
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
地球月球轨道间的宇宙空间cislunar space
检测限below detection limit
测定值below detection
二次损失函数的容许性admissibility with respect to quadratic loss function
二次损失函数的非容许性inadmissibility with respect to quadratic loss function
国际科学技术用开发协会International Association of Science & Technology for Development
事件的时空数据模型event-based spatiotemporal data model
卫星的原子能探测系统satellite based atomic energy system
卫星的海上探索与营救系统satellite-based maritime search and rescue system
地面图像的资源信息系统land image-based resource information system
流束概念进行混合分析mixing analysis based on the concept of stream tubes
知识专家的系统knowledge-based expert systems
知识的地理信息系统knowledge-based geographic information system
知识的系统knowledge-based systems
知识的能源管理系统knowledge-based energy management system
最小值less than the minimum
溶解...... 中soluble in
地震预报的遗传算法分类系统classifier system based on genetic algorithms for earthquake prediction
显微镜矿物鉴定的计算机信息系统computer information system for microscopic mineral identification
矿种的复合程序integrated program for commodities
稳定同位素萃取的激光消融取样器laser ablation sampler for stable isotope extraction
自动控制的计算机程序computer program for automatic control
色谱for chromatographic purpose
in connection with
相对with respect to
相对......relative to
相当equivalent to
相当日产石油桶数barrels per day oil equivalent
科学和技术应用开发咨询委员会联合国教科文组织Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development UNESCO
科学用开发委员会Committee of Science for Development
符合in accordance with
联合国科学技术应用开发会议United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development
联合国科学技术应用开发咨询委员会United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
联合国科学技术用开发委员会Committee of Science and Technology for Development
起源成矿流体的物质originates from ore-forming fluid
逼近理想解的技术technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution
in connection with
非洲气象应用开发中心尼日尔African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development Niger