
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
with a view to
公共利益的需要in the public interest
发展with a view to developing
规范立法活动with a view to standardizing legislation
适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求in order to keep abreast of the development of the socialist market economy
中国实现真正的独立自主扫清道路pave the way for (China to realize real independence)
解案情have information about the circumstances of a case
解的情况information obtained
体现中国政府和人民致力于世界和平与进步的坚定信念embody a firm commitment on the part of the Chinese government and people to work for world peace and progress
体现党的主张和人民意志的统一a law embodied the unity of the Party's position and the will of the people
体现坚定信念embody a firm commitment (on)
全面规定make comprehensive stipulations (governing)
使各少数民族的社会发展跨越几个历史阶段enable the social development of the ethnic minorities to leap over several historical stages
充分体现坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机统一fully embody the organic unity of the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country and the running of the government according to the rule of law
全面分析制定监督法的必要性和重要性fully analyze the necessity and importance of formulating the Law on Oversight
法律全面贯彻党的十一届三中全会以来的方针政策a law fully accords with the principles and policies of the Party introduced since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee
凝聚全国人大代表、常委会组成人员、地方各级人大和专家学者的集体智慧reflect the collective wisdom of the NPC deputies, members of the Standing Committee, the deputies to local people's congresses at all levels, experts and scholars
凝聚集体的智慧represented a crystallization of the wisdom of the collective
加深解互信deepen mutual understanding and mutual trust
发生翻天覆地的变化has seen tremendous changes
取消农业税和农业特产税rescinded the agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products
同 140 多个国家的立法机构议会建立联系establish ties with legislatures in over 140 countries
增进increase mutual understanding
增进彼此解和友谊enhance mutual understanding and friendship
对草案进行六次审议deliberate the draft on six occasions
提出国民经济和社会发展的奋斗目标、指导方针和主要任务set forth the objectives, guiding principles and main tasks for China's economic and social development
明确立法的方向clarify the orientation for formulating the law
有权entitled to know
结业务outstanding business
结的民事案件unsettled civil case
深入解民情fully understand the conditions of the people
案件compounding case
经历长期的艰难曲折的武装斗争和其他形式的斗争waged protracted and arduous struggles, armed and otherwise, along a zigzag course
很大精力devote a lot of time and energies
行为终 之日date the act ends
进行前仆后继的英勇奋斗waged many successive heroic struggles (for)
进行长期不懈的探索和矢志不渝的奋斗had unswervingly probed into and fought (for)