
Terms for subject International trade containing 交货 | all forms | in specified order only
一次交货consignment sale on commission consgt
不履行分批交货或分期付款的义务breach as to an installment delivery or payment
中转交货transhipment delivery order
买卖双方的直接交易货主与货主之间的直接交易principal to principal transaction
买方仓库交货ex buyer's godown
法语买方仓库交货价格ex buyer's godown
买方仓库交货价格ex buyer’s godown
纳税后买方关栈交货ex bond
买方关栈交货价格ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid
买方居住处所交货franco domicile
方式service type on delivery (receiving)
交付包装和装货用品delivery packing and shipping supplies
交叉订货cross order
交换现货against actual
交换现货交易所用语against actual
交换货物与支付协定exchange of goods and payment agreement
交收货人for the consignee
交由送货人保管的货delivery into custody of the carrier
交货consignment sale on commission consgt
交货船边;码头ex free, out of
交货D/Y delivery
交货deliver goods
交货一般条件general conditions of delivery
交货不到风险failure to delivery risks
交货不足short delivery
交货与付款的同时履行concurrence between delivery and payment
交货与装运delivery and shipment
交货付款cash on delivery
交货付款concurrence between delivery and payment
交货付款payment on delivery
交货付款cash against delivery
交货付款销售collect on delivery sales
交货付运费freight payable on delivery
某地交货价格FOB price
交货价格delivered price
交货保证guarantee of delivery
交货共同条件general terms of delivery
交货共同条件general conditions of delivery of goods
代收货价交货利息声明书declaration of interest in delivery
交货到户收据delivery receipt
交货前一切费用包括在内的贸易条件delivered terms
交货前付款cash before delivery
交货前预付货款cash before delivery
交货delivery advice
交货certificate of delivery
交货delivery note
交货及装运delivery and shipment
交货after delivery
交货品质和样品大体相符quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample
交货地点point of delivery
交货地点place of delivery
交货地点delivery point
交货延迟delay in delivery
交货成本delivered cost
交货承运人delivering carrier
交货指数shipment index
交货收款价CF price
交货收款价cost freight price
交货收款销售C.O.D. sales
交货日期delivery date
交货日期date of delivery
交货时间time of delivery
交货时间delivery time
交货时间表delivery schedule
交货月份delivery month
交货月份contract month
交货lead time
交货time of delivery
交货delivery time
交货delivery period
交货期限delivery term
交货条件delivery conditions
交货条件delivered terms
交货条件delivery term
交货条款term for delivery
交货条款term of delivery
交货条款delivery clause
交货delivery port
交货状态delivered condition
交货delivery ratio
交货登记簿delivery record book
交货短缺short delivery
交货簿delivery book for goods
交货簿delivery book
交货给收货人delivery to consignee
交货至船上之发单FOB invoice
交货记录delivery record
交货记录boat note
交货证书delivery note
交货证明proof of delivery
交货证明书certificate of delivery
交货逾期delay in delivery
交货重量delivered weight
交货delivery capacity
交运的一批货consignment stock
产地交货ex point of origin
从定货到交货过程中所消耗的储备lead-time stock
从订货到交货的日期lead time
仓库交货ex store
仓库交货deliver from godown
仓库交货ex warehouse
仓库交货ex store
仓库交货价格ex warehouse price
仓库交货条件ex warehouse terms
仓库交货条件ex store tenns
仓库交货现价cash and carry
仓库前交货delivery ex-warehouse
付款交货delivery against payment
付款交货delivery on payment
付款交货cash and delivery
付款后交付运货单据documents against payment
付款后交付运货单据document against payment
付现款交货cash before delivery
交货地点为条件的报价price quotation in terms of place of delivery
优先期货交易option dealing
保税仓库交货ex bond warehouse
保税仓库交货条件in bond terms
保税目的港海关仓库交货in bond
航程中停止交货通知notice to stop in transit
免费交货地点point of free delivery
关于交货日期的法律救济remedies as regards the date of delivery
法语纳税后关栈交货ex bond
关栈交货in bond
关栈交货ex bond
农场交货ex plantation
农场交货条件ex plantation terms
凭提单交货delivery against B/L
分别包装交货individual package delivery
分批交货segment delivery
分批交货delivery of goods by instalment
分批交货delivery by installments
分批交货split delivery
分批交货delivery of goods by installment
分批交货的买卖合同contract for the delivery of goods by installments
分期交货spread delivery
分期交货installment delivery
分期交货delivery in installment
到岸轮船仓底交货C.I.F. ex-ship's hold
到岸轮船仓底交货cost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold
到岸轮船仓底交货成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold
到岸轮船吊钩下交货cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
到岸轮船吊钩下交货C.I.F. under ship's tackle
到岸轮船吊钩下交货CIF under ship's tackle
到岸轮船吊钩下交货成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
到岸轮船舱底交货CIF ex ship's hold
到岸轮船舱底交货cost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold
到达地交货F.O.B. destination
到达地交货FOB destination
到达港海关交货条件ex custom compound
到达站交货free arrival station
制造商仓库交货ex maker’s godown
包括平仓费在内的船上交货free on board trimmed
卖方交纳进口税的交货条件duty paid terms
卖方仓库交货ex warehouse
卖方仓库交货ex godown
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller’s warehouse
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller’s godown
拉丁语卖方仓库交货价格ex seller's godown
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller's godown
卖方国边境指定地交货F.O.R. border of the seller's country
卡车上交货free on board truck
卡车上交货FOB truck
卡车上交货free on truck
即刻交货immediate delivery
即日交货prompt delivery
即时交货prompt delivery,immediate delivery
即期交货prompt delivery
即期交货delivery on spot
卸货港交货port of delivery
厂地交货价格ex-factory or mill price
发交支店货物shipment to branch office
各项交货的相互依赖关系interdependence of deliveries
合格交货good delivery
FOB 吊钩下交货FOB under tackle
后场交货afternoon session
启运地船边交货free along sidefree alongside ship
启运港船边交货free on steamer
启运港船边交货free alongside
商品期货交易commodity futures trading
商店交货store door delivery
在买方所在地仓库交货free godown
在工厂交货at factory
在海关区交与买方的交货条件ex customs compounds
在码头交货at wharf
在税关交货ex custom yard
在货栈交货at godown
在车站交货条件at…station terms
外汇期货交易forward exchange transactions
如期交货deliver the goods
完税后货栈交货价格ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty paid
定期交货forward delivery
指明交货日期的定期交货specific delivery
定期交货time delivery
定期交货delivery on term
定期交货合同time contract
定期交易买卖,证券期货交易time bargains
实货交易physical transaction
实际交货physical delivery
实际交货actual delivery
将货物提交海关检查submit goods to customs control
就不交货要求赔偿的诉讼action for compensation for nondelivery
局部交货partial delivery
岸上交货条件landed terms
岸上交货条件landed tenns
工厂交货F.O.B. Plant factory
工厂交货free at factory
工厂交货ex works, ex factory, ex mill
工厂交货factory mill
工厂交货ex works
工厂交货FOB works
工厂交货ex factory
工厂交货价格ex mill
工厂交货价格ex factory
工厂交货成本ex works cost
工厂交货条件ex works terms
工场交货ex mill
店铺交货ex store
店铺交货条件ex store terms
店铺交货条件ex store tenns
开往某海口火车上交货FOB cars
当地交货loco (spot)
当地交货loco price
当地交货指原产地loco spot
当地交货ex point of origin
当地交货价格loco price
当地交货条件loco term
当场交货spot delivery
当场交货的商品prompt goods
当月交货current month delivery
成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货到岸轮船吊钩下交货价cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle C.I.F. under ship's tackle
成本、保险费、运费、至轮船舱底交货到岸轮船舱底交货价cost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold C.I.F. ex ship's hold
承兑交货delivery against acceptance
抵消交货最后日last trading day
指定地点交货free delivery
指定地点交货franco rendu
指定处所交货franco domicile
指定的仓库可以用来交货的商品certificate stock
提供非合同规定货物的卖方于买方不拒绝接收时要求买方交货实际情况支付相应的货价quantum merit
按吨交货ton by ton delivery
按吨交货ton by ton delivered
按定货单交货delivered to order
按工厂交货条件销售sale ex-work
按班轮条件船上交货free on board liner terms
接受交货accept delivery
推定交货constructive delivery
交货production of shipping documents
交货tender goods
敝车交货free on truck
火车敞车交货free on board truck
无条件交货unconditional delivery
无条件交货的限额limit of free delivery
旧货物交换会swap meet
交货early delivery
交货early delivery of goods
易货交易barter transaction
易货交易barter deal
易货交易barter business
最后交货日期last tender day
最后交货日期end delivery date
月度交货month of delivery
有条件交货conditional delivery
期交定货order for future delivery
期货交割future delivery (futures)
期货交易forward trading
期货交易forward business
期货交易forwarder transactions
期货交易futures business
期货交易future sales
期货交易futures trading
期货交易clearing contract
期货交易dealing in future
期货交易future trading
期货交易future transaction, or terms transaction
期货交易股票sale for account
期货交易forward trade
期货交易dealing for the account
期货交易bargain on term
期货交易dealing in futures
期货交易场trading ring
期货交易所commodity exchange (future)
期货交易所futures exchange
期货汇兑交易forward exchange dealing
期货溢价交易engage in contango operations as a taker in
期货金额及交割日期通知单prompt note
交货failure to deliver the goods
交货的订货总额backlog order
交货订单unfilled orders
交货部分以15型替代substitute type No. 15 for the portion undelivered
未交付定货的积压back of unfilled orders
未完税买方货栈交货价格ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty unpaid
机场交货free on airport
机场交货ex aerodrome
根据买方发货通知交货delivery on call
每月交货monthly delivery
油舱交货价格tank cession price
流行货品交易fashionable trade
海关仓库交货ex bond
满足现货交易meet with a ready sale
火车交货FOB railroad cars
火车上交货free on board train
火车上交货free on rail
火车上交货价格FOB train
现场交货delivery on spot
现场交货ex point of origin
现场交货价值,当地交货条件loco terms
现场交货条件loco term
现款交货cash on delivery
现货交货spot month
现货交易actual transaction
现货交易actuals transaction
现货交易spot trade
现货交易spot trading
现货交易cash market
现货交易spot transaction
现货交易掮客spot broker
理舱费和平舱费在内的船上交货free on board stowed and trimmed
生产者交货指数index of producers' shipments
某某轮装运的船上交货free on board per mv... (F.O.B.per mv...)
由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers
由寄售货中拨交ex consignment
由铁路交货delivered on rail
目的港码头交货价,码头交货单ex quay, ex wharf, ex pier, ex dock
目的港码头交货,关税已付ex quay, ex whart, ex pier... named port of destination, duty paid
目的港船上交货ex ship... named port of destination
目的港船上交货ex ship
目的港船上交货ex ship,货离钩绳不负责任之交付free overside
目的港船边交货free overside... named port of destination
目的港船边交货free overside
码头交货free to docks
码头交货free at quay
码头交货free docks
码头交货at the dock
码头交货at the dock
目的港码头交货ex quay
码头交货free on quay
码头交货ex-dock (quay, whart)
码头交货ex wharf
目的港码头交货ex wharf
码头交货ex dock
码头交货价格free at quay
码头交货价格ex pier (wharf)
码头交货条件ex quay terms
码头交货条件ex quay tenns
空运港机上交货ex plane (FOB plane)
空运飞机交货ex plane
立即交货spot delivery
立即交货immediate delivery
约定交货period stipulated for delivery
经铁路运过边界交货by rail over frontier
船上交货frei an bord
船上交货mise a bord
船上交货franco a bord
船上交货free on board
船上交货某地free on board
船上交货price free on board
目的港船上交货ex ship
船上交货价格F.O.B. price
船上交货价格FOB price
船上交货价格F.O.B. price value
船上交货价格freight on board
船上交货包括理船费用价格F.O.B. & S.
船上交货包括理船费用价格F.O.B. & Stowed
船上交货并平舱FOB trimmed
船上交货并理舱FOB stowed
船上交货并理舱,加固,捆扎FOB stowed secured, lashed
船上交货条件ex ship terms
船上交货班轮条件FOB liner terms
船上交货理舱费和平舱费在内价FOB stowed & trimmed
船上交货计价法FOB pricing
船侧交货delivery at the ship's side
船侧交货price free alongside ship
船侧交货price free alongside
船到交货on arrival of vessel
船场交货free docks
船底交货ex ship’s hold
船旁交货delivery free along ships side
船边交货alongside delivery
船边交货装运港.free alongside ship F. A. S... named port of shipment
船边交货free overside
船边交货outboard delivery
船边交货overside delivery
船边交货delivery at the ship’s side
船边交货free from ship
船边交货along ships side
船边交货delivery alongside the vessel
船边交货free from along-side
启运地船边交货free alongside ship
船边交货价格FAS price
启运港船边交货价格free along ship (F. A. S.)
启运地船边交货价格free alongside ship
船边交货和提货brought to and taken from alongside
船过交货重量weighing at overside delivery
营业收入的交货确定法delivery basis of revenue recognition
装载货车后交付delivery in truck
装运港船上交货价格P:FOB port of shipment
要求退回所交货物的诉讼affirmative recovery
见单交货deliver goods against surrender of the document
订货与交货的间隔时间lead time
该样品应视为本合同不可分割的部分,所交货物的品质不得低于样品said sample shall be treated as an integral part of this contract, the quality of the goods delivered shall not be lower than the sample
象征交货symbol delivery
象征性交货symbolic delivery
负责将货物交到纽约港口的船上FOB vessel New York
货主与货主之间的交易principal to principal transaction
货价、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
货价、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货C.I.F. under ship's tackle
货到交付delivery on arrival
货到交款Cash on Delivery
货币与交换的经济money and an exchange economy
货币交换pecuniary exchange
货币交换exchange by means of money
货币交易monetary operations
货币交易市场staple of money
货拗交易比率terms of interchange
货物交换commodity exchanges
货物交换比率rate of interchange
货物交换比率rate on interchange
货物交接单list of freight delivered and received
货物交接单cargo landing-over memo
货物交易比率terms of interchange
货物交流表table of interflow of goods
货物成交书confirmation of purchase
货物成交书和交运确认书confirmation of purchase and shipping instruction
货物的灭失、损坏或交付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
货车交货franc sur wagon
货车上交货free wagon
货车内交付delivery on rail
质量、成本、交货quality cost delivery
起运点交货FOB shipping point
起运点交货free on board shipping point
车站交货delivery at the railway station
车站交货delivery at station
车站交货at station
车箱内交货free into wagons
转船交货transhipment delivery order
输入港船上交货ex ship
输出空运机上交货ex plane (FOB plane)
某国边境某地交货franco border
边境交货delivered at frontier
边境交货价格franco border
边境上指定的交货地点named place of delivery at frontier
边境某地交货franco frontier
迅速交货make prompt delivery
运交分支机构的货物branch consignments (shipments)
运交分支机构货物branch consignments (shipments)
运至指定场所交货条件free delivered port of destination terms
运费付至指定目的地交货freight or carriage paid to ... named point of destination
近期交货十日以内near delivery
近期交货near delivery
进口国内指定地点交货,关税已付delivered... named place of destination in the country of importation, duty paid
进口许可证及交货检验制度ICDV import certificates and delivery verification system
远期交货future delivery
远期交货forward delivery
远期交货合同contract for future delivery
远期交货合同contract of future delivery
远期交货合同cash forward contract
选择卸货交货optional delivery
通知交货delivery on call
通知交货最后日last tender day
通过海关后交货条件duty paid terms
通过邮局:交货付现post office: cash on delivery
部分交货partial delivery
铁路交货free on rail... named departure point
铁路交货on rail
铁路交货franc gare
铁路旁交货ex rail
附条件的交货conditional delivery
随时交货delivery on call
非货币交易业务non-monetary transaction
须以一月份交货为条件accepted provided shipment during January
预期交货日期delivery date expected
飞机上交货FOB plane
飞机上交货free on plane
飞机场交货FOB airport (FOA)
飞机舱内交货free on board plane
驳船交货条件ex lighter terms
驳船上交货free into barge
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