
Terms for subject Dancing containing 交叉 | all forms | in specified order only
三步盘旋交叉、追步向右three-step hover cross, chasse to right
交叉侧步chasse croise
交叉回旋步cross swivel
交叉基本步cross basic
交叉并步cross chasse
交叉并步chasse cross
交叉踌躇步cross hesitation
交叉cross turn
交叉追步cross chasse
交叉追步chasse cross
以分式激转步为前导的交叉踌躇步cross hesitation preceded by open impetus turn
伦巴式交叉rumba cross
侧行位置左脚交叉于右脚后LF crosses behind RF in PP
分式滑形转步接交叉踌躇步open telemark followed by cross hesitation
分式激转步之后的交叉踌躇步cross hesitation after open impetus turn
交叉绕转步double cross whip
双腿交叉做风车flare with legs crossed
右脚前进交叉于反身动作及侧行位置中RF forward and across in PP and CBMP
右脚轻松地交叉于左脚后RF crosses loosely behind LF
在侧行位置右脚交叉于左脚后RF crosses behind LF in PP
交叉left cross turn
左脚交叉于右脚前LF crosses in front of RF
左脚前进交叉于反身动作及侧行位置中LF forward and across in PP and CBMP
左脚松弛地交叉于右脚前LF crosses loosely in front of RF
盘旋交叉hover cross
阿根廷交叉Argentine crosses