
Terms for subject Sports containing 人员 | all forms | in specified order only
中华人民共和国体育运动委员会State Physical Culture and Sports Commission
中华人民共和国体育运动委员会Commission for Physical Culture and Sports of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国体育运动委员会Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the People's Republic of China
人员选拔personnel selection
以个人身份参赛的运动员unattached athlete
保安人员security officer
保安人员security personnel
保安人员security guard
医务人员medical staff
123 号运动员进人下一赛次Runner No. 123 has advanced to the next round
国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会International Paralympic Committee
国际聋哑人体育委员会International Sports Organization of the Deaf, Comite Internationale des Sports Silencieux
国际聋哑人国际象棋委员会International Committee of Silent Chess
在中、长跑比赛中、运动员争先进人内圈以缩短跑程距离In middle and long distance races, runners break for the inner lane to reduce the distance they cover
场地车场 工作人员yardman
场地工作人员field officer
大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域和一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers
将运动员按排列的序号、 依照蛇形分布的方法编人各组The competitors shall then be placed in heats in the order of seeding in a zigzag distribution (注释:seeding 可作为名词或动名词使用。其动词是 seed,它有两种用法:一是从运动员中挑选种子选手;二是排序,将参赛运动员按成绩优劣排序编组,以免水平较高的运动员过早相遇。)
比赛的工作人员management official
当参赛运动员人数众多时、应在出发前5分钟给予时间提示In races which include a large number of competitors, a five-minute warning before the start of the race should be given
成绩相等的运动员均应进人下一赛次、如实际条件不允许、则应抽签决定进人下一赛次的人选The tying competitors shall be placed in the next round or, if that is not practicable, lots shall be drawn to determine who shall be placed in the next round (注释:1. 抽签英文为 draw lots,有时英文 lots 可省略; 2. 抽签决定道次、比赛顺序等,竞赛规则中英文常用被动语态如: the order of lanes, the order of competitions etc. shall be draw)
所有投掷链球的动作必须在护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors
更多的中长跑运动员喜欢紧跟领跑人后面以保存实力More middle-and long-distance runners prefer to follow the leaders and conserve their strength
残疾人奥林匹克委员会international Paralympic Committee
残疾人运动员wheelchair-bound athlete
比赛场地指挥员是一名官员、 职责是确保参赛运动员进人跑道或田赛场地时其他人员不得人内Marshal is an official whose duty is to ensure that only competitors are permitted on the running track or on the field
科研人员scientific researcher
竞赛裁判人员competition officials
编辑人员editorial staff
美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,为垒球、曲棍球、射箭和自行车等奥运项目提供设备James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling
英国"铁人"汤普森赢得男子十项全能金牌、成为第二位卫冕奥林匹克"铁人"美名的运动员Britain's Iron man Daley Thompson won the decathlon and became only the second man ever to retain his Olympic title
跑道检査人员track steward
运动会工作人员officials of the meeting
运动员人口处athlete entrance
运动场维护人员ground staff
这位跳高运动员越过 1.93 米横杆、不仅刷新了她本人保持的 1.92 米的全国纪录、而且平了亚洲纪录The high jumper crossed over 1.93 metres, breaking the national record of 1.92 metres held by herself and equalling the Asian record
随从人员entourage (bullfight)
飞行人员flight crew