
Terms for subject Environment containing 交通 | all forms | in specified order only
交通traffic 1. The movement of vehicles, ships, aircraft, persons, etc., in an area or over a route. 2. The vehicles, persons, etc., moving in an area or over a route (1. 在一个区域或一条线路上,车辆、船舶、航空器、人员等的运动。2.在一个区域或一条线路上运动的车辆、人员等。)
交通事故traffic accident An unexpected incident with potential for harm occurring through the movement or collision of vessels, vehicles or persons along a land, water, air or space route (在陆地、水路、空中或太空中由于船只、车辆和人员的运动或碰撞从而可能造成伤害的意外事故。)
交通减速的居住区residential area with traffic calmings Residential zones where raised areas are built across roads so that vehicles are forced to move more slowly along it (居住区,路周围有突起物强制车辆慢行。)
交通噪声traffic noise Noise emitted by vehicles (heavy vehicles, cars and motorcycles, tyre/road interaction) (车辆(重型车辆、汽车、摩托车、轮胎/路面接触)所排放的噪声。)
交通噪声控制traffic noise control Traffic noise can be controlled by reduction at source, by fitting motor vehicles with silencers, by installing barriers which interrupt the direct path of sound or by insulating dwellings exposed to high noise levels, such as those related to motorways or airports (交通噪声可通过减少噪声源来控制,通过给机动车安装消音器、通过建立障碍物来阻断声音的直接路径,或使处于高噪声水平的区域与外绝缘,例如与高速公路和机场相关的区域。)
交通基础设施traffic infrastructure The fundamental facilities and systems used for the movement of vehicles, often provided through public funding (用于车辆运行的基本设施和系统,通常是通过公共资金来供给。)
交通堵塞traffic jam A number of vehicles so obstructed that they can scarcely move (许多车辆被阻塞得几乎不能移动。)
交通工具vehicle Any conveyance in or by which people or objects are transported (运送人或物体的任何运输工具。)
交通工程traffic engineering The determination of the required capacity and layout of highway and street facilities that can safely and economically serve vehicular movement between given points (对道路和街道设施所需容量和布局的决定,以便安全和经济地服务于给定两点间的车辆运行。)
交通废气排放traffic emission Exhaust gases and vapours emitted by motorvehicles (机动车排放的废气和水蒸气。)
交通政策transportation policy Comprehensive statements of the objectives and policies which a local transport authority intends to pursue; it includes and estimate of transport expenditure, a statement of transport objectives, etc. (地方交通管理局希望实现的目标和政策的全面说明。它包括并评估交通开支、交通目标的说明等。)
交通监控traffic monitoring The periodic or continuous surveillance or analysis of the movement of persons, objects, vehicles or other conveyances along an area of passage (定期或连续监视或分析人员、物品、车辆或其他交通工具沿通行区的运动。)
交通管制traffic control The organization of a more efficient movement of traffic within a given road network by rearranging the flows, controlling the intersections and regulating the times and places for parking (在一个给定的公路网内通过重新安排流量、控制交叉路口和调整停车时间和位置,使交通更有效运作的组织活动。)
交通管制方法traffic control measure Means of controlling the number and speed of motorvehicles using a road (控制机动车在一条道路中运行数量和速度的方法。)
交通管理管制traffic control
交通规则traffic regulation A body of rules or orders prescribed by government or management for the safe and orderly movement of vehicles on land, sea or in the air (由政府机构或管理制度所规定的一套规则或命令,以便交通工具在陆地、海上或空中安全有序地运行。)
交通路线traffic route No definition needed (无需定义。)
交通路线建设traffic route construction No definition needed (无需定义。)
交通运输transportation The act or means of moving tangible objects (persons or goods) from place to place. Often involves the use of some type of vehicle (移动有形物体(人员或货物)从一个地方到另一个地方的行为或方法。往往涉及一些交通工具类型的使用。)
公共运输交通工具public transport vehicle Vehicle for conveying large numbers of paying passengers from one place to another (通过收费运输大量人员的交通工具。)
军用空中交通military air traffic Air traffic of or relating to the armed forces (军事空中交通或与武装力量有关的航空交通。)
城市交通urban traffic Movements of vehicles and people within a city (城市中的车辆和人员的运动。)
当地交通local traffic Traffic moving within a city, town, or area and subject to frequent stops, as distinguished from long distance traffic (在城市、市镇或地区内的交通运输,不同于长途运输,当地交通有多个站点。)
民用航空交通civil air traffic Air traffic pertaining to or serving the general public, as distinguished from military air traffic (适用于或者服务于大众的航空交通,和军用航空交通有区别。)
水上交通traffic on water The movement of boats and other vessels over any water route or area (小船和其它船只在任何水路或水域中的运动。)
私人交通工具private transport Transport performed with private means (私人交通的手段。)
航空交通air traffic Aircraft moving in flight or on airport runways (航空器在飞行中或机场跑道上的移动)
通勤交通commuter traffic Traffic caused by people travelling regularly over some distance, as between a suburb and a city and back, between their place of residence and their place of work (由于通勤者规律地往返于某段距离而产生的交通,例如城市与郊区间、居住地和工作地间的往返。)
道路交通road traffic Circulation of motor vehicles and people on the road network (在道路网络中循环的机动车和人。)
道路交通工程road traffic engineering Discipline which includes the design of highways and pedestrian ways, the study and application of traffic statistics, and the environmental aspects of the transportation of goods and people (一门学科,包括设计高速公路和人行道,交通统计的研究和应用,以及运输物品和人的环境状况。)
铁路交通rail traffic The movement and circulation of vehicles transporting goods and people on railroad systems (铁路系统用交通工具运输物品或人。)
长途交通long-distance traffic Traffic moving over extended areas, great distances and usually not subject to frequent stops (跨区域、长距离的交通运输,通常不受频繁停靠的影响。)