
Terms for subject International trade containing 产权 | all forms | in specified order only
不法行为不产生权利jus ex injuria non oritur
不法行为不产生权利ex injuria jus non oritur
世界知识产权组织发展工业产权合作常设规划署WIPO Permanent Programme for Development Co-operation Related to Industrial Property
中立国财产征用权right of angary
产区权益royalty interest
产权保证保险title insurance
产权债务比率worth-debts ratio
产权所有权equity ownership
产权技术proprietary technique
产权soak-up method
产权诉讼real action
产权说明书abstract of title
产生留置权的债权claim giving rise to the lien
保护工业产权公约international convention for the protection of industrial property
保护工业产权巴黎公约Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
保护工业产权的巴黎公约Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property
保护碰撞产生的债权的留置权liens securing claims in respect of collision
债权人扣押债务人的债务人即第三人的财产third-party attachments
农场产权的价值value of equity in the farm
剩余农产品采购授权书authorization to purchase surplus agricultural commodities (AP)
因诈欺而产生的诉权claim based on fraud
外侨遗产没收权droit d'aubaine
工业产权industrial property
工业产权制度industrial property system
工业产权许可证industrial property license
待执行的财产权executory estate
房地产投权商operator in real estate
根据提单产生的债权赔偿要求claim arising on a bill of lading
欺诈故意行为所产生的诉权claim based on willful misconduct
由货物瑕疵而产生的权利rights arising from defects
石油的产区权益royalty interest
破产债权人creditor in a bankrupt estate
破产债权人creditors of a bankrupt estate
破产户债权人creditor of bankruptcy
破产程序中清偿债权discharge of claims in bankruptcy
与财产权execute an estate
财产上的担保物权security interest in property
货物灭失或损失所产生的索赔诉权claim based on physical loss damage
金钱损失所产生的债权claim based on pecuniary loss
长期占有产生权利longa possessio jus pant
附有留置权的财产property subject to a claim