
Terms for subject International trade containing 事务 | all forms | in specified order only
事务供应品office supplies
事务用品office supplies
事务费用office expenses
国际商会亚洲及远东事务委员会Commission of Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
商业事务business affairs
商务事业commercial business
商务参事处office of commercial counsellor
商务部地区办事处district offices of department of commerce
国际事务international affairs
国际事务office of international affairs
国际羊毛事务International Wool Secretariat
对票据上的义务已告解除的票据当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
工厂事务费用shop office expenses
市场、生意、事务、交通等最繁忙的时刻rush hour
常务董事executive director
当事各方的权利和义务rights and duties of parties
执行事务execution of business
承认及执行外国民事和商务判决公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
投资参考事务investment reference services
服务事业service business
事务分组subgroup on customs matters
海关临时事务customs house overtime
海员监督事务shipping office
海运事务maritime affairs
特别工业事务special industrial services
合同当事人以外的第三人可以要求合同当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty
经纪人事务brokerage house
经纪人事务brokerage office
经纪人事务broking house
联合国难民事务高级专员公署United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
订约事务contracting service
财务事项financial transaction
运输事务shipping office
通信事务office of communication
都市事务计划urban affairs programs
银行事务banking business
领事馆经济商务部Consulate, Economic, Commercial Sections