
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
世界银行和基金组织理事会关向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Development Committee
世界银行和基金组织理事会关向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Development Committee
世界银行和基金组织理事会关向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
仅适用使用国际开发协会贷款国家的减债贷款IDA Debt Reduction Facility
仅适用使用国际开发协会贷款国家的减债贷款Debt Reduction Facility for IDA-Only Countries
平价below par value currency
面值at a discount
使市场处均衡状态clear the market
借记某一金额某一账户debit an amount to an account
借记某一金额某一账户debit an account with an amount
以成果为导向援助的全球伙伴关系Global Partnership on Results-Based Aid
使用基金组织资金的保障措施safeguards on the use of Fund resources
加强合作促进全球经济扩张的宣言Madrid Declaration
加强合作促进全球经济扩张的宣言Declaration on Cooperation to Strengthen the Global Expansion Interim Committee
双边和多边监督的决定Integrated Surveillance Decision
双边和多边监督的决定Decision on Bilateral and Multilateral Surveillance
国际货币事务与发展的二十四国政府间集团Group of Twenty-Four
国际货币事务与发展的二十四国政府间集团Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development
国际货币事务的二十四国政府间集团Group of Twenty-Four
国际货币事务的二十四国政府间集团Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs
土地用途的法律规定zoning regulations
土地用途的法律规定zoning laws
恐怖主义融资的特别建议FATF 8 Special Recommendations
恐怖主义融资的特别建议8 Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing
恐怖主义融资的特别建议Eight Special Recommendations
恐怖主义融资的特别建议Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing
成员国政策双边监督的决定Decision on Bilateral Surveillance over Members' Policies
执5 计行董事定期选举事宜的规则委员会Committee on Rules for the year Regular Election of Executive Directors IMF, Executive Board
执董会改革的第七次拟议修正案Seventh Amendment
执董会改革的第七次拟议修正案Board Reform Amendment
执董会改革的第七次拟议修正案Proposed Seventh Amendment on the Reform of the Executive Board
消灭国际恐怖主义措施的宣言Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
离岸金融中心的工作组Working Group on Offshore Financial Centers
审查的方法reviews-based approach
对全球增长贡献的过滤器filter based on contribution to global growth
市场的方法market-based approach
成果的援助results-based aid
时机的危机防范贷款机制timing-based crisis prevention facility
时机的危机防范贷款机制timing based facility
时机的危机防范贷款机制timing-based lending facility
时机的危机防范贷款机制timing-based crisis-lending facility
结果的贷款条件outcomes-based conditionality
绩效的预算performance budgeting
绩效的预算output budget
绩效的预算performance budget
绩效的预算performance-based budgeting
绩效的预算performance budgeting system
绩效的预算体系performance-based budgeting
绩效的预算体系performance budget
绩效的预算体系output budget
绩效的预算体系performance budgeting
绩效的预算体系performance budgeting system
选择理论的choice-theoretic approach
选择理论的方法choice-theoretic approach
风险的框架rules-based framework
风险的资本risk-based capital
风险的资本risk-weighted capital
基金组织/世界银行关反洗钱方法的联合文件AML Methodology Document
基金组织/世界银行关反洗钱方法的联合文件joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document
基金组织关政策分析和评价的文章IMF Paper on Policy Analysis and Assessment IMF document series, PPAA/...
持有额低分配额holdings below allocations
强化合作解决债务的信贷credit enhancement
强化合作解决债务的信贷enhanced credit
强化合作解决债务的官方资金enhancement money debt restructuring
经济表现弱预期forecast disappointment
贷记某一金额某一账户credit an amount to an account
贷记某一金额某一账户credit an account with an amount
平价above par value
票面价值above par value
面值at a premium
面值above par
面值above par value
面值above face value