
Terms for subject Technology containing 二类 | all forms | in specified order only
二元光谱分类two-dimensional spectral classification
二元分类机binary sorter
二分法分类classification by dichotomy
二分法分类binary sort
二烯类弹性纤维elastodiene fibre
二类商品secondary category of commodities
二类容器secondary category vessel
二类建筑物type 2 general construction
二类物资means of production in category 2
二类物资secondary category of goods
二类物资supplies under category 2
二类物资Category 2 goods
二类胶合板type-two plywood
二类边界外节点external nodal point of secondary kind boundary
二路分类合并two way sort merge
二路归并分类two-way merge sort
二重分类classification by dichotomy
二长岩类monzonite group
二类second species
二类second kind
二类一阶虚宗贝塞尔函数order one imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the 2nd kind
二类一阶贝塞尔函数order one Bessel function of the 2nd kind
二类共轭性conjugacy of the second kind
二类冲击误差damping error
二类冲击误差ballistic damping error
二类变压器class two transformer
二类吸附secondary adsorption
二类型错误error of the second kind
二类导体second-class conductor
二类批处理type 2 batch
二类振动宇宙模型oscillating model of the second kind
二类永动机perpetual motion machine of the second kind
二类电极second kind electrode
二类电极second-class electrode
二类碰撞second kind collision
二类碰撞collision of the second kind
二类离群值outlier of the second kind
二类程序type 2 programming
二类船舶电台工作16小时sixteen hour service provided by ship station of the second category
二类超导体type 2 superconductor
二类超导体high field superconductor
二类边值问题second boundary problem
二类错误type II error
二类错误的概率probability of type II error
二类零阶虚宗贝塞尔函数order zero imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the2 nd kind
二类零阶贝塞尔函数order zero Bessel function of the 2nd kind
胶态二氧化硅类涂料colloidal silica coating
花岗岩一二长花岗岩类granite-monzonitic granite group
间苯二酚类合成黏合剂resorcinol-type synthetic adhesive