
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 交线 | all forms | in specified order only
仪表交叉式线圈cross coil
交叉线圈式车速表cross coil type speedometer
交叉线圈电阻式cross coil-resistance type
交线line of intersection
交织线weave bead
公交交通干线arterial transport line
交通线arteries of communication
交通路线图traffic map
交通路线的实际容量actual line capacity
道路交通路线管理控制traffic routing
从非主干线驶入交叉路口的车辆minor-street vehicle
公共交通事故无线电呼救设备high emergency locating plan equipment
公共交通线路布局public transport network distribution
公共交通线路设施public transport line facilities
公路交通事故无线电呼救设备highway emergency locating plan equipment
线交通double-line traffic
公共交通固定线路交通scheduled service
市际干线交通trunk-line traffic
轮胎标志带束斜交线bias belted
轮胎交线diagonal bias
无线电交通信息radio traffic information
无线电交通信息频道参阅 RDS 和 TMCradio data system-traffic message channel
智能化交通系统数据总线ITS data bus
环线交通系统loop transport system
由主干线驶入交叉路口的车辆main-street vehicle
相交轴线intersecting axis
车身腰线交点belt intersection
路线对交通的适合性serviceability of route
路面交通标线pavement marking
转向节主销延长轴线与路面的交点point of pivot on road
转向节主销轴线与路面交点pivot center
转向节主销轴线与路面交点knuckle-pin center