
Terms containing | all forms
gen.一下子白白浪费掉be whisked out the window
gen.一个机翼上的几个螺母松。这样的事常发生,不必担心It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings. It happens all the time. No need to worry
gen.一会儿就没有take wings to itself
gen.一会儿就没有take to itself wings
gen.一切都已准备好is everything ready yet
gen.一切都证明it all goes to prove that...
gen.一台使用 7年的拖拉机a 7-year-old tractor
gen.一想到我的车排放的废气加重城市污染,我就感觉很糟I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problems in this city
gen.对…一目see at a glance
gen.一目stick out a mile
gen.一目see with half an eye
gen.一种传统的北京菜。鸭子烤过,就着调料吃It's traditional dish in Beijing. The duck is roasted. You should eat it with a kind of sauce
gen.一种叫作“笙”的中国管乐器先后传到波斯和欧洲A Chinese wind instrument, called Sheng was introduced to Persia and later to Europe
gen.一般就倒掉It usually goes to the dump
gen.一通关我就跳进一辆出租车As soon as I got through customs I jumped into a taxi
gen.一颗钉子松动a nail has started
gen.万一有的衣服洗坏,我想知道你们酒店是否有如何处理这方面问题的规定What if there is any laundry damage? I wonder if your hotel has a policy on dealing with it
gen.万一第二个保险丝也烧断,第三个就会自动接到电路中去should the second fuse also blow, a third is then automatically connected in the circuit
gen.上二楼,右边挂有内科的牌子。把挂号卡给医生就行Go up to the second floor, and you will see it sign-posted to the right. Give the doctor your registration card
gen.上表提供表明两点the table above offers two lessons
gen.飞机给我打个电话Call me as soon as you get off the plane
gen.下楼be down
gen.下雨it's raining
gen.某事做refusal to (+ inf.)
gen.了之smother up
gen.,我也要香槟鸡尾酒No, I want a Champagne Cocktail, too
gen.,我想吃鳝鱼冻No, I prefer jellied eels
gen.be unacquainted with
gen.M 不解M情况be out of touch with
gen.,谢谢,已经贴上标签了,希望它们不会超重No, thanks. They're labelled already. I hope they're not overweight
gen.…不了refuse to (+ inf.)
gen.不再解…lose the feel of
gen.不多be numbered
gen.不大普遍become less widespread
gen.不好意思,我因为暴风雨来晚I'm sorry. late because of rainstorm
gen.不客气。很遗憾你要走My pleasure. I'm sorry you've got to leave us
gen.不得desperately serious
gen.不,我读过/或yes, I have
gen.不明turbidity .turbidness
gen.不,没有。不过离这儿不远。我把车开到旅馆门口No, there aren't any buses. But it is not far. And I have my car at the door of the hotel!
gen.不流行be out of fashion
gen.不用,床单还可以再用一晚No, the sheets will be OK for another night
gen.不直接当地说beat around the bush
gen.不直接当地说beat about the bush
gen.不知不觉出差错a mistake has slipped in
gen.不行no go
gen.不走开come to stay
gen.不过…罢了and no more
gen.不需要他们继续下去there is no need for them to go on
gen.与人交谈后消除误会come to an explanation with sb.
gen.丧失…的be bankrupt of
gen.丧失…的forlorn (of)
gen.丧失…的be bankrupt in
gen.丰田在美国的市场正在迅速萎缩,去年的销量下滑一半Toyota's market in the U. S. is fading fast, with sales last year down by half
gen.传统的复活节庆祝活动包括复活节彩蛋,它实际上是煮熟并且被染色的鸡蛋Easter egg is a hard-boiled egg that is dyed and often decorated as part of the Easter celebration
gen.传送终信号finishing sign
gen.伦敦塔快到,请做好下车准备We'll be at the London tower in a minute. Please get ready to get off the bus
gen.倒霉的日blackletter day
gen.倘若明天下雨,他们就不去should it if it should rain tomorrow, they would not go
gen.刀口钝卷刃the edge of the knife has turned
gen.初步结果显示共和党获得 n%的选票Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote
gen.别再做这种事情never do the like again
gen.别宰我Don't try to rip me off
gen.别忘账单上已经额外加了小费Don't forget the gratuity has already been added
gen.bottom out
gen.到最末last of all
gen.到末in the long run
gen.到达首日,我们游览安曼,约旦热闹的石头都城We spent our first day in Amman, Jordan? s bustling limestone capital
gen.装的in disguise
gen.吃饭时间到it's time for dinner
gen.吉•欧特加,一位退休教师,已经戴 30年的羊毛软帽了Guy Ortega, a retired school teacher, has been wearing a flat cap for 30 years
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a great way towards
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a long way to
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a long way in
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a long way towards
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a great way in
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a great way to
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a good way towards
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a good way in
gen.向…走了很一段距离go a good way to
gen.吓呆be frightened out of one's wits
gen.吓呆benumbed (with)
gen.含糊smother up
gen.听到你的消息好极It's wonderful to hear from you
gen.听说有人找到我的手提包I'm informed that someone has found my handbag
gen.听起来真是不错。我饿坏Sounds good to me. starving
gen.圣海伦斯山太棒Mount Saint Helens is great
gen.在一栋楼房的花园里有一场街舞音乐会,在这里他遇见这三名青年He met this trio at a hip hop concert staged in the garden of a mansion
gen.在…上开创了一新时代纪元make an epoch in...
gen.在…上开创了一新时代纪元form an epoch in...
gen.在…上开创了一新时代纪元mark an epoch in...
gen.在大热天没有什么能够像冰饮料那样让人神清气爽Nothing's as refreshing as ice cold drinks on a hot day
gen.在宁格鲁礁,遇到有趣的事吗?Was there anything interesting you met in the Ningaloo Reef?
gen.M 在往M的道路上前进很长一段距离be well on the way to
gen.M 在M方面指坏的方面是出名的be notorious for
gen.在照相前,他调整快门He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo
gen.在这拮据的时期,路易・威登和卡地亚要做好"过冬"的准备Louis Vuitton and Cartier should perhaps be bracing themselves for leaner times
gen.在这方面做许多工作much has been done in this field
gen.M 堆 Mbe cluttered up with
gen.夏威夷玫瑰怎么样?夏威夷玫瑰最适合女生,样子好又有甜味How about this Hawaii Rose? Ladies like it, because it's sweet and beautiful
gen.一个one too many
gen.多备几瓶阿司匹林和其他成药,这样就够我们用一年的Store up more bottles of aspirin and other common over-the-counter drugs that we all tend to use from time to time throughout the year (小贴士: Drug 和 medicine 都是药的意思,但我们说 take the medicine, 不说 take the drug。drug 一词,特别是当用作复数形式即 drugs 时,可以当“毒品”讲,而 medicine 则没有这个含义。“药店”不是 drugstore, 而应该是 pharmacy。)
gen.leave it at that
gen.大不at the very best
gen.大不at the best
gen.大使馆一定关门,我需要报警吗?The embassy must be closed now. Do I need to report it to the police?
gen.大家都到这儿Everyone else is here already
gen.大认真take things too seriously
gen.天使之吻鸡尾酒刺激他的食欲The Angel's Kiss sharpens his appetite
gen.太划算That's a steal!
gen.太可惜,我们那天也有个聚会What a pity! We have another party that day
gen.太好,就照你说的办Great! I will follow
gen.太好。我喜欢地道的中国菜Great idea! I like authentic Chinese food
gen.太好,我喜欢地道的英国菜Great, I like authentic British food
gen.太好!至于房间,先生您更喜欢有烟房还是无烟房?Fantastic! Now, as for the room, sir, do you prefer smoking or nonsmoking?
gen.太精美,这款手镯很闪亮,突显了你手腕的纤细It is so stunning! This sparkling bangle lends your wrist a delicate touch
gen.太贵,我买不起That's too expensive. I can't afford it
gen.说得,做得太过分be going too far
gen.太阳出来the sun is up
gen.失去对…的了解lose the feel of
gen.失败gone to grass
gen.将 M 打败give M a drubbing
gen.将近六点钟it's nearly six o'clock
gen.就更好better still
gen.就这样好leave it at that
gen.崩溃gone to grass
gen.帮助… 了解throw light upon
gen.帮助… 了解throw light on
gen.开创一个新时代usher in a new era
gen.开始认识get acquainted with
gen.弄糊涂get off base
gen.弄错in error
gen.M 怎么what happened to M?
gen.怎么,先生?What is the matter, sir?
gen.怎么这么辣?都呛得我流眼泪How can it be so spicy? I am tearing up!
gen.感到受委屈feel oneself much aggrieved over sth.
gen.感到受委屈feel oneself much aggrieved at sth.
gen.感觉腻,我还是不吃那个Sounds fatty. I'll skip that
gen.戏剧除具有娱乐性外,其更重要的意义是通过戏剧的人物、情节,使观看者能有更多的心灵互动In addition to providing entertainment, a drama is intended to enhance the spiritual interactions among the viewers through its characters and plots
gen.M M成功it has fared well with
gen.法语 成天享乐而倦腻blase
gen.我一共申请 2所大学,其中一所录取了我。选择这所大学是因为该大学在电脑科技领域成绩卓著I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think it is an excellent university in computer science
gen.我丈夫的夹克衫内衬脱线,再洗的话可能脱得更多The lining of my husband's jacket has come unstitched. It might tear over further while washing
gen.我三天前为一位外国客人预订一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
gen.我不会改主意I won't change my mind
gen.我中午吃菠菜乳酪焗生蚝,配的是白葡萄酒I had braised oyster with spinach and cheese for lunch, washed down with white wine
gen.我买很多肉。我买了猪排、小牛排、鸡翅和许多热狗肠,还有汉堡饼I've bought a lot of meat. I've got pork chops, small steaks, chicken wings and plenty of hot dog sausages and hamburger patties
gen.我买,给你钱I will take it. Here is the money
gen.我今天要走。可以结账吗?I'm leaving today. Can I have my bill settled?
gen.我以为你错I take it you are wrong
gen.我们不能再等we can wait no longer
gen.我们为残疾人士提供一些座位,但必须在预订航班起飞前至少24小时提出请求Certain seats are made available to persons with a disability if the request is made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled flight
gen.我们享受凡尔赛宫一日游We took a day trip to the Palace of Versailles
gen.我们允许您携带100英镑的免税品,所以您不必为您的手表和衣服上税You are allowed £100 duty-free, so you don't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit
gen.我们到纳瓦沙湖划We went boating on Lake Naivasha
gen.我们去慰问卧床不起的人,并带了一篮子食物We went to visit and take a basket of food to the shut-in
gen.我们可能快进港Maybe we'll be in port before long
gen.我们可能遗失几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report
gen.我们可能遗失几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告We may have lost some baggage, so like to make a lost baggage report
gen.我们吃不的能带走么?Can I take the leftover back?
gen.我们吃完。请把账单拿来好吗?We are through with our meal. Could I have the bill, please?
gen.我们商量过,坐船去复活节岛We talked about it. We are sailing to Easter Island
gen.我们在伦敦参观白金汉宫During our stay in London, we visited Buckingham Place
gen.我们在沙滩上待一周之后,对日光浴已经兴致大减The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall on us after a week on the beach
gen.我们已从机场取回您的行李,目前正送往酒店We have retrieved your luggage from the airport and it is on the way back to the hotel now
gen.我们已把全部数据校核过两遍现在完成时,主动态we have checked all the data twice
gen.我们已经为您准备好晚餐,供餐时我们将用广播通知您Dinner has been prepared for you. We will inform you before we serve it
gen.我们已经回复你们的邮件。实在抱歉,我们不能确保为您提供两间明天入住的单人间We have answered your email. Sorry, we wonf t be able to guarantee you two single rooms for tomorrow
gen.我们已经查过我们的失物招领单,但上面没有您的眼镜We've checked our Lost and Found list, but your glasses did not appear on it
gen.我们已经采取结关措施We have taken measures in respect of the customs clearance
gen.我们庆祝伊历新年是为纪念穆罕默德和穆斯林教徒们迁徙到麦地那这一历史事件.We celebrate Islamic New Year to commemorate the historical event that Mohammed and Muslims migrated to Medina
gen.我们度假时,乘船巡游百慕大We cruised to Bermuda on our vacation
gen.我们很饿,吃光所有的东西We were so hungry that we polished off all things
gen.我们很高兴因为实验成功we are glad that we have succeeded in the experiment
gen.我们必须査明这些螺丝中是哪一个松we must find out which of these screws has worked loose
gen.我们恐怕没有空余的套间,您介意改订双床间吗?I'm afraid we have no suites available. Would you mind a twin instead?
gen.我们想出一个好办法a good plan came to us
gen.我们昨晚去演奏会听交响乐We go to a concert last night to hear the symphony
gen.我们有些人在舞池中转晕Some of us got giddy on the dance floor
gen.我们本应做完这事不定式we ought to have done it
gen.我们的一些行李丢失,所以想填写一份丢失行李登记单We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report
gen.我们的赛车已经在市场上树立品牌Our racing cars have been well established in the market
gen.我们盥洗打扮一番再去参加舞会We freshened up before going to the party
gen.我们终于踏上去伦敦的旅途At last we were on the London-ward leg of our journey
gen.我们赶上三点多的那趟火车we caught the three something train
gen.我倒是以为你错I should think you are mistaken
gen.我做些米饭,还有咖喱鸡I made some rice and curry chicken
gen.我先生晕倒My husband has fainted
gen.我40分钟前订晚餐,可现在还没有送来I ordered dinner about forty minutes ago. It hasn't been delivered yet
gen.我切伤手指,流血I cut my finger. It's bleeding
gen.我刚刚错过航班,能改签吗?I just missed my flight. Could I reschedule it?
gen.我半小时前点菜,到现在还没上I ordered my dinner about half an hour ago and it still hasn't arrived
gen.我去巴黎。那儿的美景让我着迷。你呢?I have been to Paris. I am fascinated by the beautiful scenery there. How about you?
gen.我去杂货店买肋骨和鸡肉,准备办烧烤会I went grocery shopping and prepared for a barbecue shopping, complete with ribs and chicken
gen.我又遭遇堵车I got stuck in traffic again
gen.我发现桌上一块玻璃碎,您知道是怎么回事吗?I notice that a piece of glass on the top of the table is broken. Do you know how it happened?
gen.我可以为您写单吗,先生?May I take your order now, sir?
gen.我可以把这三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough
gen.我可以肯定,您下次来不会这样I promise it won't be like this again, if you come next time
gen.我吃不下甜点I don't have any room for dessert
gen.我吃完,请端走这些东西I'm through. Please take these things away
gen.我听到刺耳的刹车声和巨大的撞击声。我的朋友直接飞过汽车顶部I heard brakes screeching and a loud crash. My friend flipped right over the top of the car
gen.我听说你哥哥从夏威夷旅游回来,他给你带了什么特别礼物啊?I heard your brother has come back from Hawaii. What special gifts did he give you?
gen.我喜欢优秀的恐怖电影,所以当看电影《陌生人》时,我感到些许的矛盾I like a good horror movie, so I am a bit conflicted when it comes to the movie The Strangers
gen.我喜欢的水果冬天就过季The fruits I like are out of season in winter
gen.我喜欢这个旋律,这首歌可以获奥斯卡奖I also like the rhythms. It' s worth an Academy Award
gen.我喝惯特浓咖啡,觉得其他咖啡都淡而无味used to the flavor of espresso, and other kinds of coffee are too bland to me
gen.我国加入世贸组织为塑料、橡胶行业的发展带来机遇和挑战Since China joined the WTO, both chances and challenges have been brought about to our country's plastic and rubber industries
gen.我在你们餐厅领略到异国情调I've experienced an exotic atmosphere in your restaurant
gen.我在巴黎街头闲逛并去凡尔赛皇宫I strolled in Paris and went to Versailles Palace
gen.我在巴黎购物时总得排老长的队,等得都快没耐心There's always a long queue when I was shopping in Paris. I almost lost my patience
gen.我在泰国买这只手镯,你觉得怎么样?I bought the bangle in Thailand. What do you think of it?
gen.我在海滩上嬉耍时脚上割个很大的口子I got a nasty cut on my foot while playing on the beach
gen.我在行李认领处等一个小时了,却还是找不到行李I've been waiting in the baggage claim area for one hour, but still can't find my luggage
gen.我在软如绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning
gen.我在阿联酋航空公司买张机票,但现在行程有变。我该如何领取未使用机票的退款?I've bought a ticket from the Emirates. Now, I have to cancel my schedule. How can I get a refund on an unused ticket?
gen.我太太在浴室滑倒,站不起来My wife has slipped in the bathroom. She can't stand up
gen.我太太把单肩包掉在101公交车上。有人捡到送去你们那里了吗?My wife left her shoulder bag on a number one-o-one bus. Has anyone turned it in yet?
gen.我妻子生病。她瘫倒在地,不省人事!Something is wrong with my wife. She's lying on the floor. She's unconscious!
gen.我对咖啡奶酪布丁上瘾I'm addicted to coffee and cheese pudding
gen.我对此次服务不满意,出租车司机急转弯,我受伤I am not satisfied with the service, the taxi driver swerved and hurt me
gen.我对自己的病感到糟糕透I really feel so bad about my disease
gen.我已经订好机票,去罗马。飞机票可不便宜呢,我们花那么多钱买机票,就为了好好吃一顿I've bought the ticket. We'll go to Rome. The plane ticket is not cheap, and we spend so much money on ticket just for one beautiful meal
gen.我已预订一个经济舱座位I have reserved a seat in the economy-class cabin
gen.我带一个小女婴。能把婴儿车带上飞机吗?I have a baby girl with me. Can I bring her cradle with me on the plane?
gen.我带一些需要付关税的商品。我应该怎么计算这些关税呢?还有我应该怎么支付它们呢?I am carrying some items that will require paying a customs duty. How should I calculate the approximate duty and where should I pay the customs duty?
gen.我带齐要求的所有文件,但还是被拒签了。那我还要带什么呢?I presented all the documents I was told to bring, but my application was turned down anyway. What else should I bring?
gen.我帮您查一下。对不起,所有面朝花园的房间都已被订Let me see... Sorry, you can not have a room facing the garden. All the rooms facing the garden have been reserved
gen.我帮您查一查。先生,您的行李好像放错地方I will check on it for you. Well, sir, your baggage seems to have been misplaced
gen.我弄坏假牙I broke my denture
gen.我很高兴地告诉您,入境不需要签证,因为贵国和我国签订一项协议,协议中规定贵国和我国公民进入对方国家无须签证I am very glad to tell you that you do not need a visa, since we have an agreement with your country, and in accordance with the treaty, people from both your and my countries are allowed to enter the other country without visas
gen.我怕现金不够付这些费用,我用信用卡吧I'm afraid the cash is not enough to cover the amount. I' d use the credit card
gen.我恐怕得取消今天的订房,所以我从明天起在贵酒店住两个晚上I'm afraid I must cancel for today, so I'll stay with you for only two nights starting tomorrow
gen.我恐怕迷路。如果我想回市中心,我在哪可以坐公共汽车?afraid I've lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?
gen.我想解一下你们的洗衣服务I'd like to know about your laundry service
gen.我想解关于游览纽约的情况I need some information about touring New York
gen.我想买这瓶科隆香水,但是找不到我的皮夹,里面有美国运通卡和护照I'd like this eau de cologne, but I can't find my wallet. I had my American Express Card and passport in it
gen.我想开一个支票存款账户。300美元作最低存款额够吗?I would like to open a checking account. Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit?
gen.我想我迷路!你们可以告诉我怎样才能到达特拉法加广场吗?I think I'm lost! Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square?
gen.我想换房间,这间房间太潮湿I' d like to change rooms. The room is too damp
gen.我想是打错。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word
gen.我想知道是否有人捡到护照交到这里I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport
gen.我感觉我的味觉已经麻木It feels like I don't even have taste buds anymore
gen.我房间的供暖系统太让我失望,我整晚都很冷I was very disappointed with the central heating in my room. It was freezing all night
gen.我打几次,对方总是说“您拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍后再拨”I tried several times to call, but it said "The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later"
gen.我扭膝盖I twisted my knee
gen.我扭伤脚踝。看起来肿了I sprained my ankle. It looks swollen
gen.我找不到我的行李,而其他人的行李都到I can't find my baggage, and everyone else's has arrived
gen.我找不到行李箱I can't find my baggage
gen.我找遍宾馆房间都找不到I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room
gen.我把包放在这,但是回来就不见I left my bag here, but it was gone when I came back
gen.我把手提包弄丢。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it
gen.我把行李存在行李暂存箱I have deposited my bag in the luggage locker
gen.我护照找不到,怎么办?I can't find my passport. What should I do?
gen.我搭乘的航班晚点,我想知道是什么情况My flight just arrived late, and I need to know what to do
gen.我摘下被罩和枕套,洗洗,然后给它们上了浆I took down the bedcovers and the pillow cases, washed, and starched them
gen.我明白,你被迫给他钱了,是吗?I see. So you were forced to give in, right?
gen.我昨天在贵店买这条皮带,你能帮我在皮带上打个新孔吗?I bought this belt here yesterday. Can you punch a new hole in the belt for me?
gen.我昨天意外地遇到I fell in upon her yesterday
gen.我昨晚整夜没合眼。蚊子骚扰我一夜I did not sleep a wink last night. I was pestered with mosquitoes all night
gen.我是史密斯。我预订本月20号的一个带飘窗的单人间I'm Smith. I've booked a single room with a bay window on the 20th of this month
gen.我最讨厌在机场等着转机I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport
gen.我有一件行李找不到,这是我的提取牌One piece of my luggage is missing. Here is my claim tag
gen.我有急事找史密斯先生,但我忘他的房间号码I have something urgent to speak to Mr. Smith, but I forgot his room number
gen.我查看他护照的盖印I looked at the stamp in his passport
gen.我没带支票簿,就用现金结账I didn't have my checkbook with me, so I paid in cash
gen.我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账。这是90美元,剩下的做小费I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change
gen.我没有力气把包放进头上的储物柜里,所以我把它塞在我旁边空着的座位上I did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I stuffed it on the empty seat next to mine
gen.我没有钥匙。我已经结账退房I don't have it. I've already checked out
gen.我现在感觉不是很好,我感冒I'm not feeling very well now. I have caught a cold
gen.我疏忽,请您原谅It's my negligence. I beg your pardon
gen.我的一只灯泡烧坏One of my light bulbs is burnt out
gen.我的信用卡失窃,我要取消信用卡My credit card has been stolen. I need to cancel it
gen.我的公交卡没钱,附近有充值的地方吗?I have no money left on my metro card. Is there a place to charge it nearby?
gen.我的刹车好像有点松My brakes feel a little soft
gen.我的孩子在洗手间周围不见I have lost my child somewhere around the washroom
gen.我的手提包丢,我可以做一个登记吗?My handbag was lost. Could I have it registered?
gen.我的手提箱好像遗失My suitcase seems to be missing
gen.我的护照不见My passport is missing
gen.我的旅游签证被拒,我搞不明白为什么!My visitor visa is rejected! I don't understand!
gen.我的旅行支票丢I've lost my traveler's checks
gen.我的玩具衬里脱线The lining of my toy has come unstitched
gen.我的皮带扣滑到窗沿里My belt buckle slips inside the windowsill
gen.我的胃受不冷饮Cold drinks don't agree with my stomach
gen.我的订房是无效的,因为酒店已经客满My reservation was void, because the hotel was house full
gen.我的车快没油I'm getting low on gas
gen.我的钱包叫扒手偷My wallet was taken by a pickpocket
gen.我的驾照、信用卡和两百多美元现金,都丢My driver's license, some credit cards, and more than $200 in cash are all lost
gen.我真是迫不及待地想要购买这种操纵灵活的小轿车I could not wait until I could really purchase such kind of very manoeuvrable car
gen.我瞧l looked but saw nothing
gen.我知道,谢谢你的建议I see. Thank you for these tips
gen.我知道,饺子代表财富I see. Jiaozi symbolizes fortune
gen.我离开时发现我的首饰不见My pendant was stolen while I was away from my room
gen.我等航班消息已经一个半小时。你们现在有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?
gen.我给你打电话,可是占线I called, but your line was engaged
gen.我给错电话号码I've given you a wrong number
gen.我肯定是把护照落在出租车上I must have left my passport in the taxi
gen.我花大价钱买这双凉鞋These sandals cost me an arm and a leg
gen.我获得哥伦比亚大学提供的一份奖学金I've received a scholarship to study in Columbia University
gen.我被鬼故事和恐怖电影吓着I get spooked from ghost stories and scary movies
gen.我要去市中心,但是迷路,往这个方向走对吗?I' m going downtown, but couldn't find the way. Is it right for me to go in this direction?
gen.我觉得我真是太傻,竟然在英国朋友面前傻笑I felt so silly of myself to giggle in front of my British friends
gen.我觉得那些珠饰很不错,你不需要再戴首饰I like the beading, and you wouldn't need jewelry
gen.我订的是无烟房间,房间内有烟味,浴室没有热水,电脑有故障,而且上不网,所以我要求调换房间I booked the non-smoking room, but there is smell of cigarette in the room. There is no hot water in the bathroom. The computer is malfunctioning, and I can't get access to the Internet, so I request to change for another room
gen.我记得他给你拿柠檬汽水I remember him fetching you lemonade
gen.我身上冷,想是感冒I feel shivery. I think I've got a cold
gen.我身上冷,想是感冒I feel chilly I think I've got a cold
gen.我转告他您来电话I'll tell him that you called
judo.比赛用语我输!I surrender!
judo.比赛用语我输!I give up!
gen.我闪I strained my back
gen.我随身携带一些钱、相机,还有一些给家人的礼物I've got some money, my camera and some presents for my family
gen.我马上就要离开,你可以帮我拿行李吗?I'm going to check out soon. Could you pick up my luggage, please?
gen.或许我们很快就会抛锚停船Maybe we'll drop anchor before long
gen.与with 连用…的behung
gen.振动使螺钉松脱vibration has worked the screw loose
gen.catch the idea
gen. intelligible
gen.明白,先生。我帮您查一查,请问他的姓名怎么拼写?I see, sir. I'll check it for you. How do you spell his name, please?
gen.昨夜我们的船绕过好望角Our ship rounded Cape of Good Hope last night
gen.昨夜的雪使特约宁湖面结The snow crusted Lake Tjornin last night
gen.昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi
gen.昨晚她戴着一枚蝶结形胸针参加宴会She wore a bow-knot brooch to the party last night
gen.昨晚晚饭过后我就开始有点不舒服,今早疼痛加剧,然后我就疼得直不起腰来I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner, but this morning the pain got really bad! Then I just doubled over
gen.是告别的时候,飞机要起飞了It's time to say bye. The plane will take off
gen.是的。但是飞机延时,他们11号不能到那里了Oh, yes. But the plane was late, so they won't be there on the 11 th
gen.是的。您为史密斯先生和夫人预订从11号到14号的双人房间Yes. You've booked a double room for Mr. and Mrs. Smith from the 11 th to the 14 th
gen.是的,有旅行签证,你可以在美国逗留90天Yes, with this visa, you can stay in the United States for up to 90 days
gen.5 月 1 日,他们开始自驾游,十天后他们到达了营地They started their self-driving tour on May 1st, and ten days later they arrived at the base camp
gen.自信心find one's legs
gen.自信心feel one's legs
gen.有一部分能量丧失there is a portion of energy lost
gen.有时候,我们在过于关注杯子的同时却忘记去品味咖啡Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee
gen.有点过分a bit much
gen.服务太慢The service is too slow
gen.木材突然开裂翘起来the timbers are sprung
gen. latter ®late
gen.本手册目的是为让用户熟悉电热水器的安装、操作和保养维护,并提供有关的重要安全信息This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the installation, operation, and maintenance of your electric water heater and to provide important safety information in these areas
gen.本次航班因河内有台风取消。要到明天才会有班机飞往河内This flight has been canceled due to a typhoon in Hanoi. There'll be no flights to Hanoi until tomorrow
gen.校准那些仪表花我们好些时间it took us a great while to calibrate those instruments
gen.校准那些仪表花我们好些时间it took us a long while to calibrate those instruments
gen.校准那些仪表花我们好些时间it took us a good while to calibrate those instruments
gen.气势雄伟的俄罗斯冬宫给我们留下深刻的印象We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russia's Winter Palace
gen.气势雄伟的俄罗斯冬宫给我们留下深刻的印象We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russians Winter Palace
gen.洗涤槽里仍然摆满昨天晚上没洗刷的餐具The sink was still full of last night's washing-up
gen.洗脸池堵塞The wash-basin is clogged
gen.清除…的clear (of)
gen.温度计到35°Cthe thermometer gave 35
gen.漏雨it rains in
gen.生活可是好得不能再好Life couldn't be better
gen.用久 旧,坏have seen service
gen.用久破,坏see service
gen.用完run short of
gen.用过…就不管leave... about
gen.由于不小心我打碎这个杯子,我会赔偿的The glass is broken due to my carelessness. I will pay for it
gen.由于…而感到自己是疏忽了feel remiss about
gen.看不见go out of sight
gen.M 看不见 M lose sight of
gen.看不见get out of sight
gen.看见come in sight of
gen.—看见比萨,人们就经不住诱惑People can't resist the temptation at the sight of a pizza
gen.看见船宣布看见船的喊声sail ho
gen.M 稍 M rather too
gen.稍…了些rather too +
gen.M 稍嫌M 一点rather too
gen.耗尽be drained of
gen.耗尽 M 的 Ndrain M of (N)
gen.脏极in a mess
gen.财富东西多得成累赘embarras de richesse
gen.退be out
gen.退火的铸铁annealed castiron
gen.透彻地gain an insight into
gen.逐渐形成一套金属试验系统there has grown up a system of testing metals
gen.通过对羊绒织物后整理技术的研究,产品质量有很大提高By studying the finishing technology of cashmere fabrics, the quality of products was greatly improved
gen.锁咯嗒一声锁上the lock snapped shut
gen.错不rely upon it
gen.餐厅承认,一位店员误将一把金属汤匙混入碎冰机里,然后将这份漂浮有金属碎屑的冰沙卖给顾客The restaurant admitted that a clerk mistakenly put a metal spoon into the ice crusher, and then the ice shavings with floating bits of crushed metal were sold to customers
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