
Terms containing 交付 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一般商品交付条件general conditions for the delivery of goods
commer.一般地说,我们不接受承兑交单托收的支付条件Generally speaking, we do not accept the payment terms by D/A
avia.上海飞机制造有限公司空客公司项目交付计划production Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation, Ltd. (上飞公司继与麦道、波音进行国际化合作以来,为了持续航空零部件的转包项目,开拓欧洲转包市场,学习空客的管理经验,2006年2月20日,与空中客车工业公司、中航国际控股有限公司共同签署了空客A 320货舱门门框的制造合同)
avia.上海飞机制造有限公司空客公司项目交付计划production Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation., Ltd.
China, law不宜交付审判not appropriate to hand over for trial
busin.不必交付现款with no down payment
busin.为分期付款交易融通资金hire-purchase financing
avia.交付时间表master delivery schedule
tech.买主不付定金全部靠贷款的房地产交易no money down
avia.交付deliver (飞机、设备等)
soil.交付turn over
tech.交付handing over
busin.交付to the order of
busin.交付to the order of...
busin.交付in favor of order
busin.交付submit payment
agric., busin.交付consignment (consignmentum)
China, law交付不动产deliver immovable property
avia.交付中心delivery center
tech.交付letter of intent
tech.交付产物payment in product
China, law交付deliverer
tech.交付人员delivery operator
busin.交付仲裁裁决deposit of the award
tech.交付使用put into service
tech.交付使用put into operation
China, law交付使用delivered for use
tech.交付使用place in operation
tech.交付使用前试验preoperational test
tech.交付使用前试验preoperation test
tech.交付使用日期date of full availability
busin.交付使用财产明细表detailed statement on handover of property to be used
tech.交付使用财产率的审计audit of ratio of putting estate into service
tech.交付使用财产的审计audit of putting estate into service
gen.交付保单surrender of the policy
China, law交付保险费pay an insurance premium
avia.交付偏差项delivery deviation
law交付公断submit to arbitration
law交付公断refer to arbitration
busin.交付军事订货military procurement action
shipb.交付出票人refer to drawer
avia.交付前付现cash before delivery
tech.交付前检查predelivery inspection
avia.交付前装药的factory loaded
busin.交付单据tender document
securit.交付单证tender document
busin.交付受阻通知书advice of circumstance preventing delivery
avia.交付后改型材料post delivery modification material
busin.交付后…日days after delivery
avia.交付后更改post delivery change
tech.交付周期delivery cycle
busin.交付品级deliverable grade
securit.交付回单delivery receipt
tech.交付country of consignment
busin.工程项目移交生产时提出的交付图纸一览表drawing introduction sheet
gen.交付图纸一览表工程项目移交生产时提出的drawing introduction sheet
tech.交付place of delivery
busin.交付delivery room
China, polit.议案交付大会表决a bill or proposal put to vote at the session
tech.交付契据delivery of a deed
tech.交付定货fill an order
China, law交付定金delivery of the deposit
busin.交付…定金buy the refusal of
China, law交付审判hand over for trial
avia.交付审查delivery review
busin.交付审核的文件papers under consideration
tech.交付年代year of delivery
China, law交付执行刑罚hand over for execution of one's criminal punishment
busin.交付接受人refer to acceptor
avia.交付控制室delivery control room
avia.交付数据包delivery data package
busin.交付方式type of delivery
securit.交付方式manner of payment
securit.交付日期delivery date
tech.交付时间lead time
tech.交付时间time of delivery
tech.交付时间time handed in
avia.交付时间time to delivery
busin.交付最后日期last tender day
agric.交付consignment stage
securit.交付life of delivery
busin.交付期规则due date rule
China, law交付期限time limit for delivery
tech.交付期限term of delivery
securit.交付期限delivery of date
avia.交付构型as-delivered configuration
China, law交付标的物deliver the targeted matter
tech.交付检修put into overhaul
busin.交付款项fork over
busin.非自愿交付款项fork out
tech.交付滞留deliver delay
avia.交付物交付后支持post-delivery support
avia.交付状态delivery status
busin.交付rate of delivery
tech.交付rate of delivery (货物)
agric.交付现金的租佃rent in cash
agric.交付现金的租佃cash tenancy
avia.交付的及时性delivery timeliness
avia.交付的空机重量delivery empty weight
busin.交付税款pay duty
avia.交付空机重量delivery empty weight
tech.交付端热能成本cost of heat at point of delivery
avia.交付系统delivery system
avia.交付系统执行管理delivery system implementation management
avia.交付系统过程管理delivery system process management
busin.交付结算delivery settlement
avia.交付缺件missing part for delivery
China, law交付船舶deliver the ship
busin.交付营运be open to traffic
railw.交付行车凭证delivery and taking over of tokens
China, law交付表决put to vote
tech.交付装置delivery installation
tech.交付装置delivery plant
tech.交付装置delivery facility
avia.交付计划审査会议delivery planning review meeting
tech.交付订货execute an order
avia.交付记录delivery record
busin.交付设备hand over equipment
tech.交付证书certificate of delivery
avia.交付试车delivery test
gen.交付试验检验be submitted for test
China, law交付财产deliver the property
busin.交付货款submit payment for the goods
busin.交付货物tender goods
busin.交付货物或清单handing over
China, law交付货物时at the time of delivery of the goods
China, law交付质押财产delivery of the pledged property
securit.交付购股款subscription to capital stock
tech.交付费用delivery charges
tech.交付运用bring into operation
tech.交付运营be open to traffic
securit.交付选择delivery options
tech.交付重量delivery weight
busin.交付amount delivered
avia.交付飞机时客户定制物料表customized bill of material
agric.交单[据]付款cash against document
tech.交单付款cash against shipping documents
busin.交单付款documents against payment
busin.交单付款payable against document
tech.交单付款paid on presentation
securit.交单付款honor the draft on presentation
securit.交单付款汇票付款还抵押汇票document against payment bill
busin.交汇票时照付protect our draft on presentation
busin.交票即付on presentation pay to
busin.交票即付on presentation
tech.交货与付款同时履行concurrence between delivery and payment
busin.交货付款payment on the delivery
shipb.交货付款paid on delivery
law交货付款cash on delivery (C. O. D.)
busin.交货付款cash and delivery
tech.交货付款payment on arrival
tech.交货付款payment on shipment
avia.交货付款carrier onboard delivery
busin.交货付款运输cash on delivery shipment
tech.交货付现cash on delivery
tech.交货前付款payment prior to delivery
tech.交货前付现payment prior to delivery
tech.交货前分期付款progress payment
tech.交货后付款payment after delivery
tech.交货时付款pay on delivery
tech.交货时付款payment against delivery
busin.交货时付款paid on delivery
shipb.交货时付款cash against delivery
shipb.交货时付款payment on delivery
shipb.交货时付款cash on delivery
tech.交货时付运费carriage forward
avia.产品交付规范Acomponent delivery specification-A (定义了产品最终交付状态及偏离工程图纸的工程构型)
avia. 产品交付规范 Acomponent delivery specification-A
avia.产品交付计划production delivery schedule (这是波音公司关于水平安定面的交付计划,用表格的形式,由于经常更改,有版次规定,如R-153, R-153 更改时可以用 R-153R1, R-153R2, R-153R3 等,多次以后可以更改为R-154, R-154R1, 154R2, 154R3等。这份交付计划的内容主要有 SAMC 的架次号、波音737-NG 飞机架次号、客户号以及发运日期等,水平安定面的发运严格按此交付计划执行)
earth.sc.付成本费交货delivery against cost
earth.sc.付款交割delivery versus payment
busin.付款交单指先付清货款,再交货运单据document against payment
busin.付款交单document on payment
busin.付款交单documents upon payment (D/P)
tech.付款交单cash against payment
securit.付款交货documents against payment
securit.付款交货delivery versus delivery
busin.付款后交单documents against payment
busin.付款后交单又称跟单付款documentary against payment
busin.付款后交货cash before delivery
shipb.付款和交货payment and delivery
busin.付现交货cash delivery
earth.sc.付现交单cash against documents
busin.付现交单documents against presentation
tech.付现交易for cash
securit.证券付现交易for cash
busin.付现交易或现货市场付款cash or spot market
busin.股票交易付现交货cash basis delivery
earth.sc.付现后交货cash before delivery
busin.付现款后交单documents against cash
tech.付现金交货cash before delivery
gen.付费交界线路fee-junction circuit
avia.优先交付数据priority delivery data
shipb.你们能不能接受付款交单?I wonder if you will accept document against payment?
shipb.你方如能在产品质量、价格、交货和付款方面与我方全力合作,我方将向你方大量订货We shall be able to give you big orders if you will fully cooperate with us on products quality, price, delivery and payment.
avia.供应商交付规范the standard of the products delivery from supplies (根据中国商用飞机有限公司和供应商的基本合同协议,编制和发放的合同性工艺文件,用于定义零组件的最终交付状态,是供应商制造和最终交付产品的依据之一。供应商产品完工以后,包括装箱、发运、接收等均有一系列规定。但某些产品限于当时的条件,在供应商所在地并未完工,这就是未完工供应商装配件移交。未完工供应商装配件由供应商负责制造,但不具备完全满足订单及采购指令 (PO )和/或合同要求的装配件,因而不可能在规定的交付期百分之百地满足订单的要求而遗留一些未完工的工作量。但供应商为了按时交付,通常会提出对这类未完工产品提出移交申请,而主制造商也为了确保项目总计划进度,在规定条件下也允许供应商发运所申请的此类未完工的采购项目,对此类产品如何移交控制和协调,有详尽的规定)
avia.供应商产品交付规范书supplier product specification
avia.供应商产品交付规范书supplier's products delivery specification
avia.供应商直接交付direct vendor delivery
China, law依法发行并交付的证券securities that have been legally issued and delivered
busin.保留产品交付retained production payment
multimed.内容交付体系结构content delivery architecture
securit.净额交易支付payment netting
avia.准备交付ready for delivery
tech.凭付款交付hand-over against payment of the price
shipb.凭收货人指示交付to order of consignee
tech.出票远期付款交单draw payable after date
commer.分期交付保险费installment premium
commer.分期付款交易installment trade
earth.sc.分期付款交易instalment business
tech.分期付款交易instalment trade
busin.分期付款交易installment trading
busin.分期付款交易tally trade
securit.分期付款交易instalment trading
avia.交付的时间time to delivery
avia.到岸交付on-deck delivery
avia.制造装配和安装交付系统manufacturing assembly and installation delivery system
shipb.加快交付accelerated delivery
securit.即付交易交易所买卖方式之一bargain on spot
securit.即期交付spot delivery
busin.即期付款交单document against payment at sight
tech.即期付款交单documents against payment after sight
busin.即期付款交单documents against payments at sight
nautic., tech.即期付款交单D/P at sight
tech.卸岸与交付landing and delivery
tech.原地交付delivery on field
securit.原始发行折扣规则和分期付款交易OID rules and installment sales transaction
gen.发卡行规定每年还必须交付年费There's an annual commission required by the issuing bank
avia.交付的最终项deliverable end item
shipb.交付的等级deliverable grade
avia.交付的系统要求清册system deliverable requirement list
securit.交付等级tenderable grade
avia.交付项目清册deliverable item list
securit.可选择的交付程序alternative delivery procedure
securit.合格交付good for delivery
China, polit.法律草案向全国公布交付全国人民讨论两个多月a draft law be made public for the whole country to hold a two-month discussion
tech.商业交付周期commercial lead time
avia.商用交付中心commercial delivery center
gen.因卡遗失或损坏等原因,申请补办新卡时须交付工本费1美元One dollar will be charged for a card renewal due to loss or damage
commer.在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
avia.备件订货交付spare order release
commer.大批积压而未交付的订货a large backlog
securit.失败交易支付费drop dead fee
busin.契据交付delivery of a deed
tech.委付移交tender of abandonment
avia.存储管理/武器交付stores management/weapon delivery
avia.存储管理/武器交付控制计划stores management/weapon delivery control program
China, law完好交付delivered in good condition
tech.实际交付actual delivery
China, polit.审议全国人民代表大会主席团交付的议案examine proposals delegated by the Presidium of the NPC session
China, polit.审议全国人民代表大会常务委员会交付的议案examine proposals delegated by the Standing Committee of the NPC
avia.客户驱动,提前交付customer-driven, previously delivered
busin.对不起,我们不接受付款交单和承兑交单的付款方式,我们只接受信用证付款I'm sorry. We can't accept D/P or D/A. We insist on payment by L/C
securit.尚未交付的担保品outstanding collateral
avia.就地交付ship in place (按完工产品的防护、包装和发运程序 (QP-3038-MS -001)定义,是按客户的要求或经双方协商所实行的一种特殊交付状态,产品的产权已归属客户,但产品仍储存在制造者某个指定的区域,制造者负有监督责任)
avia.工作交付指令job delivery orders
avia.工程交付文件engineering delivery documents
tech.工程完成交付使用日期date of substantial completion
avia.工装工具交付记录tool consigment record
busin.交付使用财产property turned over for operation
avia.交付的组件unit issue
busin.交付补偿executed consideration
busin.已付款的交货通知单notice of delivery paid
math.平均交付质量水平average outgoing quality level
math.平均交付质量界限average outgoing quality limit
adv.广告交付印刷的最后截止日forms-close date
busin.交付补偿executive consideration
busin.股票交易延期交付deferred delivery
securit.延期交付合同deferred delivery contract
securit.延期交付合约T + D
tech.延期付款交易deferred payment transaction
tech.延迟交付delay in delivery
tech.延迟交付delayed delivery
securit.延迟交付carrying-over day
China, law当场交付hand over on the spot
avia.快速交付申请request for accelerated delivery
avia.恒量交付constant delivery
tech.成交后分批付定金balloon down payment
busin.我方希望您可以接受付款交单的付款方式We hope you will accept D/P
tech.承兑后交付单据documents against acceptance
tech.承兑后交付收据documents against acceptance
avia.承诺的交付服务committed delivery service
gen.把M交付 Nturn M over to (N)
gen.把 M 交付Ndeliver up M to (N)
gen.把 M 交付Ndeliver over M to (N)
gen.P把M交付N以便进行Prelease M to N for
gen.把M交付给Nleave M for (N)
gen.把 M 交付试验检验submit M for test
gen.重新把这机器交付使用put the machine back into service
securit.投资证券交易应付款项payables for investment security traded
tech.投资资金交付使用率rate of use of invested funds
adv.按交易付费cost per action
commer.按付款交单方式向买主收取货款draw D/P against the buyer's purchase
busin.按付款交单方式收取某人购货款draw D/P against someone's purchase
adv.按广告点击后的交易数付费cost per lead
consult.按时交付timely delivery
avia.按时交付on time delivery
busin.按时交票即付on due presentation
securit.按规定交付证券good delivery of securities
securit.接收交付take delivery
avia.接收和交付客户满意改进计划acceptance and delivery costumer satisfaction improvement programmed
securit.推定交付constructive delivery
busin.提前交付的票据bill for premature delivery
tech.支付交易应用层payment transaction application layer
avia.支援设备交付计划support equipment delivery schedule
securit.收付交易payment and delivery transaction
securit.收取交付延期费take in
busin.交付的夏季服装new consignment of summer suit
avia.交付航行器报告newly delivered aircraft report
avia.交付飞机报告newly delivered airplane report
consult.施工和交付construction and delivery
tech.无法交付物品undeliverable articles
tech.无法交付物品non-deliverable articles
tech.无法交付的支票undeliverable check
securit.无法交付的账单undeliverable statement
busin.无法交付的货物undeliverable goods
tech.无法交付的进口货undeliverable import goods
tech.无法交付货物undeliverable cargo
tech.无法交付货物undeliverable goods
tech.无法交付货物unable-deliverable cargo
tech.无法交付货物unable-deliverable goods
tech.无法交付货物non-deliverable goods
busin.无法交付进口货物账户undeliverable import goods account
busin.无法交付通知notice of non-delivery
busin.明日交付value tomorrow
tech.明示交付express delivery
avia.最后交付日期deadline delivery date
securit.最后交付通知日last notice day
tech.月末交付month-end delivery
China, law交付义务obligated to deliver
securit.交付能力good for delivery
securit.期权交付指令option delivery instruction
securit.期货交付价格delivery price
tech.期货金额及交付日期通知prompt note
busin.交付failure to deliver
securit.交付头寸fail position
shipb.交付的货物undelivered cargo
busin.交付订货积累额backlog of unfilled order
busin.交付货物undelivered cargo
busin.交付货物failed to deliver the goods
busin.交付集装箱报告undelivered container report
securit.未完成的交付unconcluded delivery
securit.未按时交付fail to deliver
tech.条件交付信用证escrow letter of credit
securit.条件交付信用证escrow letter of credit
tech.条件交付账户escrow account
avia.标准交付日期standard delivery date
busin.核定认股数额及交付期通知letter of allotment
securit.款券同时交付delivery versus delivery
China, law正式交付formally deliver
securit.正规交付regular delivery
avia.武器交付weapon delivery
avia.武器交付分析规划系统armament delivery analysis programming system
avia.武器交付电子设备控制装置weapons delivery avionics control unit
avia.武器交付系统weapon delivery system
avia.民机交付delivery of commercial aircraft (airplanes)
busin.现付交易bargain on spot
tech.现场交付spot delivery
tech.现场交付delivery on field
busin.现货交付value spot
tech.现货交付spot delivery
securit.现货付款交易spot cash transaction
tech.现金交付pay in cash
busin.现金交付利息cashing interest
avia.理想的交付日期preferred delivery date
tech.直接交付immediate delivery
busin.直接交付outright forward
busin.直接交付direct consignment
tech.直接交付direct delivery
securit.票据交付delivery of bill
busin.票据交换所自动收付系统Clearing House Automated Payments System
railw.积压而未交付的订货back log
avia.空中客车交付中心Airbus delivery centre
tech.竣工清场交付broom clean
busin.竣工验收和交付使用completion acceptance and commissioning of a project
securit.第一交付first paydown date
avia.等待交付awaiting delivery
securit.签字交付回条signed delivery receipt
busin.签约时交付的定金down payment on signature of the contract
agric.粮食交付food delivery
securit.累进交付可调抵押graduated payment adjustable mortgage
busin.经由清算公司交付delivery by a clearing corporation
avia.综合产品交付与支援integrated product delivery and support
securit.股份全部交付full delivery
shipb.船侧交付delivery alongside ship
tech.行李包裹交付delivery of luggages and parcels
China, law交付recipient
tech.要求交付股款call on shareholder
tech.认付时交货单据document against acceptance
tech.认付时交还抵押单的汇票document acceptance bill
securit.证券交付delivery of securities
securit.证券交付结算方式settlement by delivery of securities
tech.交付delivery mistake
avia.请告交付情况advise delivery
China, polit.调查全国人民代表大会主席团和常务委员会交付的质询案look into the questions raised by the Presidium and the Standing Committee of the NPC
tech.象征性交付symbolic delivery
China, law财产交付时起转移transferred simultaneously with the property itself
commer.货到付款交易COD transaction
tech.货物交付goods delivery
tech.货物交付delivery of freight
commer.货物已交付goods delivered
busin.货物的灭失,损坏或交付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
commer.货物规定分批交付The goods are to be delivered by instalments
tech.货车交付delivery on rail
avia.质量、成本、交付、安全和纪律quality, cost, delivery, safety and morale
securit.跟单交付documentary delivery
agric.过期交付农管late commitment
tech.运费交货时付carriage forward
busin.运费交货时即付carriage forward
tech.运费交货照付carriage forward
busin.运费付至指定目的地交货价carriage paid to named point destination
tech.运费付至目的交货地carriage paid to the named point of destination
gen.运费在交货时照付carriage forward
shipb.这次交易我们将采用分期付款方式。We would like to adopt payment by installments for our present transaction.
busin.远期交付for distant delivery
busin.远期付款交单document against payment after date
busin.远期付款交单documents against payment after date
tech.远期付款交单distance of payment after date
busin.远期付款交单托收usance D/P collection
busin.远期付款交单托收long documents against payment collection
securit.远期付款交单票据long D/P collection
securit.迟付交割证券late certificate delivery
China, law迟延交付delay in delivery
busin.通过邮局交货付款post office: cash on delivery
busin.通过邮局:交货付现post office: cash-on delivery
China, law逾期交付标的物overdue delivery of subject matter
tech.铁路付款交货free on rail
avia.闭合系统交付close system delivery
busin.附条件交付契约escrow agreement
busin.隔日交付overnight delivery
tech.集装箱交付delivery of container
tech.集装箱已交付container released
avia.预计交付时间estimated delivery time
securit.预计平均交付价格estimated average settlement price
avia.飞机交付aircraft delivery
avia.飞机交付承诺aircraft delivery commitments
gen.飞机交付aircraft delivery group
avia.飞机交付/维修中心aircraft delivery/repair center
avia.飞机运输和交付air transportation and delivery
avia.首件交付the first deliverable
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