
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 二進位大型物件 | all forms
丁腈-丁二烯橡胶nitrile-butadiene rubber
二人客舱double-berth cabin
二副室second-officer room
二副证书certificate of second mate
二次回火double tempering
二次配电盘secondary switchboard
二氧化碳含量记录仪carbon-dioxide content recorder
二氧化碳吸收袋absorption canisters
二氧化碳多头自动焊机multihead carbon-dioxide automatic welding machine
二氧化碳气体保护焊carbon-dioxide shielded arc welding
二氧化碳灭火系统carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system
二氧化碳自动焊机carbon-dioxide automatic welding machine
二氧化钛漆titanium dioxide paint
二烯基橡胶diene rubber
二畐second officer
二畐second mate
二畐室second officer room
二畐证书certificate of the second mate
二相电流biphase current
二等客舱second-class cabin
二管轮second engineer
二管轮室second engineer room
二管轮室second-engineer room
二管轮证书certificate of the second engineer
二管轮证书certificate of second engineer
二级串联式减速齿轮箱double tandem reduction gear-box
二级减速齿轮double reduction gear
二进制计数电路binary counter circuit
二进制转换电路binary commutation circuit
二进制通信binary signalling
二进加法电路binary adding circuit
二进链电路binary chain circuit
副二管轮junior second engineer
十进制换成二进制decimal to binary
厨房二氧化碳管系气密性试验galley carbon dioxide piping to be done air-tightness test
双二极管激光器double diode laser
合成丁二烯钠橡胶synthetic sodium butadiene rubber
多头二氧化碳自动焊机multihead carbon-dioxide automatic welding machine
大缸径二冲程柴油机large-bore two-stroke diesel engine
常州市武进第二造船厂Changzhou Municipal Wujin Second Shipyard
常州市武进第二造船厂Changzhou Municipal Second Shipyard
录二世界主要船舶运输企业World Major Ship Transport Enterprises
戊二烯橡胶pentadiene rubber
气冷二冲程汽油发动机air-cooled two-stroke gasoline engine
气冷二冲程汽油发动机air-cooled two stroke gasoline engine
电感二极管inductance diode
电流导引二极管current steering diode
畐二管轮junior second engineer
红外探测二极管infrared detection diode
红外线探测二极管infrared detection diode
绝对二次曲线absolute conic
绝对二次曲面absolute quadric
美国二手船售价American secondhand ship price
聚二甲基硅氧烷橡胶polydimethyl siloxane rubber
聚苯乙烯-异戊二烯橡胶styrene-isoprene rubber
自适应二进制负载程序adaptive binary load program
船上厨房二氧化碳管系气密性试验galley carbon dioxide piping to be done airtightness test
高压二极管整流器kenotron rectifier