
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一次交分配法one-time mutual apportionment
一般相依存理论theory of general interdependence
一般线性相作用模型Generalized Linear Interactive Modelling
三因子相作用three-way interaction
三因子相作用three factor interaction
乘数—加速数相作用multiplier-accelerator interaction
二重交影响double interaction
二阶相作用second-order interaction
不侵犯条约non-aggression treaty
不干涉mutual noninterference
不相关mutual independence
不相关线性组合mutually uncorrelated linear combination
作用mutual effect
保原则principle of mutuality
借协定interlending agreement
利合作mutual benefit and collaboration
动体系论interaction system
动因素interaction factor
mutual complement
mutual assistance
mutual aid
助会benefit association
助保险assurance mutuelle
助保险assurance mutual
助信托投资基金balanced fund
助公司如互助保险公司等,系非股份公司mutual company
助制度mutual aid system
助协会beneficial association
助合作mutual and cooperative
助团体mutual aid group
助基金会Mutual Fund
助委员会mutual aid committee
助社aid society
助组织mutual aid organization
助组织mutual aid team
助组织benefit association
助资本证mutual capital certificate
相互专营reciprocal exclusive dealing
惠专利patent cross-licensing
惠互利reciprocal and mutual advantage
惠互利协议reciprocal and mutually advantageous arrangements
惠交换交易reciprocal exchange
惠交易bilateral transaction
惠交易bilateral deal
惠交易reciprocal dealing
惠价格bilateral price
惠保险reciprocal insurance
惠信贷credit swap
惠信贷swap credit
惠信贷协议swap agreement
惠公约bilateral convention
惠关税bargaining tariff
协商惠关税bargaining tariff
惠分保reciprocal exchange
惠协定bilateral agreement
惠委托reciprocal consignment
惠投资公司unit trust
惠掉汇信贷swap credit
惠援助bilateral assistance
惠援助bilateral aid
不给报酬的惠服务au pair
惠购买reciprocal purchase
惠购买reciprocal buying
惠贷款bilateral loans
惠贸易reciprocity trade
惠贸易协定reciprocal trade agreement
承兑mutual acceptance
持股份mutual share-holding
持股权reciprocal holding
换性与代用性interchangeability and replaceability
换批准书exchange of instruments of ratification
换批准书exchange of instrument of ratification
换批准单exchange instrument of ratification
换装配式制造interchangeable assembly manufacturing
换货币指美国与欧洲14国签订的互换货币协定,主要是美国利用此协定缓解抛售美元的压力currency swap
换货币协定指西方国家央行间双边信货协定swap agreement
换货币额度指两国中央银行互换货币信贷所规定的数额swap line
换选择法selection with interchange
斥方案mutually exclusive alternative
斥样本空间mutually exclusive sample space
斥目标conflicting goals
斥集mutually exclusive sets
易活动mutual transaction
有过失in/pari delicto
用元件components of interaction
用税alternating tax
对等援助reciprocal aid
相借贷协定interlending agreement
相值态独立变量mutually valuewise independent variables
相储蓄银行mutual saving bank
相关回归mutually correlated regression
相关回归扰动mutually correlated regression disturbance
相关程度degree of interrelationship
相关联的implicative of each other
相关连转让渠道网network of interrelated channels of transfer
相包含的implicative of each other
相完全独立分量mutually totally independent components
相抵消cancel each other
相排斥投资的排队ranking of mutually exclusive investment
相控股reciprocal holding
相核对mutual check
相牵连的implicative of each other
相碰撞knock against each other
联网interconnect network
补企业complementary enterprise
补商品complementary commodities
补因素complementary factors
补律complementarity law
补性市场complementary market
补性相关产业complementary related industries
补效应complementary effects
补效应complementarity effect
补松弛定理complementary slackness theorem
补松弛论complementary slackness theory
补经济结构complementary economic structure
补贸易政策complementary trade policy
补需求complementary demand
视系统intervision system
mutual concession
give and take
许贸易差额指预先规定两国支付差额限度swing credit
mutual purchase
cross purchase
指出口国在出口的同时又从进口国购回货物counter purchase
购信用交易所counter-purchase credit exchange
购协定cross-purchase agreement
逆矩阵reciprocal matrix
通信息mutual exchange of information
通有无mutually supplying each other's needs
通有无mutual exchange of needed product
通有无make up for each other's shortages
通有无help supply each other's needs
通有无each making up what the other lacks
通有无supplying each other's wants
通设备interworking facilities
需求均等法则law of the equivalent of reciprocal demand
亚单元相作用subunit interaction
仿真语言interactive simulation language
作用信息系统interactive information system
作用管理interaction management
制图系统interactive graphics system
图形编辑interactive graphics editing
型可视数据终端interactive and view-data terminal
多准则规划interactive multicriterion programming
影响研究中的相互关系矩阵matrix of interrelationships in cross-impact studies
操作序列interactive operating sequence
方式interaction mode
查询interactive query
终端interactive terminal
跃进leap frogging
人机相作用man-machine interaction
人—车—路相作用man-vehicle-road interaction
供需为包含mutually implying
信贷惠协定bilateral swap agreement
储蓄助会provident society
全球相依存与危机分析模型model for the analysis of global interdependence and crises
全球相依存战略strategy of global interdependence
公司间持股份intercompany stockholding
公司间持股份intercorporate stockholding
公司间持股份inter-corporate stockholding
农业助保险金agricultural mutual aid insurance money
农业票据助基金mutual aid fund for agricultural bills
前后相影响front-to-back effect
劳动mutual aid in labor
劳工单位换性interchangeability of unit of labour
劳资相依赖inter-dependence of capital and labour
双因子交作用two-factor interaction
双因子相作用two-way interaction
双方有借方登记的账目mutual accounts
双方有过失的碰撞条款由双方共同担负赔偿损害责任both to blame collision clause
双重换位置误差double transposition error
换信息interchangeable information
换债券interchangeable bond
换生产interchangeable manufacturing
换电子数据interchangeable electronic data
各用户业务类别之间的interworking between user classes of services
各部门相配合与沟通two Cs
商品相对立confront each other as commodities
国际相保险公司协会International Association of Mutual Insurance Company
外部依存系数coefficient of external interdependence
外部相依存理论theory of external interdependence
子系统相影响subsystem interaction
存款济协会credit union
局域网local area network interconnection
工业industrial complementarity
工作mutual aid in work
工作助组mutual-aid working group
工厂分类账控账户factory ledger reciprocal control account
巴特利特次级交作用检验Bartlett's test of second-interaction
平等reciprocity based on equality
平等利原则principles of equality and mutual benefit
平衡偶间的换性interchangeability of equilibrium pairs
建房助协会贷款利息building society interest
总线锁通信bus-interlocked communication
成批或交式处理网络batch and interactive network
招聘与应聘相选择mutual selection by employment departments and employees
携手相保险社hand in hand mutual insurance office
数据换原则principle of interchangeable data
无约束相作用unconfounded interaction
时间换性指船舶装卸货的时间,在计算速遣费或滞期费时可以相互扯补time reversibility
时间换试验time reversal test
显著相作用significant interaction
普遍性,非歧视性,非惠性待遇generalized non-discriminatory, nonreciprocal preferential treatment
有关换性的检查check on compatibility
服务部门与生产部门成本交分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
保险汽车撞免赔协议指两车互撞由双方自负责任knock-for-knock agreement
消费行为相依存interdependence of consumer behavior
电子数据的换性interchangeability of electronic data
交易reciprocal dealing
代销托销reciprocal consignment
作用分析interaction analysis
作用分析analysis of interaction
作用缺乏lack of interaction
使用专利权cross licensing
供应mutually supply
依存reciprocal interdependence
依存关系relation of interdependence
依存原则principle of interdependence
依存的群体interacting group
依存相互促进interdependent, mutually promotive
依赖的经济结构complementary economic structure
保密mutual security
保险reciprocal insurance
互助保险公司公司成员相互保险mutual insurance company
保险基金mutual insurance fund
保险社mutual office
借款及储蓄银行mutual loan and saving bank
借贷协定interloan agreement
储蓄mutual saving
关联矩阵interaction matrix
冲销账户mutually offsetting account
冲销账目mutually offsetting entry
出借协定inter-lending agreement
分配法reciprocal distribution method
制约mutual restraint
制约mutual coercion
勾结act in collusion
发盘发价cross offer
变换reciprocal transformation
变换模型reciprocal transformation model
存款保险mutual deposit premium
存款协议accords on depositing money in each other
对冲mutual offset
尊重mutual respect
影响矩阵法cross-impact matrix method
往来账户reciprocal account
承兑汇票cross acceptance
承认可转让票据reciprocal recognition of negotiable instruments
承认的调查海损报告mutually agreed survey report
抑制mutual coercion
投资联系公司reciprocal affiliations
抵偿贸易mutual compensating trade
抵消债权claim set-off against each other
抵消的债权claims set-off
抵销mutually cancel out
抵销的价值opposing value
抵销的债权claims set-off against each other
授予mutual gift
控制interrelated control
收受汇票keep open account
有关的集inter-related sets
满足状态mutual comfort
牵连implicative of each other
特许权cross licence
独立mutual independence
独立的变量mutually independent variables
监督mutual supervision
租赁inter lease
统计独立mutually statistical independence
统驭账户reciprocal control account
联系的分公司reciprocal affiliations
联系的分支机构reciprocal affiliations
评价mutual rating
误解cross purpose
谅解mutual understanding
负债mutual debt
购买reciprocal purchase
贸易信贷mutual trading credit
赊欠swap credit
转让mutual transfer
硬件换装配hard replaceable assembly
积性交作用项multiplicative interaction term
程序连工艺过程programmed interconnection process
程序交作用program interaction
税收抵免惠协定bilateral agreement on tax credit
第三级相作用third order interaction
系统相作用systems interaction
经济mutual complement in economy
经销商相关系dealer relationship
结构换性structural compatibility
〈美》助俱乐部benefit club
美国标准信息换码American Standard Code for Information Interchange
群体相作用group interaction
职工助会journeyman fraternity
联机相作用online interaction
联营助合作社affiliated societies
自求生存与求共存live and let live
〈英》济会friendly society
设备换性compatibility in the equipment
调整、寿命、换性、功能与安全coordination, life, interchangeability, function and safety
调查者—回答者相影响interviewer respondent interaction
财政助协会mutual aid financing association
财政纪律mutual check of financial discipline
货币惠信贷网network of standing currency-swap
货币进出国境惠协定bilateral agreement on the movement of currencies into and out of each other's territory
辅助车间费用交分配表auxiliary workshop expense reciprocal apportionment statement
选择性相作用selective interaction
金融市场助基金money market mutual fund
金融市场助基金股份monetary market mutual fund shares
零件换原则principle of interchangeable parts
零相作用zero interaction
惠优惠non-reciprocal preference
惠待遇nonreciprocal treatment
惠性优待待遇non-reciprocal preferential treatment
惠性优惠nonreciprocal preference
惠非歧视性普通优惠制generalized nonreciprocal, non-discriminatory system of preferences