
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
万通惠人寿保险公司Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance (简称"万通互惠理财",1851年创立于马萨诸塞州春田市,是一家首屈一指的互惠人寿保险公司,2013年3月被《财富》杂志评为2013年"世界最受推崇企业"排行榜人寿及健康保险业类别中的第3名,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第342位)
不透明信用opaque credit swap
与外国央行之间的货币换协议currency swap agreements with foreign central banks
专门助基金specialized mutual fund
中央结算系统联网系统CCASS Internet System
临时性货币换额度emergency currency swap lines
主权信用违约sovereign credit default swap
主权信用违约换+C1569市场sovereign credit default swap market
保基金fidelity fund
保险公司mutual insurer
利共赢、共同发展的原则principle of mutual benefit and common development
利共赢的开放战略win-win strategy of opening up
利合作mutually beneficial co-operation
助保险fraternal insurance
助储金会loan society
助银行bank's for cooperatives
惠信贷协议reciprocal agreement
惠的自由化机制reciprocal liberalization mechanism
交易swap transaction
换期权swapping option
换测验reverse test
相争夺市场market cannibalization
相冲销帐户mutually offsetting entry
相同意注销条款mutual cancellation
相认付cross acceptance
联网内容供货商internet content provider
联网域名与网址管理机构Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (这是在全球各国政府支持下由美国政府成立的一家私营组织,业务是注册和开发互联网域名)
联网市场internet market
联网泡沫internet bubble
联网直接融资市场internet direct financing market
联网金融业internet banking
联网金融平台internet-finance platform
联网银行internet bank
补性complementary nature
通有无政策give-and-take policy
验法check off method
核对cross-cheque (crossed check)
核对cross -check
人民币换协议renminbi currency swap lines
人民币货币换协议RMB currency swap facility
付出方换期权payer's swaption
价差spread swap
信用违约credit default swap
信贷利论theory of reciprocity in credit
信贷违约credit-default swap (指发生在两个交易对手之间的一种新的金融衍生产品,类似于针对债券违约的保险:CDS 的买方通常向 CDS 卖方支付一定费用(称为"信用违约互换点差"),而一旦出现信用类事件(主要指债券主体无法偿付),CDS 购买者将有权利将债券以面值递送给 CDS 卖方,从而有效规避信用风险)
借贷利论theory of reciprocity in debt and credit
债券bond swap
债务debt swaps
债务股权debt-for-equity swap
债务股权debt-equity swap
共同努力建设相尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
共同建设全面利的经济伙伴关系work together to build a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership
分享式换期权participating swaption
分部经营业绩的利润相转变规则profit convariability rule in divisional performance
利宝助保险集团Liberty Mutual Insurance Group (是一家多险种的国际保险公司集团,创建于1912年,总部设在美国马萨诸塞州的波士顿,最大的险种业务为个人汽车险(财产和意外伤亡保险),其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第296位)
利率interest-rate swap
利率换协议interest-rate swap agreement
利率预期rate anticipation swap
加强区域内基础设施联互通和网络化建设strengthen regional interconnection and network infrastructure construction
单一国家惠基金single-country mutual fund
单位信托及惠基金守则code on unit trusts and mutual funds
双方有对方登记的帐户mutual accounts
反向reverse swap
换债券inter-changeable bond
换性fungibility (指一种金融工具与另一种特性或条件相同的金融工具可互相替换)
可转让票据相承认reciprocal recognition of negotiable instruments
合约惠基金contractual mutual fund
固定利率货币fixed-rate currency swap
固定利率货币fixed rate currency swap
国民助信贷银行Credit Mutual (国民互助信贷银行(法语原文:Credit Mutuel Confederation Nationale)是一家法国的半官方专业银行,成立于1926年,总部设在巴黎,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第35位)
国际换和衍生产品协会International Swap and Derivatives Association
基础利率basic rate swap
外汇FX swap
外汇treasury swap
奉行利共赢的开放战略pursue a win-win opening strategy
实施利共赢的开放战略follow a strategy of mutual benefit with other countries
实现利共赢achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation
实行平等利、合作共赢的对外开放政策implement equality and mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win opening -up policy
实际利率零风险互换actual rate swap (zero basis risk swap, ZEBRA)
封闭式助基金closed-end mutual fund
工厂分类帐相控制帐户factory ledger reciprocal control account
希腊债务Greek debt swap
建立货币换安排set up swap arrangements
建设全面利的经济伙伴关系build a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership
建设相尊重、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系build a cooperative economic partnership of mutual respect and mutual benefit
建设相尊重、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系build a cooperative economic partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
开放式惠基金open-end mutual fund
形成优势补、分工协作、均衡协调的区域开放新格局form a complementary, coordinated, balanced and coordinated regional opening a new pattern
总收益total return swap
息票coupon swap (一种同种货币的固定利率和浮动利率之间的互换,即交易的一方向另一方支付一系列固定利率的利息款项换取对方支付的一系列浮动利率的利息款项)
推动利投资promote mutually beneficial investment
普通generic swap
替代substitution swap
服务部门与生产部门成本的交分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
期权惠基金option mutual fund
本期高收益惠基金high current income mutual fund
本着建设性、合作性和利性的态度in a constructive, cooperative, and mutually beneficial manner
本着建设性、合作性和利性的态度积极解决双边投资争端work proactively to resolve bilateral investment disputes in a constructive, cooperative, and mutually beneficial manner
本着相尊重和合作的精神in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation
汇编报表:相投资结合与循环投资结合consolidated statement: reciprocal and circuit affiliations, the entity theory
波动volatility swap
浮动利率floating-for-floating swap
海外惠基金offshore mutual fund
深化利合作deepen mutually beneficial cooperation
深化了解、信与合作deepen understanding, trust, and cooperation
保险社mutual insurance association
尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
尊重、集体决策原则mutual respect, collective decision-making principles
承兑mutual acceptance
抵销repeal by implication
抵销counter balancing
抵销后差额offset balance
支持、相互补充的政策措施mutually supporting and complementing policy measures
评估程序mutual assessment process
透支额度mutual swing credit
需求论theory of reciprocal demand
看跌换掉期put swaption
确认积极支持二十国集团评进程affirm active support for the mutual assessment process of the G20
离岸交易的信用违约offshore-traded credit default swaps
签署货币换协议sign currency swap agreements
经济上的利性mutual economic benefits
经济相依存economic interdependence
股票equity swap
西北相人寿保险公司Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (美国最大的人寿保险公司之一,总部设在美国威斯康星州最大城市和湖港密尔沃基 (Milwaukee) ,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第452位)
解相抵销的错误counter balancing error
认可惠基金authorized mutual fund
财政纪律mutual check of financial discipline
货币treasury swap
货币换信贷网network of standing currency swap
货币换协议currency swap agreements
货币利率交叉cross currency interest rate swap
货币市场助基金股份money market mutual funds share
资产asset swap (一种由现金信用工具和掉期组成的一篮子工具,这种互换将非票面值工具(债券或贷款)的现金流转换为票面值(浮动利率)结构。资产掉期通常将固定利率债券转换为票面值浮动利率债券,但交叉货币资产掉期也十分常见,它们将现金流从一种货币转换为另一种货币)
资金供需的相作用interplay of demand and supply of money
远期deferred swap
远期delayed start swap
远期deferred start swap
透明、对等、利的原则principles of transparency, reciprocity, and mutual benefit
金融financial swap
金融联网internet of finance
银行相检查制度system of mutual bank examination
鸡尾酒式cocktail swap (指各种不同类型互换合约的混合体,常用于分散主要融资交易的风险)
黄金拨协定Gold Earmarking Agreement