
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 交付 | all forms | in specified order only
交付出票人refer to drawer
交货付款paid on delivery
交货时付款payment on delivery
交货时付款cash against delivery
交货时付款cash on delivery
付款和交货payment and delivery
你们能不能接受付款交单?I wonder if you will accept document against payment?
你方如能在产品质量、价格、交货和付款方面与我方全力合作,我方将向你方大量订货We shall be able to give you big orders if you will fully cooperate with us on products quality, price, delivery and payment.
凭收货人指示交付to order of consignee
加快交付accelerated delivery
交付的等级deliverable grade
交付的货物undelivered cargo
船侧交付delivery alongside ship
这次交易我们将采用分期付款方式。We would like to adopt payment by installments for our present transaction.