercise
工作人员费用依法增加幅度statutory cost increases for staff
当地雇用人员local level
执法人员law enforcement officer
拟议工作人员配置proposed staffing
撤出人员部队extraction forces
敌对行动是指交战一方或多方的行动引起的、对部队/警察部队派遣国的人员和/或装备造成直接和重大负面影响的事故hostile action means an incident from the actions of one or more belligerents, which has a direct and significant negative impact on the personnel and/or equipment of a troop/police contributor
方案管理人员的自我评估self-evaluation by the programme managers
有效执行执法人员行为守则的指导方针Guidelines for the Effective Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials
杀伤人员地雷anti-personnel mine
根据国家安排应向其人员支付的任何薪酬、津贴和福利emoluments, allowances and benefits due to its personnel under national arrangements
《欧洲委员会关于在生物学和医学应用中保护人权和人类尊严公约》Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine
消耗品包括战斗用品、一般和技术性储备、防御储备、弹药/爆炸物和其他支持主要装备和次要装备及人员的基本商品consumables include combat supplies, general and technical stores, defence stores, ammunition/explosives and other basic commodities in support of major equipment as well as in support of minor equipment and personnel
特别志愿人员基金Special Voluntary Fund
特派团人员更替规划方案Mission Succession Planning Programme
特遣队成员个人武器和训练弹药personal weaponry and training ammunition
特遣队是指所有根据本备忘录在任务区部署的部队/警察部队派遣国的建制部队、人员和装备contingent means all formed units, personnel and equipment of the troop/police contributor deployed to the mission area under this memorandum
生活助理和代理人员live assistance and intermediaries
货币基金组织的工作人员监测下的方案监测下方案Staff Monitored Programme SMP of the International Monetary Fund IMF
直接或间接支助人员的物品minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment
直接或间接支助人员的物品and items that directly or indirectly support personnel
禁止人的克隆生殖国际公约特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on an International Convention against the Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings
禁止人的生殖性克隆国际公约特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on an International Convention against the Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings
禁止在国际商业交易中贿赂外国公职人员公约Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
《禁止杀伤人员地雷公 约》Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-personnel Mines
给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会Special Committee of 24 on Decolonization
给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会Special Committee of 24
联合国人权事务高级专员United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
联合国检查/核查队,可由特派团团长或其代表任命的联合国工作人员和军 事人员组成。 检查队必须有充分的时间以保证控制活动的连续性united nation Inspection/Verification team, which may be composed of united nations staff members and military personnel, assigned by the head of mission or by an official acting on his/her behalf must be assigned to the inspection team for a sufficient period of time to ensure continuity in the control activities
联合国雇用人员的刑事责任criminal accountability of individuals employed by the United Nations
苏丹人权状况特别报告员Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Sudan
设施管理人员机构间网络Inter-Agency Network of Facilities Managers
通用飞航,配备机组人员和保养人员utility lift with aircrew and maintenance staff
部门间排雷和人道主义援助委员会CNIDAH Intersectoral Commission on De-mining and Humanitarian Assistance
门诊病人和住院病人保健、基本和先进的诊断服务、基本和先进的救生服务、基本和先进的外科能力和能量、充足的再补给能力以及伤亡人员撤离/医疗后送的能力和能量outpatient and inpatient care, basic and advanced diagnostic services, basic and advanced lifesaving, basic and advanced surgical capacities and capabilities, sufficient resupply capabilities, as well as casevac/medevac capabilities and capacities in the mission area as per the MOU
除去工作人员薪金税后的方案预算net of staff assessment, programme budget
非医务人员提供的"伙伴"救助buddy aid" by non-medical personnel
非工作人员报酬non-staff compensation
非建制部队成员的联合国军事人员和联合国警察united nations military and united nations civilian police personnel not members of formed units
额外人员作为国家部队national command element
驻地和人道主义协调员Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator
高级管理人员senior management service
高级管理人员务虚会senior management retreat
高级行政人员Senior Executive Service