
Terms for subject Business containing 交货 | all forms | in specified order only
一般交货general delivery
不如期交货fail to deliver goods at the time stipulated
不按约定日期交货fail to deliver goods at the time stipulated
不稳定的交货erratic delivery
不良交货bad delivery
买方仓库交货free into store
交付军事订货military procurement action
交付货款submit payment for the goods
交付货物tender goods
交付货物或清单handing over
交分店寄售货物branch shipments
交叉货币供应量cross money supply
交叉通货利息增加额cross currency interest accrual
交叉通货避险cross currency hedging
交易所交换现货against actuals
交货delivery allowance
交货deliver merchandise
交货deliver the goods
交货不足shortage in delivery
交货不足short delivery
交货与验收证明书delivery and acceptance certificate
交货付款payment on the delivery
交货付款cash and delivery
交货付款运输cash on delivery shipment
交货价值delivery value
交货价格delivery value
交货前出售sales made in advance of delivery
交货前检验pre-delivery inspection
交货包装和装货用品delivery packing and shipping supplies
交货单据certificate of delivery
交货双方的依赖关系inter-dependence of deliveries
交货合同contract of delivery
交货合同contract for delivery
交货metric ton delivered
交货delivery man
交货delivery clerk
交货地点和日期place and date of delivery
交货delivery room
交货delivery bay
交货定价法delivered pricing
交货情况delivery state
交货情况delivery performance
交货截止日期dead-line delivery date
交货执行情况delivery performance
交货提前期delivery lead times
交货收款销售collect on delivery sale
交货数量承诺quantitative delivery commitment
交货方式service type on delivery
交货方法means of delivery
交货day of delivery
交货日期估计delivering data estimating
交货日期卖方选择delivery at seller's option
交货日程表schedule of delivery
交货时付款paid on delivery
交货时间对我们来说非常重要,希望你方能够重视You know that time of delivery is very important to us. I hope you can give our request your special consideration
交货月份month of delivery
交货月份contract months
交货有效期life of delivery
交货期限term for delivery
交货期限terms of delivery
交货期限time of delivery
交货期限term of delivery
交货条件condition of delivery
交货条件terms for delivery
交货条件即卖方将货物运至买方指定地点的条件delivered terms
交货条件谈判negotiation of delivery term
交货检验delivery inspection
交货rate of delivery
交货确认书confirmation of delivery
交货簿goods delivery book
交货能力delivery capacity
交货航程delivery trip
交货证书delivery verification certificate
交货证据proof of delivery
交货证明书delivery verification certificate
交货误期delay in delivery
交货费用cost of delivery
交货迟延delay in delivery
交货逾期的赔偿compensation for delay
交货重量delivery weight
交货volume of delivery
交货amount delivered
交货限额quota delivery
交货验收delivery inspection
交铁路运输货物consign goods by rail
产地交货at source
拉丁语仓库交货价格ex store
仓库交货价格ex store
仓库交货price ex warehouse
仓库交货指卖方仓库ex warehouse
仓库交货ex stock
仓库交货现价cash and carry warehouse
付款后交货cash before delivery
付现交货cash delivery
股票交易付现交货cash basis delivery
付现交易或现货市场付款cash or spot market
以货换货的交易barter business
估计交货时间expected time of delivery
估计交货质量水平estimated submitted quality level
你们最早什么时候能够交货What is the earliest time when you can make delivery?
保不按约交货insurance against non-delivery
保税仓库交货ex bonded warehouse
停止交货通知notice to stop in transit
免费交货送货delivered free
免费送目的地交货delivered free to destination
入口港码头交货ex importation dock
全部和最后交货full-and-final delivery
全部和最后交货full and final delivery
公路交货free on road
关于交货日期的修改remedy as regards the date of delivery
关栈交货in bond
关栈交货ex bond warehouse
关栈交货ex bonded warehouse
准时交货in-time delivery
准确交货时间exact time of delivery
凭指示交货或交与受让人delivery to order or assign
出口交货日程表schedule of delivery of the export
出口交货申请application to deliver for export
分批交货in instalment
分批交货合同contract for the delivery of goods by installment
分散交货spread delivery
分期交货delivery by installment
分期交货delivery of goods by instalment
分期分批交货合同contract for the delivery of goods by instalment
分期分批交货installment delivery
到岸仓底交货成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价C.I.F. ex ship's hold
到岸货船吊钩下交货成本、保险费、运费加吊钩下交货价CIF under ship's tackle
到岸货船舱底交货成本、 保险费加舱底交货运费价cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold
到期前交货pre-mature delivery
制造厂商仓库交货ex maker's godown
制造商仓库交货ex makers godown
协会盗窃及不按约交货条款Institute Theft, Pilferage and NonDelivery Clause
卖方仓库交货ex seller's godown
卖方仓库交货指以输出地卖方仓库为交货地点ex godown
卖方仓库交货条件ex warehouse terms
卖方店铺交货ex store
卡车上交货free on wagon
卡车上交货free on truck (f.o.t.)
即期交货current delivery
即期交货immediate delivery system
原产地交货loco spot
原地货场交货ex point of origin
发货地交货free on board in harbor
发送站交货free forwarding station
取货与交货pickup and delivery
可交换货物exchangeable goods
可交易货物tradable goods
可转让的定期交货合同transferable delivery contract
启运机场交货free on board airport
启运港交货delivery at port of shipment
启运港机场交货FOB airport
启运港码头交货free on board quay
启运港船上交货free on steamer
启运港船上交货free on board in harbor
启运港船上交货free on board harbour
启运港船边交货free alongside ship
启运点交货free on board shipment point
商业交易中的货币周转速度business transaction velocity
商品期货交割commodity futures delivery
商品期货交易所commodity futures exchange
商品期货选择交易options on commodity future
商品远期交货commodity future delivery
商店交货ex store
商店交货条件ex store terms
固定货币信贷交易协商网络net work of standing currency-swap arrangement
国内期货交易所管理management of internal futures exchanges
国际交货合同contract of international delivery
国际中转交货international transshipment delivery order
国际易货交易international barter transaction
国际期货交易international transaction in futures
国际期货交易场所international trading ring
在 X 处交货delivered free at X
在买方住地仓库交货条件free godown
在…车站交货条件at... station terms
妥善交货good delivery
存货移交收据inventory transfer receipt
季节性交货seasonal delivery
完好交货good delivery
完成交货时间表closing schedule
完税后交货DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
定期交货deliver on term
定期指定交货期交货specific delivery
定货积压未交back of unfilled orders
实货交易physical dealing
实际交货actual delivery price
对不起,我们无法提早交货I'm sorry. We can't advance the time of delivery
对迟延交货的补偿remedy as regards the delay of delivery
将货物交由承运人保管delivery into the custody of the carrier
岸边交货alongside delivery
工厂交货at factory
工厂交货价格free at factory
工厂交货EXW (Ex Works)
卖方工厂交货ex works
工厂交货ex work
工厂交货FOB plant
工厂交货mill price
工厂交货ex mill
卖方工厂交货条件指以货物输出地卖方工厂为交货地点的条件ex works terms
交货的成本delivered cost
已付款的交货通知单notice of delivery paid
已出售类似货物交易价海关征税估价法之一transaction value of similar goods sold
市场交货ex fair
店铺交货ex store
店铺或仓库交货条件ex store terms
延交订货back order
延交订货通知单back order memo
延期交货postponed delivery
延期交货delayed the delivery
延期交货deferred delivery
延期交货stay of delivery
延期交货指定货back order
延期交货合同delayed delivery contract
延期交货安排delayed delivery arrangement
延期交货通知单back order memo
当地交货发票loco invoice
当地交货条件local condition
当地现场交货条件loco terms
待交订货order backing
成批交货arrivals in batches
成本、运费泊位交货条件cost and freight berth term
我们给出的是船上交货价格,价目表中的价格需经我方最后确认Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation
我方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
批发交货wholesale delivery
指定交货地点named place of delivery
指定日期交货fixed-date delivery
指定火车站交货at named station
指定目的港交货条件free delivered port of destination terms
指定边境交货地点named place of delivery at frontier
交货方式分类classification by the form of delivery
按付款交单方式收取某人购货款draw D/P against someone's purchase
按地址交货delivered at the address
按定货价交货delivered to order
按工厂交货条件销售sale ex work
按承兑交单方式收取某人购货款draw D/A against someone's purchase
按月交货delivery on calendar month basis
按期交货deliver on time
按营业收入确定交货delivery on basis of revenue recognition
按规定要求交货good delivery
按需交货订单指买方按其需要要求卖方交付定单数量内的部分货物的一种订货方式call off order
推定交货marking of goods
推定交货提单代交货constructive delivery
提货交单documents contre acceptation
收储及交货费用Receiving, Storage and Delivery
.收款交货collection and delivery
政府间交易的货物government to government crude goods
敞车交货free on truck
整批批发交货wholesale delivery
无提货单凭赔偿担保交货indemnity and guarantee delivery without B/L
无条件交货限额limit of free delivery
无法交付的货物undeliverable goods
无法交付进口货物账户undeliverable import goods account
明确交货definite for delivery
以货换货的易货交易barter deal
最后交货last delivery day
最后交货期限deadline delivery date
月份交货monthly delivery
月末交货month end delivery
期货交易futures transaction
证券期货交易time bargain
期货交易future transaction
期货交易transaction for forward delivery
期货交易transaction for futures
期货交易transaction in futures
期货交易trading of futures commodity
期货交易exchange of futures
股票期货交易sale for account
期货交易forward transaction
期货交易合同future exchange contract
期货交易市场market for futures trading
期货交易市场market for futures exchange
期货交易所futures exchanges
期货交易所管理management of futures exchanges
期货市场非标准交易日odd dates
交货订单指某一生产企业在年底或月底未向订户完成交货的全部订单数或金额unfilled orders
未交付订货积累额backlog of unfilled order
未交付货物undelivered cargo
未交付货物failed to deliver the goods
未交订货与已分摊制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense
未交订货报告backlog reporting
未到期前交货pre-mature delivery of futures
未完税交货DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)
未完税码头交货ex pier duty unpaid
未完税码头交货ex dock duty unpaid
本月交货current month delivery
机场交货ex aerodrome
欠交定货指暂时因缺货未交back order
次日交货next day delivery
正确和真实交货on right and true delivery of the cargo
海关交货指卖方将货物运至输入国,办完报关及交纳关税后,在海关区场交给买方货物的交货价条件ex customs compound
混合交货mixed delivery
混合交货指卖方交货时将货运单证等文件一并交给买方的交货方式mixed delivery
火车上交货free into wagons
火车站交货delivery at the railway station
火车车厢内交货free into wagons
交货check and hand over goods
特别交货special delivery
现场交货at site
现场交货即货物存放所在地交货ex point of origin
现货交货即期货到期的交货月份spot month
现货交付value spot
现货交易spot business
现货交易spot dealing
现货交易physical transaction
现货交易经纪人spot broker
生产者交货指数index of producer's shipment
由于延迟交货给您造成的不便我感到非常抱歉I'm very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you
由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货条款free on board clause providing for additional duties for the seller
盘存货物移交inventory transfer
目的地交货franco place of destination
目的地交货FOB destination
目的地港、站交货free destination
目的地交货合同to arrive contract
目的港交货的到岸价加利息价CIFI port of destination
目的港交货的到岸价加汇费价CIFE port of destination
目的港岸上交货条件指卖方负责卸货上岸及卸载前的一切费用及风险landed terms
目的港码头交货DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay)
目的港船上交货DES (Delivered Ex Ship)
目的港船上交货delivered ex ship
目的港船上交货ex over side
目的港驳船交货以货从船上卸至驳船为限free overside ship f. o. s.
直接易货交易straight barter sale
相同货物成交价格transaction value of identical goods
看货成交sale as seen
交货short delivery
矿山交货ex mine
码头交货delivery at docks
码头交货价格free at whart
码头交货delivered at docks
码头交货价格free at quay
码头交货ex wharfage
码头交货free dock
目的港码头交货即以目的港码头为交货地点ex wharf
码头交货free at dock
码头交货free docks (s/d)
法语码头交货a qual
码头交货metric ton wharfage
目的港码头交货条件ex quay terms
码头交货barrel ex wharfage
积压未交订货额backlog of unifilled
税后买方关栈交货ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid
税后码头交货ex quay duty paid
紧急交货urgent delivery
约定交货contractual delivery
约定交货地点stipulated delivery point
约定交货日期stipulated delivery date
约定交货period stipulated for the delivery
纳税后交货delivered duty paid
经铁路运至边界交货by rail over frontier
缩短交货curtailment of the delivery time
美国商品期货交易管理委员会Commodity Futures Trading Commision
航空站目的地交货即航空站交货的成本、保险费加运费价C.I.F. airport
目的地船上交货free from ship
船上交货FOB (Free on Board)
船上交货free on ship (steamer)
船上交货即 f.o.b.rendu price
船上交货free on steamer
船上交货ex steamer
船上交货班轮条件指卖方不负担装船费用free on board liner terms
船侧交货delivery at ship's side
船到交货价格on arrival of vessel
船到交货on arrival of vessel
船边交货FAS (Free Alongside Ship)
船边交货与提货brought to and taken from alongside
船边交货delivered at the ships' side
船边交货free alongside
船边交货delivered alongside ship
船边驳船交货free overside
船边交货重量weighing at overside delivery
装卸交货管理员cargo sheet clerk
装运港船上交货free on board port of shipment
要求交货delivery on demand
见单交货deliver the goods against surrender of the document
计划交货delivery of program
订货交货lay time
订货至交货期间lead time
让我们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing
设备交货日程表schedule of delivery of the equipment
象征性交货fictitious delivery
象征性交货symbol delivery
象征性交货指交付提单等单证,称象征性交货symbolic delivery
货主间直接交易principal-to-principal transaction
货交承运人FCA (Free Carrier)
货交承运人价free carrier... named point
货交收货人delivery to consignee
货仓交货at godown
货币交换即非易货交易pecuniary exchange
货币交易money exchange
货币交易monetary transaction
货币交易所money exchange
货物交接handing over
货物交火车运送consign goods by rail
货物按件交接handing over as per number of package
货物的灭失,损坏或交付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
货物资料交换制Cargo Data Interchange System
货真价实的交易real bargain
货车内交货free into truck
货运交接单list of freight delivered and received
质量、成本、交货quality, cost, delivery
购进原材料交货成本delivered cost of raw material purchased
起运点交货FOB shipping point
超额交货over-quota delivery
车上交货free on car
车厢内交货free into wagons
车厢内交货free in wagon
车站交货delivered at station
车站交货at station
车站交货at station
车站交货free on station
车站交货条件at station terms
轮船吊钩下交货under ship's tackle
轮船吊钩下交货的到岸价格成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价cost, insurance, freight under ship's tacks
边境交货DAF (Delivered at Frontier)
边境交货free to frontier
边境交货franco border
迅速交货prompt delivery
过期交货back haul
运交分店分支机构货物branch consignments
运交分店货物shipment to branch office
运交分支机构货物branch consignment
运费交货时即付carriage forward
运费付至指定目的地交货carriage paid to named point destination
进口许可证与交货检验制度Import Certificates and Delivery Verifications System
进口许可证与交货检验制度import certificate and delivery verification system
远期交货for distant delivery
远期交货for forward delivery
远期交货futures delivery
远期交货distant delivery
远期交货订单order for future delivery
违章交货即未按特定章程交割bad delivery
连锁易货交易link barter
递延交货deferred delivery
通货膨胀与充分就业之间的交替tradeoff between inflation and full employment
通过货币交换exchange through money
通过邮局交货post office: delivery
通过邮局交货付款post office: cash on delivery
通过邮局:交货付现post office: cash-on delivery
部分交货part delivery
金融期货交易transaction of financial futures
铁路交货free on rail
铁路交货务件由卖方支付火车装车费的贸易条件on rail
铁路终点站交货at railhead
铁路货车交货free in truck
铁道旁交货ex rail
间隔太长,可以在3个月内交货吗?The interval is too long. Could we expect an earlier shipment within three months?
防止交货延误preventing delivery delays
附条件交货conditional delivery
限期交货prompt delivery
隔夜交货交割overnight delivery
非即时交货noninstantaneous delivery
非货币性交易nonmonetary trading
非货物日常交易invisible current transaction
预定交货日期estimated date of delivery
预期交货日期expected date of delivery
预期交货时间expected time of delivery
飞机上交货free delivered aircraft
飞机上交货free on aircraft
飞机上交货ex plane
飞机仓内交货free on board plane
飞机场交货free on board airpot
飞机场交货free on airport
飞机机舱内交货free on board plane
驳船交货ex lighter
黄金期货选择交易options on gold future