
Terms for subject China containing 交通 | all forms | in specified order only
中华人民共和国交通Ministry of Communications of the Peopled Republic of China
中断道路交通hold up traffic
交通中断hold up traffic
交通事故认定书written confirmation of the traffic accident
交通事故责任人person liable for the traffic accident
交通事故频发路段road section where traffic accidents occur frequently
交通体系traffic system
交通信号灯traffic signal light
交通标志traffic signs
交通标线traffic line marking
交通法规traffic laws
交通秩序traffic order
交通管制区域area under traffic control
交通警察traffic policeman
交通travel expenses
交通运输和社会生活噪声污染noise pollution by traffic and social activity
交通运输噪声traffic noise
交通运输肇事cause a traffic accident
交通阻塞traffic congestion
交通需求traffic needs
依次交替通行take turns to pass in order
公共交通工具public transportation
公共交通服务体系public transportation service system
国营工矿交通企业state-run industrial, mining and transportation enterprises
国防交通transport of national defence
堵塞交通block traffic
完善公共交通服务体系keep improving the sound public transportation service system
影响交通安全adversely affect traffic safety
恢复交通restore traffic
抗拒交通管制defy traffic control
故意堵塞交通deliberately create traffic jams
水上交通安全safety of water transportation
沿海水域的交通安全traffic safety in the coastal waters
海上交通事故maritime traffic accident
特大交通事故exceptionally serious traffic accident
疏导交通regulate the flow of traffic
空中交通管制单位air traffic control unit
空中交通管制服务air traffic control services
综合交通体系comprehensive traffic system
聚众堵塞交通gather people to block traffic
节能型综合交通运输体系comprehensive energy-saving system of transportation
通过外交途径解决resolve through diplomatic channel
道路交通事故社会救助基金Social Assistance Fund for Road Traffic Accident
道路交通信号road traffic signal
道路交通安全safety of road traffic and transportation
道路交通安全工作work for road traffic safety
道路交通安全教育road safety education
道路交通安全教育education in road traffic safety
道路交通安全法律、法规laws and regulations on road traffic safety
道路交通安全管理规划administration plan for road traffic safety
道路交通安全违法行为violation of the law on road traffic safety
道路交通工作road traffic work
道路交通活动road traffic activity
道路交通秩序road traffic order
重大交通事故major traffic accident
重大交通事故serious traffic accident
铁路交通安全safety of railway transportation
防范交通事故prevention of traffic accidents
限制交通restrictive traffic
交通活动non-traffic activity