
Terms for subject Environment containing 人口 | all forms | in specified order only
人口population A group of organisms of one species, occupying a defined area; ecological (生物种群的定义之一,包括占地面积。)
人口分布population distribution The density, dispersal pattern and apportionment of the total number of persons in any area (在某个地区人口的密度、散布格局和分布的总数量。)
人口动态population dynamics The process of numerical and structural change within populations resulting from births, deaths, and movements (人口由于诞生、死亡和迁移引起的数量和结构的变化。)
人口发展demographic development Growth in the number of individuals of a population (人口数量上的增加。)
人口地理分布geographical distribution of population The number of inhabitants in or spread across designated subdivisions of an area, region, city or country (在指定区域,如同一地区,城市,或国家里的居民数。)
人口增长population growth An increase in the total number of inhabitants of a country, city, district or area (在国家、城市、区或者区域居住的居民总数的增量。)
人口密度population density The number of people relative to the space occupied by them (人数相对他们占据的空间的比例。)
人口演化demographic evolution The gradual pattern of change in the growth of human populations in a particular region or country, from a rapid increase in the birth and death rates to a leveling off in the growth rate due to reduced fertility and other factors (在特定国家或区域中人口成长的变化趋势,由快速增加的出生率与死亡率到因生育减低与其他因素影响下,成长率趋缓持平的过程。)
人口组成composition of population The constituent groupings and proportions of the total inhabitants of a given nation, area, region or city, as seen from various perspectives (在给定国家、区域、地区或城市等,不同空间尺度下的总居民组成群落和比例。)
人口结构population structure The organization of, and inter-relationships among, inhabitants of a given region, country or city (区域、居民、国家或城市及其之间的相互关系。)
人口结构和人口数量的变化趋势population trend The direction of change in the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, district or area (居住在某个国家、城市、区或者区域的人的总数的变化趋势。)
人口统计demography The statistical study of human vital statistics and population dynamics (人类出生、死亡的统计资料和人口迁移的统计研究。)
人口调查census survey An official periodic count of a population including such information as sex, age, occupation, etc. (官方对人口的定期计数,包括的信息有性别、年龄、职业等。)
人口迁移population movement Any shift or migration of a statistically significant number of persons inhabiting a country, district or area (统计意义上移到另外一个国家居住的人,包括地区或地区间人口的大量迁移。)
人口过剩overpopulation A population density that exceeds the capacity of the environment to supply the health requirements of the individual organism (超出环境能力的人口密度。)
从事农业的劳动人口working population engaged in agriculture The number of a particular region or nation's working population gainfully employed or otherwise occupied with the production of crops, livestock or poultry (某一地区或国家的进行有酬工作、或从事作物生产、畜牧业或家禽业的劳动人口的数量。)
农村人口rural population The total number of persons inhabiting an agricultural or pastoral region (在农业或牧业地区居住的人口总数。)
单位人口资料per capita data No definition needed (无需定义。)
城市人口urban population The total number of persons inhabiting a city, metropolitan region or any area where the sum of residents exceeds a designated amount (居住在城市、都市区的总人口,或居民总和超过指定数量的地区的总人数。)
工业废水人口当量population equivalent of industrial wastewater
活动人口active population The number of people available and eligible for employment within a given enterprise, region or nation (在指定企业、地区或者国家中可已并适合雇佣的人数。)