
Terms for subject Business containing 产品成本 | all forms | in specified order only
不可比产品成本incomparable product cost
不合格产品成本unsatisfactory product costs
主要产品单位成本表statement of unit cost of major products
产品单位成本升降分析analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product
产品工厂成本factory cost of product
产品成本cost of products
产品成本会计product cost accounting
产品成本会计cost accounting by product
产品成本会计计算cost accounting by
产品成本分类账product cost subsidiary ledger
产品成本核算分类法costing classification of product
产品成本系数cost coefficient of product
产品成本计算单product costing sheet
产品成本计算表statement of cost and production
产品生产线成本核算product line costing
产品线成本核算product line costing
产品营销成本控制marketing cost control by product
产品车间成本workshop cost of product
产品成本cost of by-product
产品成本cost of by product
副产品再加工成本additional costs assigned to by-product
单位产品人工成本labor cost per unit of product
单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of product
单位产品平均总成本average total cost per unit
单位产品每月营运成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operation cost per unit
可比产品成本cost of incomparable product
可比产品成本下降百分率cost reduction percentage of comparable products
可比产品成本降低指标cost reduction target on comparable product
可比产品成本降低率rate of reduction of cost of comparable products
可销售产品成本cost of finished goods available for sales
商品产品成本cost sheet of commodity products
商品产销成本表statement of cost of goods manufactured and sold
商品生产成本表statement of commodity production cost
多种产品成本multiple product cost system
完工产品计划成本planned cost of work completed
实际生产费用摊入产品成本allocation of actual factory overhead to products
成本与产品关系基础base of relationship to the cost of unit
成本会计中产品与副产品成本分摊法by-product method of cost accounting
批量产品成本核算job order costing of product
新产品开发成本new product development cost
新产品试制成本new product trial run cost
本期产品成本current period product cost
由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost
畐产品销售成本cost of by product sales
产品成本计算制joint product costing system
联合产品成本分摊joint product costing
联合成本产品joint cost product
销售产品制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
销售产品的制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
非可比产品成本cost of non-comparable product