
Terms for subject Economy containing 交货 | all forms | in specified order only
一旦你方付讫货款,我方就将装船单据交付与你方We shall deliver the shipping documents to you upon payment of the goods at your end
一般交货条件general delivery tenns
一般交货条件general delivery term
不缩短交货时间,产品很难出售It will be difficult to sell this product without curtailment of the delivery time
与合同条款相符,供货商必须在7月前交货The supplier, coincident with the stipulations of the contract, has to deliver the goods before July
日本东京国际金融期货交易所Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange
临近交货作此变更,确实让我们手足无措Such alteration at the final stage of shipment is indeed confusing to
为了满足客户需要,业务代表应保证产品按时交货To meet the customer's requirements, the business representatives shall see to it that the products be delivered in good time
为了竞争,供应商按时交货是很重要的In order to compete, it is very important for suppliers to deliver on time
买方仓库交货free godown
买方保税关栈交货价格…关税未付ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid
买方关栈交货ex bond
买方处交货delivered free
买方船上交货free on board buyer
买方货仓交货ex buyer's godown
地点delivery point
方法means of delivery
时间delivery time
交付军事订货the military procurement action
交付现货cash on delivery
交付订货execution of order
交换货物switch the cargo
交换货物goods in exchange
交货in delivery
分期交货delivery in (installment)
码头交货delivery ex (docks)
车站、船侧交货delivery at (station, the ship's side)
上门交货delivery at (customers, doorsteps)
交货receiving storage and delivery
交货不到险failure to deliver
交货与支付关系delivery versus payment
交货付款cash on delivery
交货价格delivered cost (开出货物账单时所依据的价格)
交货保证a guarantee of delivery
交货value of shipment
交货凭证proof of delivery
交货利息声明书declaration of interest in delivery
交货利息申明书declaration of interest in delivery
卖方交货到船边吊钩下free on board under tackle
交货前付款payment before delivery
交货前付现cash before delivery
交货前检査pre-delivery inspection
交货发运certificate of delivery
交货delivery ticket
交货delivery order
交货单据总清单general list of shipping documents
交货合同supply agreement
交货后付款pay on delivery
交货后,应付款项已经结清The disbursements have been settled after the delivery
交货周期delivery cycles
交货和验收证明书delivery and acceptance certificate
交货delivery point (点)
交货地点a place of delivery
交货delivery bay
交货完成率delivery rate
交货截止日期deadline delivery date
交货收据delivery receipts
交货收款collection on delivery
交货收款collect on delivery
交货收款价price cost freight price
交货收款销售cash on delivery sales COD sales
交货delivery date
交货日程表delivery schedule
交货时付款销售collect on delivery sales
交货时间time handed in
交货有能力的delivered sound
交货delivery date
交货期间控制delivery control
交货期限date of delivery
交货期限delivery speed
送货到指定地点的交货条件delivered terms
交货条件the shipment clause
交货条件delivery tenn
交货条件delivered tenns
交货清单delivery note
交货状况报告delivery status report
交货的基础basis of delivery
交货至船上的发单FOB invoice
交货记录a boat note
交货通知the advice delivery
交货通知书notice of delivery
交货重量条件delivered weight terms
交货时的delivered weight
交货错误the wrong delivery
交货验收单letter of offer and acceptance
起运地点名 freight междун.торг. 海口名起运地点交通工具上交货至海口运费计算价FOB
今后我们应该继续完成积压下来未及交货的订单We should continue to execute the backlog thereafter
今年我们没有未曾交付的定货We've had no order unexecuted this year
从寄售货中拨交ex consignment (价)
仓库交货ex store (价)
仓库交货exchange warehouse
拉丁语仓库交货价格ex warehouse
仓库交货at godown
仓库交货价格ex warehouse
仓库交货delivery ex warehouse
仓库交货ex. warehouse
仓库交货X whse (ex warehouse)
仓库交货warehouse price
他们不接受远期交货They will not accept forward delivery
他们承认在这次具体交易中没有用他们一贯慎重的态度去办理我方定货They admit not having given our order their usual careful attention in this particular business
他们担心交货期延误一周有可能严重影响业务They fear that a week delay in shipment may seriously affect the business
他们的发言和正在讨论的交货日期无关Their remarks do not pertain to the date of delivery under discussion
他们相信我方会作一切必要安排,提前交货They trust that we will make all necessary arrangements advance the delivery
他已同意与我们进行易货交易He has agreed a barter deal with us
英国伦敦国际金融期货交易所London International Financial Futures Exchange
伦敦期货交易所现名为伦敦商品交易所London Futures and Options Exchange
估计交货时间estimated time of delivery
你方对这批货物提出的索赔应提交保险公司解决Your claim for compensation concerning this cargo should be referred to the insurance company
你方第124号订单暂停交货,等待你方进一步消息In this case the shipment under your Order 124 will be suspended until we hear from you again
你方能保证价格可行,品质优良,交货迅速吗?Can you assure us of workable prices, excellent quality and prompt delivery?
保税仓库交货in bond
免费交货free discharge
免费交货free delivery
免费交货合同free contract
全部交货complete delivery
关仓交货ex bonded warehouse
关仓交货ex bonded warehouse
关栈交货ex bonded warehouse
关栈交货ex customs shed
关栈中交货in bond
关税付清后交货delivered duty paid
兹通知贵方,带包装的机器神户船上交货价为7000美元We are pleased to inform you that the price of the machine is $7000 packed and delivered FOB Kobe
农场交货ex plantation tenns
农场交货条件ex plantation terms
准时交货punctuated shipment
准时交货the punctual delivery
分批交货installment deliveries
分批交货的买卖合同contract for the delivery of goods by instalments
分批交换货delivery of goods by instalment
分期交货installment deliveries
到岸舱底交货cost, insurance, and freight ex-ship's hold
到岸舱底交货CIF ex-ship's hold
到岸轮船仓底交货ex ship's hold cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold (货价、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价)
到岸轮船吊钩下交货cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle (货价、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价)
到岸轮船吊钩下交货cost, insurance, and freight under ship's tackle
到站交货前费用已付delivered free to destination
到货提货不著险、偷窃、扒窃及未交货theft, pilferage & non-delivery
到达地交货FOB destination
到达港海关交货ex customs compound
到达目的地交货franco place of destination
制造商仓库交货ex maker's godown
包括交货费用在内的价格delivered price
包括平舱费在内的船上交货free on board, trimmed
单据交货the symbolic delivery
卖方交货仓库ex sellers' warehouse
卖方仓库交货ex seller's warehouse (价)
卖方仓库交货ex warehouse (价)
卖方仓库交货ex seller's godown (价)
卖方保证决不出售、赠送或交付上述货物给任何其他买主The seller guaranteed not to sell, give away or deliver the above-mentioned goods to any other buyer
卖方的交货能力seller's delivery capacity
南非期货交易所South African Futures Exchange
卡车交货free in truck (价格)
卡车交货1990 年前的贸易用语FOTfree on truck
卡车上交货free on truck
卸岸交货landed (价)
发货后,发票应交给买方,且不退货The invoice shall pass to the buyer upon delivery and no articles shall be sent back
受理付款交货方式的运输handle cash on delivery shipments
合格交货a good delivery
启运地船边交货价格free alongside ship named port of shipmentFAS
启运港船上交货价格free on board harbour
商业交易中的货币流通速度business transaction velocity
商店交货ex store (价)
指定的原产地交货ex (named point of origin)
在以后的交易中我们不会改变这批货物的价格We shall not change the prices on the goods in subsequent transactions
在期货市场上的非标准交易日odd dates
在未来时期交货合同contract for future delivery or forward delivery
在海关交货ex customs yard
在码头交货deliver the goods at the dock
在码头交货at dock
在税关交货ex customs yard
在装运港交货FOB Vessel
在货仓交货at godown
在货物完整无损地递交给承运人后,承担损坏风险的正是买方It is the purchaser who assumes risk of damage after delivery to carrier in good order
在货车交货in track
在车站交货at station
在…车站交货条件at ... station terms
在边境交货free to frontier
在铁路终点站交货at railhead
场外交货ex pit
场外交货ex pit
均衡交货the steady delivery
备选交货程序alternative delivery procedure
外国货币和硬币定期、选择权、证券交易dealing in foreign note and coin (future, option, securities)
外汇交易所的货币价格经常变化The value of a currency on foreign exchange market changes frequently
如果贵方对我方的财务责任有什么怀疑,贵方可以拒绝交货If you have any doubt about our financial responsibility, you may decline to make deliveries
完全交货complete delivery
完成交货the fulfilment of delivery
完成交货the fulfillment of delivery
完成交货fulfilled delivery
完税交货delivery duty paid
完税后买方关栈交货ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty paid
完税后码头交货ex quay duty paid (价)
交货forward delivery
定期交货definite-date delivery
实物期货交易exchange of futures for physicals
实货交易physical trading
将货物交铁路运输consign goods by rail
就地交货delivery on field
岸边交货free from alongside
店铺交货ex store
海口名 lighterage междун.торг. 开往某海口火车上交货驳运费在内价FOB
当地交货ex point of origin
当地交货spot delivery
待交订货back order (单)
总货物交易条件gross terms of trade
澳大利亚悉尼期货交易所Sydney Futures Exchange
成本保险费加运费价格、折扣和交货期都是我们想了解的CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule are what we want to know
成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
成本、保险费、运费至轮船舱底交货cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold (C. I. F. ex ship's hold)
我们会作出一切必要安排按时交货We will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time
我们保证毫不耽误按订单规定交货,使你方客户满意We assure you that we shall execute this order to your customers' satisfaction without delay
我们对因暴动而迟交货物的事不负责任We shall not be responsible for the late delivery of the goods because of the riot
我们正忙于备货,以便交付这艘轮船装运We are busy with the preparation of the goods for shipment on this steamer
我们遗憾地告知贵方,交货由于停工而延迟We regret to inform you that the delivery was late due to the stoppage of work
我方仍然认为延迟交货并非仅是我方单方的责任We are still of the opinion that we are not the only party to be liable for the late-delivery
我方很高兴终于得到了买方同意延期交货We are pleased to have finally obtained buyers' permission to defer the time of delivery
我方确认你方订单上注明的交货时间We confirm the delivery time on your order
或 fas free alongside ship междун.торг. 船边交货FAS
报关港口交货ex port of entry
抵销交货最后日last trading day
拒绝交货refuse to take delivery
拖延交货delayed delivery
拖延交货delay delivery
指定交货constructive delivery
指定交货地点a named place of delivery
指定地交货franco rendu
指定火车站交货at named station
交货实际情况支付quantum meruit (as much as he has earned)
交货工期进度分期付款progressive payment
按工厂交货条件出售sale ex-works
按指示交货或将货交与受让人delivery to order or assign
换汇期货交易exchange of futures for swaps
接受交货accept delivery (交船)
收储及交货费用receiving storage & delivery
敞车交货free on truck
英国 火车敞车交货free on board truck
敞车上交货free on truck (F.O. T.)
散装谷物等船上喷吸管口交货free on board ex shute
散装货船上交货加平舱费价格free on board and trimmed
散装货船上交货加理舱费价格free on board and stowed
易货交易the barter transaction
易货交易barter trade
最后交货日期an end delivery date
最后一批主要货物交货last major shipment (delivery)
有关交货详情,请与香港米德贝格有限公司接洽For detailed delivery instructions, please approach Middleburg Ltd., Hongkong
有关交货详情,请再和他们联系For detailed delivery instructions, please approach them again
期交订货order for future delivery
期货交易futures deal
期货交易future transactions
期货交易prompt scale
期货交易the forward operation
期货交易the bargain on term
期货交易settlement bargain
期货交易deal in futures
农产品等期货交易commodity exchange
期货交易forward transactions
期货交易exchange for futures
期货交易合同futures exchange contract
期货交易所futures business
期货交易所future exchange
期货合同或远期交货合同contract for future delivery or forward delivery
未交付订货积累额backlog of unfilled orders
未完税交货delivered duty unpaid
未完税买方关栈交货ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid
未完税的买方关栈交货ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid
未完税的码头交货ex dock duty unpaid
未完税码头交货ex quay duty unpaid (价)
未能交货failure to deliver the goods
本段的下一小节中规定了交货时间、地点The time and place of delivery are stipulated in the next subdivision of this paragraph
机上交货ex plane
机场交货free on airport
机场交货cost, insurance, and freight airport
机场交货CIF airport
根据合同你方应使我方客户完全满意,按时按定单规定交货According to the contract you shall execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without delay
此订单必须在五周内交货,否则我们将不得不撤销订单This order must be filled within five weeks, otherwise we will have to cancel it
比利时期货与期权交易所Belgian Futures and Options Exchange
汽车上交货free on car
海关仓库交货in bond
海关仓库交货条件ex bond terms
港口 船边交货free on board at harbor
5%溢短装交货delivery of 5% more or less
火车上交货on rail
火车上交货franco on rail way
火车上交货free on train
火车上交货free on board truck
火车上交货free on board cars
火车站交货ex rail (价)
燃料仓交货free in bunker
燃料仓交货free into bunker
燃料舱交货free into/in bunkers (价格)
燃料舱交货free into bunkers
燃料舱交货free into bunker
现场交货ex works (价)
现场交货ex point of origin
现场交货ex works
现款交货cash before delivery
现款现货交易spot trading
现货交易spot trade (transaction)
现货交易月spot month
现金交货cash before delivery
现金交易不送货上门cash and carry transaction
现金交易送货上门cash and delivery transaction
现金现货交易spot transaction
瑞士期权和金融期货交易所Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange
生产者交货指数index of producers shipment
某轮装运的船上交货free on board per s/s ... (F. O. B. per s/s)
由于你方信用证耽误,我方不能准时交货,深感遗憾We regret deeply that the goods can not be delivered to you on time because of the delay of your L/C
由于工厂交货推迟,他们未能把这批货物装上这艘轮船运走Due to delayed arrival of the goods from the factory, they failed to ship the goods by this steamer
由于我们老客户的续订单大量涌入,我们很难保证即期交货Since many repeat orders from our regular customers are rushing in, prompt shipment cannot be guaranteed
由于我方客户催促迅速交货,务请你方按协议办事As our clients are pressing us for prompt delivery, we have to call on you to void by the agreement
由于这一季节我们已接受了很多订货,不得不拒绝要求迅速交货的新订单Since we are heavily committed this season, we have to reject new rush orders
由"伦敦"号轮运交下列货物consign the following per s.s. "London"
由卖方代为租舱、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers
甲板交货提单on deck bill of lading
电子货币交易electronic funds transfer
码头交货free trade wharf
目的港码头交货关税由买方负担ex quay duties on buyer's account (价)
目的港码头交货ex wharf (价)
码头交货free alongside quay (价格)
码头交货ex quay
码头交货ex dock
码头交货ex quay
码头交货delivery ex wharf
码头交货free on quay (价)
码头交货free at quay (价格)
码头交货ex quay price (价)
码头交货at the dock (价)
码头交货free on quay
码头交货free at pier
码头交货free alongside quay
码头交货free docks
码头交货free at quay
码头交货delivered at dock
码头交货price ex quay
码头交货X whf (ex wharf)
码头交货ex pit
码头交货ex quay duties
码头卸货交货条件ex quay landed terms
私下交货ship goods without a permit
税讫交货条件delivery duty paid
立即交货prompt delivery
第 310 号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是1月而不是 2 月The signed Sales Note No. 310 has been returned to us stipulating January delivery instead of February
第14号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是6月份而不是7月份The signed Sales Note No. 14 has been returned to us stipulating June delivery instead of July
约定交货the period stipulated for delivery
美国纽约期货交易所New York Futures Exchange
经过长时间谈判,他们拟同意以即期付款交单方式支付货款After a long time of negotiation, they are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped
背书与交货indorsement and delivery
船上交货free on steamer (价)
船上交货ship chandlering
船上交货delivery ex ship
船上交货free on board
船上交货free on ship
船上交货free on streamer
目的港船上交货ex ship (价)
船上交货ex ship price (价)
船上交货free on ship (价)
船上交货freight on board
船上交货f.o.b. price
船上交货free on board price
船上交货价值free on board value
船上交货价格free on board vessel
船上交货加佣金价free on board and commission
船上交货常用凭单customary document in proof of delivery of the goods
船上交货条件free on board terms
船上交货班轮条件free on board liner terms
船上交货计价法free on board pricing
船上舱底交货ex ship's hold (价)
船到交货价格on arrival of vessel
船坞交货free dock
船坞交货free dock
船边交货free alongside ship (价格)
船边交货free from ship (价格)
船边交货the outboard delivery
船边交货the shipside delivery
船边交货或提货overside delivery
船边交货free overside
船边交货along ship side
船边交货free alongside
船边交货delivery free along ships aside
船边交货free alongside
船边交货delivered alongside ship
船边交货free alongside ship price
船边交货free over side
船边交货价格a.s. price
船边交货价格free overside
船边交货提单an alongside bill of lading
船边交货条件free alongside ship terms
船边交货重量the weighing at overside delivery
营业收入的交货确定法the delivery basis of revenue recognition
装货港码头交货free on board quay
装货港船上交货free on board port of shipment
装货港船上交货free on board
装运港码头交货free to docks
装运港船上交货FOB... named point of shipment
装运港船上交货价格FOB port of shipment
装运港船边交货价格free alongside ship named port of shipmentFAS
要求的交货日期required delivery date
要求退回所交货物的诉讼the affirmative recovery
见单交货deliver goods against surrender of the documents
LD1080订单项下的货物,工厂交货推迟,我们未能将其装该轮发运Due to delayed arrival of the goods against Order No. LD1080 from the factory, we failed to ship them by that Steamer
订货交货时间pipeline time
订货至交货间的时间lead time
许多商品期货都是在商品市场上成交的Many a commodity future is bought and sold at commodity markets
象征交货the symbolic delivery
交货free in truck
货主与货主间直接交易principal-to-~ transaction
货交承运人指定地点free carrier named place
货交承运人free carrier
货到交付delivery to arrive
货到即交delivery on arrival
货币套期交易currency-hedged transaction
货币套期交易currency-hedge transaction
货物交付延误delay of goods
货物交接单cargo handling over bill
货物妥善交付good delivery
货物数据交换系统cargo data interchange system
货物未到,因交通被暴风雪阻断The goods haven't arrived because the traffic was interrupted by a snowstorm
货车交货free in wagon (价格)
货车交货free in truck (价格)
货车上交货free on wagon (价)
生产管理三要素质量、成本、交货quality, cost, delivery
起运港船上交货free on board in harbour (价格)
起运港船上交货free on board in harbour
起运点交货shipping point free on board shipping point
车上交货FOTfree on truck
车上交货free on truck (价)
车上交货free on lorry
车上交货free on lorry
车上交货f.o.r. price
内陆指定装货地点车上交货价,扣除到指定卸货地点运费free on board ... freight allowed to...
车上交货价格free on cars
内陆指定地点车上交货,运费预付至free on board ... freight prepaid to... (指定岀口港)
车板交货free on wagon
车板交货free in wagon
车箱内交货free into wagons
轮船交货free on ship
轮船交货free on steamer
轮船吊钩下交货under ship's tackle (价)
输入港船边交货free overside
迅速交货early delivery
运期交货合同contract of future delivery
运费由收货人交付freight forward
运输该货中的任何意外的事故都是延误交货的充分理由Any unforeseen accidents in the shipment of the goods are sufficient excuse for the delay in delivery
近期交货the nearby delivery
这些费用在你方香港代理人提交单据后由收货人付给On presentation of the documents by your agents in Hongkong these expenses will be paid by consignees
这笔定货一定要在12月前交付It is a vital necessity to execute this order before December
这笔订货的剩余部分将在3月25日前交货The remainder of the order will be delivered before March 25
进口港栈交货ex-importation dock price
进口港船边交货free overside
进口的产品在交货时,必须是可销的When the imported products are delivered, they shall be merchantable
进口许可证及交货检验制度import certificates and delivery verification system
美国进口证书与交货检验制度Import Certificates and Delivery Verification System
进口货物交易税import turnover tax
远期分批交货future installments of goods
送到码头交货delivered clocks
选港交货option deliver
通关后交货条件duty-paid terms
通常交货地点usual point for delivery
通知交货最后日期last tender day
通过邮局交付现货post office cash-on delivery
逾期交货delayed delivery
遵守交货日期meet delivery date
铁路交货free on rail
铁路交货on-rail price
铁路敞车交货free on train
铁路终点交货at railhead
隔日交货的交易regular transactions
集装箱到达站交货free arrival station
集装箱收货站交货delivered at container collection depot
集装箱收货站交换delivered at container collection depot
集装箱集散站分卸交货container freight station delivery
非货币交易non-monetary transactions
预期订货至交货的时间qualified lead
预约通货交易套购网法network of standing currency-swap arrangement
预计交货时间expected time of delivery
飞机上交货free on board aircraft
飞机上交货free on plane
飞机上交货FOB aircraft
飞机场交货FOB airport
香港期货交易所Hong Kong Futures Exchange
驳船仓内交货价格free into bunker
驳船上交货free into barge (价格)
驳船上交货free into barge
驳船上交货free on lighter
驳船上交货free on board lighter
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