
Terms for subject Securities containing 产权 | all forms | in specified order only
上海联合产权交易所Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange
不动产和个人财产所有权证书title documents to real estate and personal property
不动产抵押权准备reserve for encumbrance
世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization
世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization 的缩写
中国产权交易所China National Property Right Exchange
临时产权文件temporary documents of title
了结债权产权或赔偿要求settle a claim
交出产权凭证deed of surrender
交出产权契据deed of surrender
交接不动产权close the title
交易所的产权买人exchange acquisition
产权临时契约title binder
产权交易transaction of property rights
产权交易equity transaction
产权交易合约property right trade contract
产权交易机构property rights transfer agency
产权会计accounting of equity
产权例外title exception
产权关系property relation
产权分割fragmentation of property rights
产权制度改革reform of property rights system
产权发行理论issue equity theory
产权和管理权分离divorce of management from ownership
产权多元化diversity of equities
产权年检登记annual checks of the registration of property rights
产权担保title assurance
产权担保保单title guaranty policy
产权担保公司title guaranty company
产权担保公司title company
产权摊薄equity dilution
产权文件document of title
产权明晰clearly established ownership
产权注册簿proprietorship register
产权清晰clearly established ownership
产权界定definition of property rights
产权疑点cloud on title
产权移转transfer of title
产权维持费carrying charge
产权缺陷title defect
产权股票equity share
产权股票equity security
产权证书proprietorship certificate
产权证券equity security
产权证明proof of title
产权调查title search
产权资本投人equity contribution
产权转换equity conversion
产权转移closing passing title
产权转让transference of title of property
产权转让transfer of property rights
产权转让条款alienation clause
产权过户transfer of property rights
产权风险逆转equity risk reversals
仲裁人的分割产权证明refereed partition deed
企业产权property right of enterprise
优先分配资产权例如,公司清算后,优先股股东可在普通股东之前获得偿还preference at assets
促进产权合理流动promote rational flow of property right
保持产权抵押equitable mortgage
债权人争夺资产creditors competing for assets
债权人资产、贷方资产creditor asset
共有产权joint tenancy
初步产权报告preliminary title report
加权平均净资产收益率weighted average return on net assets
加权风险资产weighted risky assets
单一财产权singular property title
可中止的产权权益terminable interest
合法产权legal title
回归产权reversionary estate
因侵权行为产生的索赔权claim in tort
国家知识产权State Intellectual Property Office
国家知识产权state Intellectual Property Office SIPO
国家财产权national rights of property
国际股权资产类别international equity asset classes
地产所有权证明摘要abstract of title
复得产权reversionary estate
外国资产所有权ownership of foreign assets
多国公司产权/股本multinational equity
宣布对财产拥有留置权lien claimed on property
对财产产权的异议objection to title
将来的不动产物权future estate
将来财产权future interest
应税财产所有权tax title
恒生地产分类指数期权Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index Options
意外剩余财产权contingent remainder
承担办理产权转移手续undertake the transfer procedures for property rights
技术产权市场technology equity market
无偿产权处置voluntary disposition
无效产权bad title
既得产权vested estate
明星产品期权asset lock-up
明星产品期权crown jewel option
明晰产权clarification of property rights
有名无实产权bare ownership
未经授权的资产处置unauthorized disposition of assets
未被授权使用的资产unauthorized use of assets
永久产权dead hand
永久性产权财产freehold estate
没有产权负担free from incumbrance
独有财产权estate in severalty
界定产权delimit property rights
直接产权immediate possession
知识产权证券化IP securitization
破产清理中担保债权人的权力secured creditors'right in bankruptcy proceedings
破产财产债权人creditors of a bankrupt estate
移交不动产权pass title
税产所有权tax title
终止拥有不动产产权close the title
终身财产拥有权life interest
股权衍生产品equity derivative
股权资产比率equity to assets ratio
股权资产种类equity asset classes
股权资产类基金中的货币风险currency risk in equity asset class funds
衍生产品认沽期权derivative put
产权审核property title review
产权property interest
财产优先认购权一种锁定期权assets lock-ups options
财产天然权利natural right of property
财产所有权附带的一整套权利bundle of rights
财产的受益权益beneficial interest in property
资产优先索偿权assets preference
资产分配权right to share assets
资产锁定期权crown jewel option
转让证书抵押品转移产权契据deed of release
间接财产投资期权indirect property investment options
集团产权分割fragmentation of group property rights