
Terms containing 事务 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一切采购事务都集中到他们的总公司All purchasing has been centralized in their head office
econ.一般事务人员职务等级general service level
econ.一般事务人员职务类别general service category
busin.一般事务clerk general
tech.一般事务general clerk
econ.一般事务cost of common services
busin.一般事务cost of common service
econ.一般行政事务预算general administrative service budget
tech.不可恢复事务处理unrecoverable transaction
tech.不可恢复的事务处理non-recoverable transaction
gen.不管发生什么事,我们决心完成任务we are determined to fulfil the task, whatever happens
busin.与债务人连带负责的当事人party jointly or severally liable with the debtor
econ.专业事务Department of Professional Affairs
busin.专业事务professional firm
econ.世界事务world affairs
anim.husb.世界娟姗牛事务World Jersey Cattle Bureau
avia.业务特征事例service feature instance
avia.东非共同事务组织East African Common Services Organization
earth.sc.东非地区经济开发事务Regional Economic Development Service Office of East Africa
China, polit.中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China
securit.中国事务委员会香港期货交易所有限公司Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited China Affairs Committee
China, polit.中央政府管理的事务affairs governed by the Central Government
China, law中央管理的事务affairs within the responsibility of the Central Authority
econ.为一项事务与经理接洽approach the manager on a business
gen.事务routine work
gen.事务office work
gen.事务administrative matters
econ.事务上不变之法则immutable law of business
econ.事务上不易之法则an immutable law of business
busin.事务不易法则immutable law of business
busin.事务人员clerical staff
tech.事务代码transaction code
multimed.事务内存transactional memory
busin.事务general clerk
econ.事务office clerk
econ.事务clerical force
econ.事务员薪金office salaries
tech.事务处理业务transaction services
tech.事务处理命令保密性transaction command security
multimed.事务处理性能委员会Transaction Processing Performance Council
tech.事务处理数据组记录块transaction data set record block
multimed.事务处理数/秒transactions per second
multimed.事务处理服务层transaction services layer
tech.事务处理机business machine
tech.事务处理机定时business machine clocking
avia.事务处理检测系统transaction visibility system
tech.事务处理程序transaction processing programme
tech.事务处理程序transaction programme
tech.事务处理程序transaction processing program
tech.事务处理记录transaction logging
tech.事务处理记录标题transaction record header
multimed.事务处理设施transaction processing facility
avia.事务处理跟踪系统transaction tracking system
AI.事务实现transaction implementation
tech.事务clerk's office
busin.事务工作clerical operation
busin.事务工作标准clerical standard
busin.事务工作检查inspection in clerical operation
tech.事务transaction tape
busin.事务性访问business visit
tech.事务business premises
tech.事务commercial premises
tech.事务所内部规划office layout
China, law事务执行权power to manage affairs
tech.事务控制系统transaction control system
multimed.事务数/分钟transactions per minute
econ.事务商业数据处理business data processing
tech.事务数据集transaction data set
multimed.事务日志分析transaction log analysis
busin.事务机关office machinery
tech.事务标识器transaction identifier
agric.事务用计算机office computer
tech.事务用计算机office machine
tech.事务用计算机business machine
tech.事务用计算机时钟business machine clocking
busin.事务的处理conduct of an office
econ.事务程序表an agenda sheet
railw.事务管理service management
econ.事务管理regulation of affair
busin.事务管理clerical work control
tech.事务管理机business machine
comp.事务管理用宏语言macro oriented business language
tech.事务管理的数据处理administrative data processing
tech.事务管理系统transaction management system
gen.事务工作繁忙the press of work
gen.事务工作繁忙the press of business
commer.事务约会a business appointment
econ.事务组织functional control
tech.事务自动化business automation
tech.事务荷载平衡transaction load balancing
tech.事务计算机office machine
tech.事务记录transaction log
tech.事务记录transaction journal
tech.事务记录号transaction record number
tech.事务费用clerical cost
tech.事务purser department
busin.事务部门clerical sector
busin.事务部门clerical section
securit.事务部门back office
gen.事务chief purser
tech.事务长室purser room
shipb.事务长室purser room
tech.事项处理服务transaction services
tech.事项处理服务程序transaction services
busin.人事工作实务personnel practice
avia.人事服务协议personal service agreements
busin.人事职务duties of the personnel
China, polit.人民参与管理国家事务的民主权利the people's democratic right to participate in the management of state affairs
China, law从事公务的人员person who is engaged in public service
China, law从事戒毒治疗业务engage in the treatment of drug addiction
busin.从事邮购业务的商店mail house
commer.他表现岀速办事务的能力He showed his ability in the despatch of business
commer.他表现岀速办事务的能力He showed his ability in the dispatch of business
China, law代理事务task entrusted
busin.仲裁事务adjudicating office
China, law企业事务affair of the sole proprietorship an enterprise
econ., construct.会员事务和公共事务委员会membership affairs and public affairs committee
econ., construct.会员事务委员会members affairs committee
tech.会计事务accounting firm
tech.会计事务accountant's office
econ.会计事务管理组织accounting departmentalization
tech.会计师事务accountant's firm
econ.会计师事务public accounting term
busin.会计师事务professional corporation of accountant
busin.会计师事务accountants firm
securit.会计师事务accounting firm
busin.低级外勤事务junior field service officer
econ.你必须明白这个突发事件可能损害我们的业务关系You must know this unexpected incident might deteriorate our business relations
busin.例行事务routine work
China, polit.依法管理国家事务、管理经济和文化事业、管理社会事务manage state affairs, economic and cultural affairs, and the affairs of society in accordance with the law
China, law信托事务trust business
econ.债务偿还事务的实际负担debt-servicing burden
econ.债务偿还事务的实际负担real burden of debt service
China, law入境事务处处长director of immigration
earth.sc.全球大气研究计划事务GARP Activities Office
busin.八大会计事务big eight firms
busin.公共事务public affairs
earth.sc.公共事务信息局Public Affairs Information Service
econ., construct.公共事务委员会public affairs committee
avia.公共事务官员public affairs officer
avia.公共事务public affairs office
gen.爱尔兰公共事务管理学院Institute of Public Administration
busin.公共会计事务public accounting firm
tech.公共服务事业utility undertaking
busin.公司事务标准化company standardization
securit.公司并购律师事务M&A law firms
securit.公司间债务事实intercompany liabilities recitals
econ.公用事业与交通服务public utility and transportation service
commer.公用事业服务机构public services
tech.公用事业服务机构public utility and service
busin.公证事务certification service
nautic., tech.关于油污损害民事责任的保险和其他财务保证的证书certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage
tech.具体事务文件transaction file
China, law具有管理公共事务职能perform the function of administering public affairs
China, law内部事务internal affairs
China, polit.内部事务internal affair
avia.军事任务military mission
avia.军事区域勤务military area services
tech.军事测绘勤务military topographical service
tech.军事测绘勤务military topographic service
gen.军事飞行勤务military flight service
China, law刑事诉讼法的任务task of the Criminal Procedure Law
busin.创立事务organization service
China, polit.办理选举的具体事务handle specific matters (related to the election)
China, polit.加强在国际事务中的相互支持和合作promote mutual support and cooperation with in international affairs
tech.助理事务assistant purser
gen.华侨事务委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission
tech.1946年格罗庇乌斯组织的协和建筑师事务The Architects Collaboratives
avia.卫星与国际事务Satellite and International Affairs Office
earth.sc.印度洋海洋事务会议Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Conference
earth.sc.印度洋海洋事务合作委员会Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation
China, polit.参与事务participate in activities
China, law参与国家事务的管理participate in the management of state affair
tech.可恢复事务处理recoverable transaction
tech.可收回费用的事务reimbursable service
China, law合伙事务partnership affairs
China, law合伙律师事务partnership law firm
econ.商业事务commercial business
commer.商业事务business cares
tech.商业事务commercial affair
tech.商业事务business remises
busin.商业事务business premise
tech.商业事务business office
busin.商业事务所房屋保单属火险类保单business premises policy
gen.商业及防御事务管理局美国商业部所属的Business and Defense Services Administration
securit.四大会计师事务Big Four
busin.国内事务home affairs
China, polit.国务院办事机构Offices under the State Council (Working Organs of the State Council)
China, polit.国务院参事室Counsellors' Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院台湾事物办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院机关事务管理局Government Offices Administration of the State Council
China, polit.国务院港澳事务办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院直属事业单位Institutions Directly under the State Council
China, polit.国家事务state affairs
China, polit.国家事务national affairs
China, polit.国家宗教事务, State Bureau of Religious Affairs
China, polit.国家宗教事务State Administration for Religious Affairs
busin.国民事务nationalities affairs
China, polit.国防事务defence affairs
busin.国际事务foreign affairs
sport.国际会议事务协会International Congress and Convention Association
avia.国际公务航空理事会International Business Aviation Council
gen.国际商会亚洲及远东事务委员会Commission on Asian and Far Eastern Affairs of the International Chamber of Commerce
earth.sc.国际常务理事会International Executive Council
China, polit.国际海事卫星组织业务协定Operating Agreement relating to the International Maritime Satellite organization
nautic., tech.国际海事卫星组织的公务活动空间段INMARSAT space segment
earth.sc.国际海洋事务合作计划Cooperative International Marine Affairs Program
earth.sc.国际海洋科学事务小组委员会International Marine Science Affairs Panel
earth.sc.国际环境事务协会International Institute of Environment Affairs
tech.国际环境事务研究International Institute of Environmental Affairs
earth.sc.国际科学事务Office of International Scientific Affairs
tech.国际经济和社会事务Department of International Economic and Social Affairs
avia.国际航空事务Office of International Aviation Affairs
busin.国际金融事务international financial affairs
tech.国际铁路运输中央事务The Central Office for International Rail Trans port
tech.国际铁路运输中心事务The Central Office for International Rail Trans port
commer.国际集装箱事务International Container Bureau
China, polit.在国际事务in international affairs
multimed.在线事务处理online transaction processing
avia.在美国军事任务符号中代表电子侦察electronic reconnaissance
China, polit.地区间议会组织的事务activities of regional legislative organizations
China, law地方事务local affair
China, polit.地方性事务matters of local character
ecol.垦拓事务reclamation service
earth.sc.埃及环境事务Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency
avia.城区票务办事处city ticket office
tech.城市事务计划urban affair programme
tech.城市事务计划urban affair program
tech.基于事务处理的路由选择transaction-based routing
law处理事务transact business
busin.处理会计日常事务accounting data process
China, law处理外交事务deal with foreign affairs
econ. 外事服务单位service unit for foreigners
busin.外事服务单位service unit for foreigners
avia.外国军事训练事务foreign military training affairs group
China, law外国律师事务law firms of other countries
earth.sc.外空间事务联合国outer space affairs division
sport.美国大学体育事务管理员协会College Athletic Business Managers Association
econ.大家认为对外销售部经理在中国从事商务The overseas sales manager is believed to be in China on business
econ.大约70%的劳动力受雇从事服务行业About 70% of labour force are employed in service activity
earth.sc.太平洋及亚洲事务理事会Pacific and Asian Affairs Council
shipb.事务长室purserette room
econ.她的职务是常务董事She holds the office of managing director
China, law委托事务entrusted affairs
agric.委托事务committed transaction (transactio committa)
drag.安全事务助理safety assistant
avia.安全、健康和环境事务safety, health and environmental affairs
avia.安全,健康和环境事务safety, health and environmental affairs
econ.安达信会计事务Arthur Andersen
China, law宗教事务religious affairs
China, polit.宗教事务条例the Regulations on Religious Affairs
securit.审计事务audit matters
agric.家用事务计算机home office computer
China, polit.对于全国人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员,中华人民共和国主席、副主席,国务院和中央军事委员会的组成人员,最高人民法院院长和最高人民检察院检察长的罢免案proposals of the removal from office of a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the President or Vice-President of the Peopled Republic of China, a member of the State Council or the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme Peopled Court or the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate
busin.对外事务external affairs
avia.对外贸易事务office of foreign commercial service
gen.小企业事务Small Business Administration
busin.已解除票据上义务的当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
securit.常务副董事长executive vice chairman
chem.常务理事managing director
busin.常务理事会managing board of director
busin.常务董managing director
econ.常务董事the managing director
econ.常务董事〔理事〕managing director
tech.常务董事standing director
tech.常务董事会board of executive directors
busin.常务董事会managing board of director
securit.常务董事会executive board
tech.常务董事总经理managing director
busin.年度财务报告公布事项annual report disclosure
commer.广告事务advertising matter
earth.sc.应急事务管理中心Emergency Operations Center
earth.sc.应急事务管理研究所Emergency Management Institute
tech.建筑事务architect's office
tech.建筑事务architectural firm
tech.建筑事务architect's office
tech.建筑工程事务building construction office
tech.建筑工程事务architectural engineering firm
tech.建筑师事务architectural firm
tech.建筑师事务architect office
tech.建筑师帀一工程师事务architectural engineering firm
tech.建筑师或工程师临时事务associate architect or engineer
tech.建筑设计事务architectural firm
busin.律师事务law office
China, law律师事务a law firm
China, polit.律师事务law offices
securit.律师事务law firm
China, law律师事务所执业证书a law firm's practice certificate
securit.德国联邦金融事务检察局German Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
commer.忙于种种事务be engaged in various transactions
econ.总务科事务管理office management
econ.总经理亲自处理公司的一切重要事务,不把这事交托给其他任何人The managing director attends to the transaction of all important business of the company himself and doesn't leave it to anyone else
shipb.我们从事出口船舶业务已有 30 余年,曾向国外出口很多船舶For more than thirty years we have been exporting ships and exported considerable ships to abroad.
econ.我们已在澳大利亚设了两个分公司从事进出口业务We have established two branches in Australia for import and export business
econ.我们是双方直接成交这笔业务的,因此没有佣金这回事We do the business on principal-to-~ basis, so there is no commission
tech.房产事务club premises
tech.房地产事务real estate office
econ.执行事务the execution of business
China, law执行合伙事务manage partnership affairs
tech.技术与操作事务咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Technical and Operation Matters
securit.投资者事务investor relations department
China, law担任诉讼法律事务代理人act as agent in litigation legal matter
earth.sc.援外事务管理局foreign operations administration
avia.援外事务管理署foreign operations administration
econ.支出按事务分类classification of expenditure by function
commer.政府贸易事务顾问adviser on trade affairs of the government
earth.sc.政府间海洋事务intergovernmental sea service
mil., air.def.数字库及事务管理系统database and transaction management system
tech.1935年美国芝加哥成立的斯基徳莫尔、奥文斯、梅里尔建筑师事务SOM (Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, architects)
tech.1935年美国芝加哥成立的斯基德莫尔、奥文斯、梅利尔建筑师事务Skidmore Owings and Merrill architects
tech.SOM1935年美国芝加哥成立的斯基德莫尔、奥文斯、梅里尔建筑师事务Owings and Merrill
busin.无事故服务trouble-free service
gen.日常事务工作,惯例the daily round
tech.日常事务daily pursuits
securit.普华永道会计师事务Price Waterhouse Coopers
tech.更新事务update transaction (处理)
law有权处理自己的事务sui juris
avia.〔客〕服务中需报告的事件in-service reportable occurrence
busin.服务事业service utility
busin.服务事故报告Service Trouble Report
China, polit.机关事务管理局the Administrative Bureau of the Departmental Affairs
China, polit.机关事务管理局the Office of Administrative Affairs
China, polit.机关事务管理局the Administrative Bureau of Departmental Affairs
tech.査询和事务处理inquiry and transaction processing
tech.民事义务duty in civil affairs
tech.民事义务civil obligation
tech.民事债务civil obligation
China, law民事债务civil debts
tech.民事债务civil debt
China, polit.民族事务affairs concerning the nationalities
tech.民族事务nationalities affairs
tech.水文服务事业hydrological services
tech.水文服务事业hydrologic services
securit.法国证券事务监察委员会Commission des Operations de Bourse of France
China, law法律事务legal affairs
busin.法律事务legal affair
busin.法律事务office of legal service
busin.法律事务law firm
USA, space海事业务无线电技术委员会Radio Technical Committee for Maritime Services
tech.海事移动卫星服务maritime mobile satellite service
econ.海关事务分组subgroup on customs matter
China, law海关事务担保customs bond
earth.sc.海洋事务Office of Ocean Affairs
earth.sc.海洋事务气象小组委员会panel on meteorological aspects of ocean affairs
busin.劳埃德公司提供海运意外事故详细资料服务casualty report service
China, polit.涉及两个以上国务院部门职权范围的事项with regard to a matter that falls within the limits of power of two or more departments under the State Council
econ.清理未了债务和税务事项the settlement in full of the outstanding obligations and taxes due
tech.湿室事务wet room service
earth.sc.爱尔兰环境事务Department of the Environment Ireland
earth.sc.环境事务执行局Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
earth.sc.环境事务南非Department of Environment Affairs
earth.sc.环境科学事务管理局environmental science services administration
ecol.环境、食品和农村事务Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
securit.瑞典金融事务监管局Sweden Finansinspektionen
econ.由于我方客户催促迅速交货,务请你方按协议办事As our clients are pressing us for prompt delivery, we have to call on you to void by the agreement
securit.监督管辖事务对美国证券交易商协会的成员进行监督的政府部门Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction
tech.破产事务official receiver
China, law社会事务social affairs
securit.积极参与公司事务的董事active director
China, polit.积极参与议会国际组织和地区间议会组织的事务actively participate in activities of international and regional legislative organizations
China, law税务事项matters of taxation
tech.事务处理记录void-transaction log
tech.空的事务处理void transaction
econ.第三人能要求合同当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty
China, law筹办事务preparatory work
China, law管理各项行政事务conduct administrative affairs
China, polit.管理国家事务administer State affairs
China, polit.管理对外事务conduct foreign affairs
earth.sc.索马里公共事务协会Somali Institute for Public Affairs
desert.紧急事务管理emergency management
busin.经济事务economic affair
tech.经济事务economic affairs
consult.经济及公共事务课程economic and public affairs
busin.经纪事务broker service
securit.经纪人事务brokerage firm
tech.经营事务business affairs
earth.sc.综合应急事务管理信息系统integrated emergency management information system
econ.罢工以及其他难以控制的事故使业务滑坡Strikes and other accidents beyond our control caused the business to go down
tech.美国八大会计师事务Big Eight
avia.美国商务理事会American business council
gen.联合国经济和社会事务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning, Department of Economics and Social Affairs
tech.联合国经济社会事务United Nation Department of Economic and Social Affair
busin.联合常务理事joint managing director
earth.sc.联邦应急事务管理局federal emergency management agency
earth.sc.能源紧急事务管理信息系统energy emergency management information system
China, law自伤身体,逃避军事义务injure oneself in order to evade his or her military obligation
avia.航空事务办事处office of aviation affairs
avia.航空事务通函aviation circular letter
shipb.航运事务shipping office
shipb.船舶航行事务ship's navigation matters
gen.船运运输事务shipping office
tech.营业事务business affairs
busin.营销事务marketing business service
econ.董事会已剥夺了他作出重大业务决策的权利The board of directors has deprived him of the right to make major business decisions
econ.董事长要求各公司仅按常规开展业务The director will require all companies to conduct their business only in the ordinary course
multimed.虚拟消息事务协议virtual message transaction protocol
econ.行政事务administrative affairs
law行政事务部门civil service
tech.行政事务civil service
tech.行政事务主任administration manager
tech.行政事务工作administration duty
busin.计划支助事务预算program support service budget
avia.计算机事务系统开发computer business system development
avia.计算机事务系统支持computer business system sustaining
tech.设计事务designing firm
securit.证券和期货事务上诉审裁处Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal
brit., busin.调解仲裁事务conciliation and arbitration service
securit.美国财政部负责货币事务的副部长under Secretary for Monetary Affairs
econ.财务事项financial transactions
tech.财务事项的充分公布full disclosure
econ.财务报告在提交给董事会之前应仔细审核The financial report should be carefully checked before submission to the board of directors
tech.财务报表编制后发生的事项subsequent events
econ.财政事务the financial matters
econ.财政事务financial matters
tech.账目事务account transaction
sport.【奥】赛事服务event services
busin.跨国会计事务multinational accounting service
tech.跨国会计事务multinational accounting firm
busin.车间事务费用shop office expenses
tech.输入事务处理input transaction processing
tech.运输业务办事员shipping clerk
commer.这类事件再度发生可能会损害双方的业务关系The recurrence of this incident may deteriorate the business relations between us
China, law逃避军事义务evade one's military obligation
commer.通过经纪人事务所而不通过证券交易所证券买卖over the counter
commer.通过经纪人事务所而不通过证券交易所买卖over the counter
avia.采办事务咨询委员会business advisory committee on procurement
busin.金融事务monetary matter
tech.金融事务financial affairs
econ.除本协议规定的以外,你方不得从事任何性质的其他服务项目You can't perform any other services of any nature than those stipulated in the agreement
busin.事务性职员non-clerical staff
tech.非常务董事non-executive director
commer.非洲事务委员会Council of African Affairs
avia.非洲事务Bureau of African Affairs
tech.顾客事务customer affairs
commer.预先规定如果在发生他们所不能控制的某些意外事件时双方的权利和义务It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
busin.〈美〉领事馆经济商务处Consulate Economic Commercial Sections
econ.饮食供应事务catering service
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