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上述above said duty
不断完善社会主的各项制度steadily improve socialist institutions
中国共产主青年团Communist Youth League of China
中国特色的社会主民主政治socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics
中国特色社会主事业the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics
中国特色社会主事业的领导核心the leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics
中国特色社会主法律体系a socialist legal system having Chinese characteristics
中国特色社会主法律体系socialist legal system with Chinese characteristic
中国特色社会主法律体系a Chinese-style socialist legal system
中国特色社会主物权制度the Chinese-style socialist property system
为了适应社会主市场经济发展的要求in order to keep abreast of the development of the socialist market economy
为人民服务、为社会主服务serve the people and socialism
为社会主服务serve socialism
主要major obligation
主要赡养predominant contribution in maintaining the parents
务人person who has the obligation to
务兵compulsory serviceman
务工voluntary labor
务工compulsory labor
务教育专项转移支付transfer payment specially for compulsory education
务教育基金foundation for compulsory education
务教育法the Law on Compulsory Education
务教育经费funds for compulsory education
勇军进行曲》the March of the Volunteers
free treatment
九年务教育nine-year compulsory education
九年制务教nine-year compulsory education
九年制务教育制度system of nine-year compulsory education
享有权利,履行enjoy rights and undertake liabilities
人道主精神humanitarian spirit
从坚持走中国特色社会主政治发展道路的高度from the vantage point of adherence to the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics
从法律上完善中国特色社会主物权制度improve the legal framework for the socialist property rights system with Chinese characteristics
以个人独资企业名in the name of a sole proprietorship enterprise
以他人名设立账户open any account in any other person's name
以任何名、任何方式under any name or by any means
以宪法为核心的中国特色社会主法律体系a socialist legal system having Chinese characteristics and centered on the Constitution
以担保或者其他名in the name of guaranty or in other names
以社会主公有制为主体take the socialist public ownership as the mainstay
以被代理人的名in the principal's name
使用他人名、形象use of the name or image of others
依法应尽的statutory obligation
依法应承担的legal obligation
促进社会公平正promote social fairness and justice
保修obligations pertaining to maintenance
保密confidentiality obligation
保密的be obligated to maintain confidentiality
保护大气环境的obligation to protect the atmospheric environment
保护文物obligation to protect the cultural relics
保管obligation of taking care of
保证guarantor's duty
保险权利insurance rights and obligations
保障和发展社会主民主safeguard and develop socialist democracy
信守国际务和承诺abide by its international obligations and commitments
信息披露务人obligor of information disclosure
修缮obligation to repair
借收养名under the cloak of adoption
假借他人名make use of any other's name
假借客户名in the name of a client
健全社会主法制improve the socialist legal system
充分发挥法律在构建社会主和谐社会中的规范、引导和保障作用the law can fully play its proper role in standardizing and guiding the functioning of society and guaranteeing success in building a harmonious socialist society
光荣the honourable duty
法律全面准确地体现坚持社会主基本经济制度give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
法律全面准确地体现社会主基本经济制度give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
法律全面准确地体现社会主基本经济制度laws reflect the basic socialist economic system as fully and accurately as possible
公告obligation to make an announcement
公平正fair justice
公平正equity and justice
公平正fair and just
公平正fairness and righteousness
公平正fairness and justice
共同推进社会主民主法制建设joint efforts to improve socialist democracy and the socialist legal system
共同权利common rights and obligations
共同赔偿务机关organ jointly responsible for compensation
具有重要意have great significance for (doing smth)
具有重要的现实意be of tremendous practical significance
冒用宗教、气功名masquerade under the name of religion or qigong
农村务工voluntary work in rural areas
准确把握改革开放和社会主现代化建设的客观规律have a good understanding of the objective laws governing reform, opening up and socialist modernization
出资obligation of capital contribution
初等务教育compulsory primary education
利用公司名in the name of a company
2010 到 2010 年形成中国特色社会主法律体系creat a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics by
加强社会主法制strengthen the socialist legal system
加强社会主精神文明的建设strengthen the building of a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology
加快推进社会主现代化accelerate socialist modernization
加快构建社会主和谐社会accelerate the building of a harmonious socialist society
劳动的权利和right as well as the duty of work
勤勉obligations of diligence
勤勉尽责duty diligently and conscientiously
历史唯物主historical materialism
反对一切形式的恐怖主oppose terrorism in all its manifestations
反对一切形式的恐怖主oppose terrorism of all form
反对一切形式的恐怖主oppose terrorism in all its guises
反对地方民族主combat local national chauvinism
反对大民族主combat big-nation chauvinism
反对大汉族主combat Han chauvinism
反对官僚主combat bureaucratism
反对封建主overthrow feudalism
反对帝国主overthrow imperialism
反对形式主oppose formalism
反对资本主的、封建主义的和其他的腐朽思想combat capitalist, feudal and other decadent ideas
反对霸权主oppose hegemony
反恐怖主力量counter-terrorism forces
发展社会主市场经济develop the socialist market economy
发展社会主民主develop socialist democracy
发展社会主民主政治promote socialist democracy
发展社会主的教育事业undertake the development of socialist education
发扬社会主民主enhance socialist democracy
发挥社会主制度的优越性bring the superiority of the socialist system into play
受托fiduciary obligations
受教育的权利和rights and obligations to receive education
各方的权利和rights and obligations of each other
合同的权利和rights and obligations stipulated in the charter
合同约定的contractual obligations
合同规定的obligations imposed by the contract
同等的权利equal rights and obligations
和形象title and image
围绕构建社会主和谐社会center on the building of a harmonious socialist society
国防obligations to defend the country
国防教育意national defense education significance
在中国特色社会主法律体系中起支架作用play the role of a prop in the Chinese-style socialist legal system
在全社会树立中国特色社会主的共同理想foster the common ideal of Chinese socialism among all groups in society
在社会主初级阶段in the primary stage of socialism
在马克思列宁主、毛泽东思想的指引下under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought
地方民族主local national chauvinism
坚定不移地走中国特色社会主道路unswervingly take the road of Chinese socialism
坚持社会主基本经济制度adherence to the basic socialist economic system
坚持社会主基本经济制度adhere to the basic socialist economic system
坚持社会主道路adhere to the socialist road
坚持走中国特色社会主政治发展道路adherence to the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics
培养社会主观念foster the socialist concept (of)
基本形成中国特色社会主法律体系give a basic shape to the Chinese-style socialist legal system
基本形成中国特色社会主法律体系basically complete establishment of a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics
基本权利和the fundamental rights and duties
大民族主big-nation chauvinism
大汉族主Han chauvinism
如实告知duty of disclosure
如实告知obligation of telling the truth
妥善保管留置财产的duty to safekeep the retained property
存在主观主、形式主义和官僚主义作风have a subjective, formalistic and bureaucratic style of work
安保security protection duty
安全保障duty of safety protection
实行各种形式的社会主责任制institute the socialist system of responsibility in various forms
实行社会主市场经济practise socialist market economy
客户身份识别obligation of distinguishing the client's identity
宪法和法律规定的duties prescribed by the Constitution and the law
对于各级人大常委会依法行使监督职权具有重大的意be of great significance for standing committees of people's congresses at all levels in the lawful exercise of their oversight functions and powers
封建主feudal ideas
尽到警示fulfilled the duty of warning
履行performance of a duty
履行fulfil an obligation
履行务一方party fulfilling the obligation
履行保护草原的fulfil duty of protecting the grasslands
履行保证perform a guarantor's duties
履行兵役fulfil one's duty of performing military service
履行出资fulfill the obligations of capital contributions
履行劳动fulfill the labor obligations
履行合同perform the obligation under the contract
履行国际禁毒公约perform the obligations prescribed by the international anti-drug convention
履行客户身份识别perform the obligation of distinguishing clients' identities
履行宪法和法律规定的perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution and other laws
履行扣缴perform the withholding obligation
履行扶养fulfill the duty of support
履行担保perform the obligations of a guarantor
履行法律援助perform the obligation of legal aid
履行节能fulfill the obligation to conserve energy
履行赔偿perform the obligation of paying indemnity
帝国主列强imperialist invaders
平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主民族关系socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity unity, mutual assistance and harmony
平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主民族关系socialist ethnic relations based on equality, solidarity unity, mutual assistance and harmony
应尽的obligations to be fulfilled by
废除帝国主列强从中国攫取的各种特权abolish all the privileges various imperialist countries had grabbed from China
废除帝国主列强加给中国的一切不平等条约abolish all unequal treaties which had been imposed on China by various imperialist countries
建立和完善有中国特色社会主法律体系establish and improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics
建设中国特色的社会主理论the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics
建设社会主法治国家build a socialist country under the rule of law
弘扬以爱国主精神为核心的民族精神vigorously promote national spirit centred on patriotism
形成中国特色社会主法律体系establish a Chinese-style socialist legal system
必须履行国际条约的in fulfillment of international treaty obligations
必须履行国际间共同防御侵略条约的in fulfillment of international treaty obligations concerning common defense against aggression
忠实obligations of fidelity
我国社会主民主政治建设improvement of China's socialist democratic politics
我国社会主民主政治建设的一件大事a matter of great importance in the improvement of China's socialist democratic politics
打击恐怖主combat terrorism
打击恐怖主、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约Shanghai Convention against Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism
扣缴务人withholding obligor
扣缴务人所在地place where the withholding obligor is located
扶养duty of support
承包双方的权利和rights and obligations of the two contracting party
承受其权利take over the rights and obligations
承担undertake an commitment
承担undertake an obligation
承担全面纳税perform comprehensive obligation of tax payment
承担有限fulfil limited obligation (of)
承担有限perform limited obligation (of)
承担法律援助obligated to provide legal aid
承担补缴be obligated to make up the difference
承继其权利和succeed to its right and obligation
承诺履行promise to implement one's obligation
承诺履行promise to perform one's obligation
承诺履行promise to fulfill one's obligation
把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主国家turn China into a socialist country that is prosperous, powerful, democratic and culturally advanced
抚养obligations to bring up
报告reporting obligation
担保obligation of a guarantor
指标涵definition of statistical item
按照承诺履行fulfill one's obligation as promised
接受务教育receive compulsory education
接受务教育的权利right to compulsory education
推动健全社会主法制improve the socialist legal system
推动社会主民主法制建设improve socialist democracy and the socialist legal system
提倡爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主的公德advocate the civic virtues of love of the motherland, of the people, of labour, of science and of socialism
支付保险费obligation of paying an insurance premium
敌视和破坏我国社会主制度be hostile to China's socialist system and try to undermine it
救助obligation of offering assistance
新民主主革命New-Democratic Revolution
新民主主革命the New-Democratic Revolution
普及初等务教育universalize compulsory primary education
be obliged to
be obligated to
务保证have the duty to guarantee
务协助under an obligation to assist
务协助执行have a duty to assist enforcement
务协助调查obligation to assist in investigation
务提供be obliged to furnish
有交付obligated to deliver
有利于发展社会主生产力be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces
有同等的诉讼权利和enjoy the same procedural rights and duties
权利rights and obligations
权利务关系relationship of rights and obligations
权利务承受人party that succeed to the rights and obligations
权利和rights as well as duties
构建社会主和谐社会create a harmonious socialist society
构建社会主和谐社会build a harmonious socialist society
构建社会主和谐社会build a socialist harmonious society
检查obligation to check
民族主ethnic chauvinism
沿着中国特色社会主道路along the road of Chinese-style socialism
法律意legal significance
法律文书确定的obligations specified in the legal document
法律规定的具体含the specific meaning of a provision
深远意far-Teaching significance
深远意profound significance
深远意far-reaching significance
清算obligations of liquidation
爱护公路的duty to protect highways
环境保护duty of environmental protection
生产资料所有制的社会主改造socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production
生产资料的社会主公有制socialist public ownership of the means of production
电信普遍服务obligation to make telecommunications services universally
相应的corresponding obligation
破坏社会主制度disruption of the socialist system
破坏社会主经济disrupt the socialist economy
社会主事业socialist cause
社会主全民所有制经济the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people
社会主公有制经济的补充complement to the socialist public economy
社会主初级阶段the initial stage of socialism
社会主初级阶段primary stage of socialism
社会主初级阶段the primary stage of socialism
社会主初级阶段的理论the theory on the initial stage of socialism
社会主制度的内在要求a basic requirement of the socialist system
社会主劳动群众集体所有制经济socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people
社会主劳动群众集体所有制经济the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people
社会主劳动者socialist working people
社会主和谐社会a socialist harmonious society
社会主市场经济a socialist market economy
社会主思想教育education in socialist ideology
社会主政治文明socialist political civilization
社会主新农村advanced new socialist countryside
社会主方向socialist orientation
社会主民主socialist democracy
社会主民主政治socialist democratic politics
社会主民主政治socialist democracy
社会主民主法制建设socialist democracy and the socialist legal system
社会主民族关系socialist ethnic relations
社会主法制socialist legal system
社会主法治国家socialist country with rule of law
社会主法治国家socialist country ruled by law
社会主法治国家a socialist country under rule of law
社会主现代化建设socialist modernization
社会主的全民所有的财产socialist property owned by the whole people
社会主的公共财产socialist public property
社会主的制度和政策socialist system and policy
社会主精神文明的建设build a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology
社会主荣辱观教育the socialist concept of honor and disgrace
社会主责任制socialist system of responsibility
科学合理地规定权利与scientifically and rationally prescribing the rights and duties
积极广泛开展社会主荣辱观教育launch an extensive campaign to spread the socialist concept of honor and disgrace
积极广泛开展社会主荣辱观教育launch an education campaign to foster the socialist concept of honor and disgrace among its employees
约定的contractually obligated
纳税务人persons obligated to pay duty
维护社会主法制的统一和尊严uphold the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system
维护社会公平正safeguard social fairness and justice
职责、function and obligation
自伤身体,逃避军事injure oneself in order to evade his or her military obligation
补缴obligation to make up the difference
被迫进行保家卫国的正战争be compelled to wage a just war to defend the homeland
规范社会主市场经济秩序regulate the order of the socialist market economy
诊疗obligation of diagnosis and treatment
诚信obligation of good faith
负有保密obligation to keep confidential
负有扶养务而拒绝扶养refuse to fulfill the duty to support
资本主物权制度the capitalist property system
赔偿compensation liabilities
赔偿务机关organs liable for compensation
赡养obligation to provide for the elderly
转移transfer of obligations
转移transfer the obligations
转让合同的权利和assign the rights and obligations stipulated in the charter
辩证唯物主和历史唯物主义dialectical and historical materialism
进行爱国主、集体主义和国际主义、共产主义的教育conduct education in patriotism and collectivism, in internationalism and communism
违背受托go against the fiduciary obligations
逃避军事evade one's military obligation
遵守法律的obligation to abide by the law
重大而深远的意have great and far-reaching significance (for)
铲除帝国主殖民统治在华的政治、经济特权uproot the political and economic privileges of the imperialists9 colonial rule in China
长期处于社会主初级阶段remain in the primary stage of socialism for a long time to come
collateral obligation
集中力量进行社会主现代化建设concentrate its effort on socialist modernization
霸权主的侵略hegemonist aggression