
Terms for subject China containing 人为 的 | all forms
代为保管的他人财物another person's money or property under one's custody
代表人的诉讼行为act of such representative in the litigation
以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观the scientific concept of development with people first, overall coordination and sustainable development at the core
成为每个人的自觉行动become second nature for everyone
把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益作为出发点和落脚点take fulfilling, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as both our starting point and objective
按照以人为本的要求acting on the principle of giving priority to human development
按照以人为本的要求acting on the principle of people-oriented approach
按照以人为本的要求acting on the principle of putting people first
有不良行为的未成年人juvenile involved in misbehavior
检举选举中违法行为的人inform against the person committing illegal acts in an election
确定准许使用未成年人为扒炭工或司炉工的最低年龄公约Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or Stokers