
Terms for subject Business containing 交流 | all forms | in specified order only
中外学术交流Chinese-foreign academic exchanges
中外技术交流与合作'Chinese-foreign technology exchange and cooperation
交会车流conflicting traffic
交易流水账blotting book
交流信息swap data
交流工具communication media
交流或直流alternating current/direct current
交流或直流alternating current of direct current
交流拨号alternating current dialing
交流alternating current volt
交流电气机车alternating current locomotive
交流经验share experiences
交流继电器alternation current relay
交流部分swapped parts
交流领域field communication
交通分流traffic split
交通流量与车辆密度traffic flow and density
人事交流swapping employers
信息交流inter-change of information
信息交流inter-flow of information
信息交流information flow
信息交流中心information exchange center
信息交流中心center of information exchange
信息交流地点point of information exchange
信息交流理论communication theory
信息交流communication station
信息交流网络network for the exchange of information
信息和人员交流exchange of information and personnel
动态交流dynamical communication
动态交流dynamic communication
厂际息信交流interplant communication
双向信息交流two way flow of message
双边商品与业务交流对流bilateral flow
商品集散交流中心centers of commodities concentration, distribution and exchange
国际信息交流international information exchange
国际信息交流机构mechanism of international information exchange
国际信息交流网络network of international exchange of information
国际技术信息交流international technical information exchange
国际经济信息交流international economic information exchange
国际贸易信息交流international trade information exchange
城乡物资交流interchange of urban and rural products
城乡物资交流interflow of commodities between town and country
城乡物资交流flow of goods between town and country
城乡物资交流circulation of goods between town and country
多渠道信息交流网络all-channel communication network
大量信息交流mass communication
对外经济技术交流foreign economic and technical exchange
对外经济技术交流economic and technological exchange with the outside world
对角信息交流diagonal communication
市场信息交流中心market information exchange center
技术交流flow of technology
技术信息交流technological information exchange
技术信息交流technical information exchange
技术信息交流中心technical information exchange center
数据交流inter-flow of data
有效交流意见中人的因素human side of successful communication
流行商品交易fashionable trade
热交换流体heat exchange fluid
物资交流inter-flow of materials
物资交流inter-flow of goods
物资交流interchange of commodities
电子元件性能认证检验数据国际交流international exchange of authenticated electronic component performance test data
直接交流firsthand exchange
科技信息交流中心scientific and technical information exchange center
经济交流economic interchange
经济与技术交流economic and technical interchange
经济技术交流economic and technical interchange
经险交流exchange of experience
经验的交流exchange of experience
营销信息交流marketing communication
视听交流工具audio-visual media
通过技术合作计划进行信息和人员交流exchange of information and personnel through technical co-operation programmes
通过技术合作计划进行信息和人员交流exchange of information and personnel through technical co-operation programs
金融信息交流中心financial information exchange center