
Terms for subject Logistics containing | all forms
面建议要求Request for Proposal
面报价要求Request for Quotation
价值、产地联合证明加拿大海关发票combined certificate of value and origin
优惠证欧共体海关表格EUR 1
作业指导operating instructions
作业指导work instructions
船只或船员健康证bill of health
免责保证与承运公司签订的当发生任何不应由承运方负责的事故时减轻其赔偿责任的协议bond of indemnity
公证notary certificate
出口危险货物包装容器性能检验证危包证inspection certificate on performance tests of packing container for export dangerous goods
出口货运委托entrusting order for export goods
动物检疫证animal quarantine certificate
包装性能检验证inspection certificate on performance tests of packing
卫生和健康证sanitary and health certificate
危险货物安全装载Dangerous Cargo Safe Stowage Certificate
商检证certificate of commodity inspection
船舶国际吨位证international tonnage certificate
国际载重线证international loadline certificate
国际防油污染证International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
国际预防接种证international certificate of vaccination
处罚通知notification of punishment
安全证标志safety certificate mark
密固证certificate of tightness
总保险单 *本中 "policy" 若无特指closed policy
总保险单 *本中 "policy" 若无特指blanket policy
授权authorization letter
授权委托letter of attorney
提单的背和转让endorsement and transfer of Bill of Lading
提货通知notice of delivery
更改通知amendment advice
最低配员证Certificate of Minimum Manning
检验检疫处理通知notification of inspection and quarantine treatment
海关保税货物提货单出库证dandy note
消毒检验证inspection certificate of disinfection
短缺证certificate of shortage
空舱证certificate of empty tank
索赔claim submission
航海健康申报maritime declaration of health
船舶准备就绪通知Notice of Readiness
船舶到港通知notice of vessel arrival
船舶宣载通知declaration of ship's deadweight tonnage of cargo
货物到达到货通知notification notice of arrival
货物托运Shipper's Letter of Instruction
货物残损检验证inspection certificate on damage cargo
货物灭失或损害通知notice of loss or damage
赔偿保证保函indemnity letter
赔偿保证back letter
转送transmittal letter
运输工具卫生证sanitary certificate for conveyance
运输工具检疫证quarantine certificate for conveyance
进仓人库申请godown entry
船舶适航证Certificate of Seaworthiness
防止污染证Certificate of Sewage Prevent Pollution
除鼠证deratting certificate
信用证预先通知preliminary notification
验残证certificate of damage