
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
临边增limb brightening
临边增brightening towards the limb
带干扰bright band jamming
度分辨率luminance resolution
度噪声intensity noise
度均匀性luminance uniformity
度对比contrast of luminance
度对比度brightness contrast
度控制intensity control
度标尺brightness scale
度空间luminance space
度级brightness scale
度调制intensity modulation
度调制显示intensity modulated display
度调制显示器intensity modulated indicator
度调节brightness range control
度辨别brightness discrimination
度量程luminance range
度闪烁brightness flicker
度阈限threshold illuminance
brilliant spot
星云luminous nebula
温度brightness temperature
enamel paint
bright ring
视觉photopic vision
谱斑bright flocculus
边缘bright limb
人造月man-made moon
akari (日本红外天文卫星)
淬火clean hardening
淬火bright quenching
退火bright annealing (金属工件进行无氧化退火的一种工艺)
镀金涂层bright gold plating (一种热涂层)
光谱度指示器spectral-brightness indicator
度期half-brightness life (发光二极管的)
卫星观测satellite brightness
大气路径辐atmospheric path radiance (大气散射的太阳辐射和大气自辐射在遥感器视场内显现的辐亮度)
太阳度温度solar brightness temperature
宇宙温度cosmic brightness temperature
射电radio brightness
恒星度微变和振动探测microvariability and oscillation of stars (卫星)
显示器bright display
点跟踪high light tracking
地理位置sublunar point
月球度温度lunar brightness temperature
有效度温度effective brightness temperature
本底background brightness
极光brightness of the aurora
激光上laser glazing
灰阶gray-scale intensity
红外infrared brightness temperature (度)
红外辐射infrared radiant luminous intensity
绝对absolute brightness
背景background luminance
自动度对比反差调整automatic brightness contrast control
蓝月Blue Moon (美国空军军校学生研制的绕月飞行的小卫星)
视在温度apparent brightness temperature
spectral brightness
适应adaptation level
适应adaptation illuminance
适应adaptation luminance
适应adaptation brightness
铝光阳极氧化涂层bright anodized aluminum coatings (一种无机热控涂层)
度频闪光灯high-intensity strobe light