
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 交货 | all forms | in specified order only
交货delivery section
交货尺寸delivery gauge
交货条件terms of delivery
交货条件delivery specification
交货条件conditions of delivery
交货条件delivery specifications
交货状况as-received condition
交货状态state as received
交货状态as-received condition
交货状态delivery state
交货统计delivery statistics
交货要求requirements of delivery
交货规格delivery specification
交货长度delivery length
分批交货partial delivery
硅铁交货条件delivery conditions for ferrosilicon
船上交货提单on deck B/L
车上交货free on truck
钢产品交货验收证明书delivery and acceptance certificate of steel products
钢材交货delivery date of finished steel product
钢材交货状态delivery condition of finished steel product (【技】通过合同规定的交货状态有:不经热处理交货和以热处理状态交货。不经热处理交货的,有热轧(锻)状态和冷拉(轧)状态。经最终热处理交货的,有正火状态、调质状态等。)
钢材交货长度delivery length of finished steel product (【技】我国现行标准中有关钢材交货长度的规定有:不定尺长度、定尺长度、倍尺长度、短尺。)
铁路交货delivery by rail