
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一周期生mono-periodic production
一定成本最高maximum output for a given cost
一批品中的偏差departure in batches
一次如农业、林业、矿业、渔业、畜牧业等供应生产原料的产业primary industry
一类生资料means of production in Category I
一般固定资集合账户general fixed-assets group of accounts
一般政府财general government property
一般生水平general level of production
一般资asset in general
一般资负债表general balance sheet
一阶齐次性生函数homogeneous production function of the first degree
三个一组的品测验triadic product test
三变量生进度表three-variable production schedule
三级tertiary products
三级流动性资tertiary liquidity
三级生tertiary production
下达投入出指标issue input-output indices
下达指令性生计划issues directives about production targets
不动immovable goods
不动estate of freehold
不动real chattels
不动immovables estate
不动与其他财产real estate and properties
不动买卖利润profit from immovable transactions
不动产权real right on immovables
不动产权获得税real property acquisition tax
不动使用量quantity of estate
不动保险insurance on immovables
不动保险immovable insurance
不动信用credit based on real property
不动债券real estate bond
不动出售与回租sale and lease back of real estate
不动出售利润profit on sale of real estate
不动受托人feoffee in trust
不动受托人feoffee in of trust
不动受让者feoffee to use
不动承受人feoffee to uses
不动投资信托Real Estate Investment Trusts
不动抵押pledge of immovables
不动抵押债券real estate mortgage bond
不动抵押贷款real estate mortgage credit
不动担保real guarantee
不动收益抵押pledging of income from real property
不动账户real estate account
不动地immovable landed property
不动财immovables goods
不动资illiquid assets
不受保资non-admitted asset
不受保资inadmitted asset
不受补贴的unsubsidized products
不变品曲线constant product curve
不变性财invariance property
不变替代弹性生函数constant elasticity of substitution production function
不变替代弹性生函数模型constant elasticity of substitution production function model
不可保财uninsurable property
不可再生的有形资non-reproducible tangible assets
不可分割的房地impartible estate
不可分生因数lumpy factor
不可变现的资unrealizable assets
不可征税的资inadmissible assets
不可替代弹性生函数模型model of constant elasticity of substitution production function
不可比non-comparable products
不可比品价值incomparable product value
不可比品成本incomparable product cost
不可比品非工业企业经营non-comparable product nonindustrial business operation
不可转移财nontransferable property
不可转让nontransferable product
不可转让财not negotiable property
不可转让资nontransferable asset
不合格nonconforming product
不合格品成本unsatisfactory product costs
不同量因素考虑consideration of differing capacities of alternatives
不向使用人分配资assets not attributable to users
不应计资non-accrual asset
不敷生能量inadequacy capacity
不断增长权长期抵押贷款growing equity mortgage
不生之费用dead charge
不生资本dead capital
不经济的扩大生规模导致原材料成本上升及管理不善,效率降低diseconomy of scale
不经济的生sub-economic production
不能再生资产non-reproducible asset
不能立即变现的资illiquid asset
不脱离生not be withdrawn from normal production
不良品修理clear of bad items
不需用的固定资fixed assets not need
专业化生协作cooperation for specialized production
专业性生联合会combination of specialized productive undertakings
专业生会议conference on specialized trade
专用生要素non-specific factor of production
专门生工具special production tools
专门生设备special production equipment
世界平均劳动生average labour productivity in the world
世界总gross world production
业主权资本对资产总额比率owner's equity to total assets ratio
业主权资本对资产总额比率owner equity to total assets ratio
业生subsidiary production
企业品自销marketing of products by enterprises themselves
企业权界区margin of an enterprise's property rights
企业合并日的合并资负债表consolidated balance sheet at date of acquisition
企业固定资管理management of enterprise fixed assets
企业投入出图表input-output graph of enterprise
企业投入—出模式model of input-output in enterprise
企业生管理management of production in enterprise
企业生管理management of enterprise production
企业生管理系统production management system of an enterprise
企业破smashup of enterprise
企业财保险enterprise property insurance
企业财保险business property insurance
企业财出售减免税business property relief
企业财capital levy
企业资resources of the enterprise
企业资流动性business liquidity
优先分配财的优先股stock preferred as to assets
优先生priority production
优化业结构make the industrial structure as effective as possible
优化品结构make the product structure as effective as possible
优惠关税地证明书指海关为防止滥用普惠制,要求进口国产品出示受惠国产品的产地证明generalized system of preferences certificate of origin
优质high-grade product
优质fine quality product
优质高quality-quantity production
会计师证明的资负债表已查证资产负债 #certified balance sheet
会随时破清理的公司collapsible company (corporation)
分享资shared assets
分割生付款carved out production payment
分厂的分享资shared assets of divisions
分批job order products
分批生batch-type production
分批生batch fabrication technique
分批生程序batch production program
分散生decentralized production
分散生控制decentralized production control
分步型生process-type production
分等class production
分类生separated production
分类账面资ledger asset
分类资负债表sectional balance sheet
分解analytic product
分解型生analytical process type of production
分解型生analytical type of production
分配共有财division of common property
列入资put on the assets side
创名牌优质create fine-quality brand-name products
初级primary industry
初级basic-level products
初级品出口primary exports
初级品岀口primary export
化学生chemical production
化工chemical industrial products
各种资sundry assets
各类货物投入出清单input-output bill of goods
各项资individual assets
合伙资partnership asset
合作生cooperation production
合作生协议coproduction agreement
合并资负债表指母公司或控股公司所编的资产负债表amalgamated balance sheet
合并资负债表aggregate balance sheet
合并资负债表工作底稿consolidated balance sheet work sheet
合并资负债表所有基金combined balance sheet-all fund
合成synthetic products
合格eligible products
合格eligible product
合法eligible product
合法不动legal estate
合法占有的财titular property
合法地legal estate
合法财legitimate property
合法财legal property
合法资legal asset
合理化rationalization industry
合资生企业joint production enterprise
同一品统一市场价格的实行implementation of unified market prices for each kind of products
同型资负债表common-size balance sheet
同类identical products
同类homogeneous product
同类性生homogeneous production
同类财交换like-kind exchange
名义资nominal asset
名牌famous products
名牌famous brand product
名牌brand name products
后备生设备reserve production facilities
后得财抵押条件after-acquired property clause
后来发现的资assets subsequently discovered
后续生subsequent production
向转让财assign property to...
indigenous production
domestic product
home goods
native cargo
home cargo
native products
畜产品native and animal by-products
土副native and subsidiary products
土地密集型land intensive products
土地生fertility of soil
土特local product
土特local speciality
处理固定资收益income on disposal of fixed asset
处理资收入proceeds from disposal
复合multiple products
复杂生管理complex production management
复杂生系统complex production system
复杂生过程complex production process
复账式资负债表double-account-form balance sheet
外侨遗没收权droit c'aubaine
外侨遗没收权droit d'aubaine
外国资foreign assets
外国遗税税收抵免credit for foreign death taxes
外汇资范围coverage of foreign exchange asset
外部outside product
外销export-oriented product
品企业multiproduct enterprise
品厂商multiproduct firm
品厂商multi-product firm
品基层单位multiproduct establishment
品批次装配线batch or multimodal assembly line
品模型multiproduct model
品生产multiproduct production
多余资feathered assets
多国公司权股本multinational equity
多层次生关系multilevel pattern of relations of production
多层次生关系multilayer relations of production
多层次生multilevel productive forces
多工序型生multiprocess-type production
多工序生multiprocess production
多工序生multiple production
多批次小批量生multiple small-lot production plan
多批生multistream production
多期间生multi-period production
多样diversified products
多种multiple products
多种品分析multiproduct analysis
多种品分析法multiproduct approach
多种品定价法multiple product pricing
多种品成本制multiple product cost system
多种品综合生产multiple producing
多种生计划模式multiple production planning-model
多程序生multi-process production
多阶段生multistage production
多阶段生计划模式multistage production planning model
够本销量units of product to break even
封闭式线性生模型closed linear model of production
量增至最大限度maximize output
将工厂投put a factory in operation
short run
小商品生commodity production conducted by the small producer
小批生job shop-type production
小批生jobbing production
小批量生small lot production
小规模small-scale industry
小规模生production on small scale
小规模生bench scale production
小量试pilot run
小额财管理administration of estates of small value
少投入多less input and more output
少污染less pollution product
尚未清理的破undischarged bankrupt
币值资与负债money value asset and liability
币值资和负债money-value asset and liability
市场导向型生market-oriented production
市场导向生market-oriented production
市场成熟market ripe
市场经营性生marketing production
市场经营投入—出模式model of input-output in marketing
市属municipal ownership
开业资opening asset
开发新developing new products
开始生be put into production
开始生come in
开工生日期date of commencement of production
开证者破时的优先受偿priority on insolvency of the issuer
异质heterogeneous product
引进introduce industries
意外事故非违法证明书certificate of misfortune
成套whole set of products
成套生安排arrangement of whole-set production
成套设备资plant assets
成批品标准试验production type test
成批生produce by batch
成批生经营mass production operation
成批生经营计划mass production operation schedule
成批生经营计划mass production operation plan
成本-销量-利润关系cost-volume -profit relationship
成本与品关系基础base of relationship to the cost of unit
成本与生力比率cost-productivity ratio
成本—价格—量关系调整cost-price-output adjustment
成本会计中品与副产品成本分摊法by-product method of cost accounting
成组生production by CT
成组生控制方式block method
我们品的颜色和样式都很丰富We have a wide selection of colors and designs
我们生这种产品That is just under our line of business
我们的品不仅美观,质量也非常棒You have got the quality there as well as the style
我们的品已在海外数个地区有售,并受到了消费者的欢迎Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there
我们的质量管理体系非常严格,因此我们的品质量过硬We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality
我们还有——款类似的品,价格便宜很多We have another offer for a similar one at much lower price
我方能供应各种电缆绝缘件。我们的品在国际市场很受欢迎We can supply cable insulators of all types and sizes. Our products are much admired in the world market
或有资contingency assets
或有资即可望取得的财产或款项contingent assets
战时生wartime production
战时生war production
战略strategic industry
持有资亏损holding loss
持有资损益holding gains and losses
持续生sustained production
持续生continuous production
持续生过程continuous production process
指定specific output
指定生指数specific productive index
法律指定继承人继承的不动fee tail
指定负责收回外国资的管理人administrator ad colligendum
指定遗继承人expectant heir to property
指示性生图表indicative production diagram
业分的国内商业性能源最终消费者domestic final consumption of commercial energy by industry
业分类grouping by industry
业分组的报告基础industry groupings reporting base
业部门分的就业employment by industry
业部门来源分列的商品commodity by industrial origin
品划分部门departmentation by product
品布置layout by product
品性质分类classification by product characteristics
量提取的更新改造基金renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按人口计算的总per capita gross product
按各项资使用年限分别折旧法unit life depreciation method
按固定价格计算的国民生总值at constant prices
按固定价格计算的国民生总值gross national product at constant price
按"国际标准业分类"分组classified by ISTC group
按"国际标准业分类"的部门分类classified by ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification division
按市场价格计算的国民生总值at market prices
按市场价格计算的国民生总值gross national product at market price
按最大生能力at full capacity
按月管理monthly control products
按班组量计算calculation based on shift or group output
按生者价值计算的增值额value added at producers' value
按生过程分类classification by special processes of production
按要素成本计算的国内生总值gross domestic product at factor cost
按要素成本计算的国民生总值at factor costs
按要素成本计算的国民生总值gross national product at factor cost
按财所在地征税的规定situs rules
按部门划分的世界生sectors world production
按需定gearing production to demand
挖掘生潜力tap the production potential
搞好生accomplishing production goals
易于出售的房地creampuff sale
易坏财perishable property
最优optimal output
最优化生分配解法optimum production distribution solution
最优化生技术optimized production technology
最优生向量optimal production vector
最低minimum assets
最低存货、最低标准作业时间生minimum stock minimum standard
最低成本生least cost method of production
最佳品组合best product mix
最佳再生规模optimum reproduction size
最佳生代用条件optimal condition of product substitution
最佳生水平optimum level of production
最佳生能力optimum capacity
最佳生规模optimal production size
最大maximum output
最大量成本productive capacity cost
最大可能maximum possible output
最大生能力maximum capacity
最大生能力能量maximum capacity
最大连续maximum continuous output
最宜optimum output
最宜生most appropriate production volume
最理想品交换制most ideal exchange of products
最终final output
最终品同亠标准规范End Item Uniform Specification
最终品广告end-product advertising
最终品率rate of final product
最终final yield
最终生final productivity
最经济生maximum economic rating of production
最经济生most economical rating
最适宜的optimal output
最重要的业中心first-line industrial center
最高生速度maximum economic rate of production
最高生capacity production
月生计划monthly production plan
阶级proprietary class
有争议财disputed property
银行或其它投资人的有价证券类的财目录commercial portfolio
有价资valuable assets
有利最低生minimum viable production
有孳息的财income-bearing property
有孳息的资income-bearing asset
有形material products
有形动tangible movable assets
有形动corporeal chattel
有形固定资tangible fixed asset
有形场厂资tangible plant asset
有形流动资current tangible assets
有形财投资investment made in tangible property
有形资净值net tangible asset
有形资周转率tangible assets turnover
有形资对净值比率tangible assets to net worth ratio
有效生能力effective capacity
有效生调整概率表efficient production oriented chance specification
有机农organic agricultural products
有机化学organic chemical products
有清算价值资admitted assets
有竞争力的competitive products
有缺陷权保险defective-title insurance
有资的人man of substance
有限品线战略limited-line strategy
有限量制定set of finite outcomes
有限制不动conditional estate
有限寿命资limited life asset
有限期terminable property
服务性生production of service
服务部门与生部门成本交互分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
期待中的遗estate in expectancy
企业破产期望列入资抵债expected to rank
标准业分类法standard industrial classification
标准standard product volume
标准生程序standard production procedure
民事财关系civil property relationship
民用家庭电子consumer electronic product
check-up of assets
核资fund sources established through physical inventory
法院指定的清算财管理人equity receiver
渔业fishery product
理想ideal output
理想ideal product
理想ideal output
理想的生能力ideal capacity
一般抽象abstraction of production in general
企业投资investment in productive enterprise
各种品质的货物produce goods in various qualities
最优点optimum point of production
者一致行动concerted action by producer
者与消费者producers and consumers
者与消费者关系relation of producer and consumer
者交货指数index of producer's shipment
者价值体系system of producers' value
者合作组织成员member of producers cooperative
者存货指数index of producer's inventory
者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished products
者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished goods
者标记identity of producer
者盈余溢额producer's surplus
者资本producers' capital
调度员production dispatcher
生息财active possession
生物biological output
生物生biological productivity
稀有生能力scarce capacity
耐用durable products
耐用品生部门durable goods sector
耐用生设备producer's durable equipment
耐用生资料producer's durable goods
耗竭资成本cost of depletion asset
耗竭资折耗depletion for wasting assets
调整品结构changing the structure of product
调整品结构better distribution of products
调整后总地adjusted gross estate
调整后房毛值adjusted gross estate
调整的国民生总值adjusted GNP (gross national product)
适应性强的自动生系统Flexible Automated Production System
适时生just in time manufacturing
适用appropriate products
适销products that have a ready market
逆生counter production
逐步扩大再生reproduction on a progressively increasing scale
递减成本decreasing cost industry
递增成本increasing cost industry
递延资prepaid assets
递耗财wasting property
递耗资如油田、 矿藏等资源wasting assets
通用生管理自动控制General Manufacturing Management Automated Control
通用资负债表balance sheet for all purpose
通过盈余扩充财additions to property through surplus
销售品制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
销售品的制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
需搭卖出售的tying product
需求与生之间的差距gap between demand and production
需要与生力的矛盾contradiction between needs and production
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