
Terms containing 义务 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一方承担义务的协议hold harmless agreement
tech.一般义务general responsibilities
tech.一般义务general obligations
China, law上述义务above said duty
busin.不作为的义务duty of abstention
commer.不再承担义务be released from an obligation
commer.不可转让义务non-assignable duty
securit.不完全义务信托imperfect obligation trust
tech.不完全的义务imperfect obligation
commer.不履行义务non-performance of duty
busin.不履行义务non-performance of an obligation
busin.不履行专利义务non-fulfillment of the patent obligations
busin.不履行付款义务default of payment
busin.不履行承兑义务default of acceptance
gen.不履行抚养 赡养义务nonsupport
commer.不履行支付义务default of payment
tech.不履行法律义务make default
securit.不履行还款义务default in payment
commer.不承担义务without engagement
busin.不承担义务make no commitment
busin.不承担义务free from commitment
tech.不承担义务free from commitment
securit.不担义务并有保留without engagement and under reserve
tech.业主义务owner's obligation
tech.业主义务owner's duty
tech.业主义务obligation of client
tech.业主义务保险owner's liability insurance
tech.业主义务保险employer's liability insurance
tech.个人义务保险liability insurance
busin.中止履行义务suspend performance of obligations
busin.中止履行合同义务suspend performance. of obligations
securit.中止履行合同义务suspend performance of obligations
China, polit.为人民服务、为社会主义服务serve the people and socialism
busin.为他们各自的权利与义务for their respective rights and interests
China, law为社会主义服务serve socialism
China, law主要义务major obligation
China, law主要赡养义务predominant contribution in maintaining the parents
China, law义务contribution
agric.义务compulsory (compulsorius)
gen.义务liability (for)
agric.义务交售compulsory delivery
China, law义务person who has the obligation to
busin.义务债券moral obligation bond
agric.义务储存compulsory storage
agric.义务储存compulsory stockpiling
China, law义务compulsory serviceman
China, law义务conscript
busin.义务劳动labor of love
busin.义务劳动compulsory labour
agric.义务屠宰compulsory slaughtering
busin.义务履行到期日date when performance due
busin.义务履行期dies venit
China, law义务voluntary labor
China, law义务compulsory labor
tech.义务建筑学校free school of architecture
tech.义务承担费commitment charges
tech.义务护林员fire co-operator
busin.义务教育compulsory education
China, law义务教育专项转移支付transfer payment specially for compulsory education
China, law义务教育基金foundation for compulsory education
China, polit.义务教育法the Law on Compulsory Education
China, law义务教育经费funds for compulsory education
busin.义务期限obligatory term
busin.义务条款radius clause
busin.义务条款mandatory clause
busin.义务检査voluntary inspection
agric.义务簿记compulsory bookkeeping
busin.义务voluntary office
tech.义务obliged vessel
tech.义务give-way vessel
tech.义务burdened vessel
China, law九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education
China, polit.九年制义务nine-year compulsory education
China, law九年制义务教育制度system of nine-year compulsory education
commer.买方义务buyer's duties
commer.买方应承担支付保险费的义务The buyer should assume the duty to pay the premium
commer.买方有义务支付进口税The buyer is liable to pay import duties
China, law享有权利,履行义务enjoy rights and undertake liabilities
busin.义务accessory obligation
shipb.代理人的义务vicarious liability
shipb.代理人的权利和义务the rights and duties of agent
commer.代理合同确定了双方的权利与义务,代理人的权限范围和报酬The contract of agency settles the rights and duties of the two parties, the scope of authority granted to agent and the remuneration due to him
tech.任务定义表task definition table
avia.任务定义评审mission definition review
avia.任务要求定义和分析mission requirements definition and analysis
expl.似乎没有人愿意承担替他吃东西的义务No one seems willing to assume any obligation of eating instead of him
gen.使承担义务commit (to)
China, law依法应尽的义务statutory obligation
China, law依法应承担的义务legal obligation
China, law保修义务obligations pertaining to maintenance
tech.保养维修义务upkeep obligation
China, law保密义务confidentiality obligation
China, law保密的义务be obligated to maintain confidentiality
China, law保护大气环境的义务obligation to protect the atmospheric environment
China, law保护文物义务obligation to protect the cultural relics
China, law保管义务obligation of taking care of
China, law保证义务guarantor's duty
busin.保证不承担义务contract out
busin.保证偿债义务secure an obligation
tech.保证承担义务contract in
busin.保险义务insurance obligation
China, law保险权利义务insurance rights and obligations
China, polit.信守国际义务和承诺abide by its international obligations and commitments
securit.信息披露义务information disclosure obligations
China, law信息披露义务obligor of information disclosure
China, law修缮义务obligation to repair
tech.借款人的权利义务right and obligation of the borrower
tech.债务偿付义务debt-service obligation
busin.债务或其他义务履行到期日date of eligibility of the obligation
busin.偿债义务debt service obligations
busin.偿债义务debt servicing obligation
China, polit.光荣义务the honourable duty
busin.免除义务release from duty
tech.免除义务relief from obligation
commer.免除履行合同的义务be excused from performing the contract
commer.免除某人义务dispense a person from his obligations
tech.全部履行义务full discharge of liability
China, law公告义务obligation to make an announcement
securit.公开信息的义务disclosure obligation
tech.公民的环境权力和义务citizen's rights and duties for environment
China, law共同权利义务common rights and obligations
China, law共同赔偿义务机关organ jointly responsible for compensation
China, law农村义务voluntary work in rural areas
China, law出资义务obligation of capital contribution
China, law初等义务教育compulsory primary education
busin.劳动义务labor due
China, law劳动的权利和义务right as well as the duty of work
China, law勤勉义务obligations of diligence
China, law勤勉尽责义务duty diligently and conscientiously
shipb.单方承担义务的合同unilateral contract
busin.单方承担义务的契约unilateral contract
commer.单方面承担义务契约unilateral contract
tech.单方面承担义务的合同unilateral contract
commer.卖方已履行其承担的义务The seller has already discharged his duties
law即时义务immediate obligation
commer.双方义务在合同中明确确定make the both parties' obligations explicit in the contract
China, law受托义务fiduciary obligations
securit.受托人无义务的信托passive trust
China, law受教育的权利和义务rights and obligations to receive education
tech.可再生义务证书renewable obligation certificate
commer.可强行实施的义务enforceable obligations
commer.各国经济权利与义务宪章Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States
consult.各国经济权利和义务宪章工作组Working Group on the Charter of the Economic Rights and Duties of States
China, law各方的权利和义务rights and obligations of each other
busin.合同义务burden of contract
busin.合同义务contractual liability
busin.合同义务contract obligations
econ.合同义务contract obligation
busin.合同义务treaty obligation
tech.合同义务contractual engagement
busin.合同义务保证security of contract obligation
econ.合同一经签订,双方就有义务去执行Both parties are liable for the contract's execution once it was signed
commer.合同所承担的义务contract commitment
China, law合同的权利和义务rights and obligations stipulated in the charter
China, law合同约定的义务contractual obligations
tech.合同规定义务contractual liability
China, law合同规定的义务obligations imposed by the contract
busin.合同规定的义务contractual liability
securit.合理注意义务reasonable care
China, law同等的权利义务equal rights and obligations
China, law国防义务obligations to defend the country
busin.国际法定义务international legal duty
gen.基于义务as in duty bound
China, polit.基本权利和义务the fundamental rights and duties
busin.基本权利和义务basic rights and duties
commer.契约义务的履行performance of obligation
tech.契约规定的义务contractual obligation
tech.契约规定的义务contractual duty
China, law如实告知义务duty of disclosure
China, law如实告知义务obligation of telling the truth
China, law妥善保管留置财产的义务duty to safekeep the retained property
China, law安保义务security protection duty
China, law安全保障义务duty of safety protection
securit.完成义务meet obligation
China, law客户身份识别义务obligation of distinguishing the client's identity
China, law宪法和法律规定的义务duties prescribed by the Constitution and the law
busin.对应义务corresponding duty
gen.M 对M的义务责任,恩惠obligation to
commer.对…负有义务be under an obligation to
busin.义务without pay
China, law尽到警示义务fulfilled the duty of warning
securit.尽职义务best execution obligations
securit.履行义务discharge of duty
China, law履行义务performance of a duty
China, polit.履行义务fulfil an obligation
commer.履行义务redeem one's obligation
commer.履行义务discharge of obligations
tech.履行义务duty of performance
busin.履行义务discharge the obligation
busin.履行义务discharge a duty
gen.履行义务come to time
China, law履行义务一方party fulfilling the obligation
commer.履行义务的债务performance obligation
China, law履行保护草原的义务fulfil duty of protecting the grasslands
China, law履行保证义务perform a guarantor's duties
busin.履行偿债义务performance obligation
China, law履行兵役义务fulfil one's duty of performing military service
China, law履行出资义务fulfill the obligations of capital contributions
China, law履行劳动义务fulfill the labor obligations
China, law履行合同义务perform the obligation under the contract
securit.履行合同义务burden of contract
China, law履行国际禁毒公约义务perform the obligations prescribed by the international anti-drug convention
commer.履行契约义务obligation of contract
China, law履行客户身份识别义务perform the obligation of distinguishing clients' identities
China, polit.履行宪法和法律规定的义务perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution and other laws
China, law履行扣缴义务perform the withholding obligation
China, law履行扶养义务fulfill the duty of support
China, law履行担保义务perform the obligations of a guarantor
securit.履行持续信息披露义务fulfill the obligation of continual information disclosure
busin.履行汇票上的义务discharge of liability on a bill of exchange
China, law履行法律援助义务perform the obligation of legal aid
China, law履行节能义务fulfill the obligation to conserve energy
China, law履行赔偿义务perform the obligation of paying indemnity
busin.已履行的合同义务past consideration
busin.已解除票据上义务的当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
gen.M M 应尽不可推卸义务duties obligatory on
China, law应尽的义务obligations to be fulfilled by
gen.应尽的义务责任bounden duty
securit.应有的关注义务duty of due care
gen.应该对 M 负有 N 的义务owe M (N)
tech.建造者承担的义务builder commitment
gen.开始承担宗教义务的13岁犹太男子bar mitzvah
gen.开始承担宗教义务的13岁犹太男子bar mizvah
commer.强制性义务enforced obligations
shipb.得至同意不再承担义务obtain release from an obligation
China, polit.必须履行国际条约的义务in fulfillment of international treaty obligations
China, polit.必须履行国际间共同防御侵略条约的义务in fulfillment of international treaty obligations concerning common defense against aggression
busin.必须履行的法定义务enforceable legal obligation
China, law忠实义务obligations of fidelity
securit.忠实义务duty of loyalty
racing义务general undertaking
busin.恢复履行义务restitution of performance
commer.我们从未不履行自己的义务We have never failed to discharge our obligations
commer.我们毫不怀疑你方将尊重合同义务的严肃性We have no doubt that you will respect the solemnity of contractual obligations
commer.我方总是履行自己承担的义务We always honour our commitments
China, law扣缴义务withholding obligor
tech.扣缴义务the withholding agent
China, law扣缴义务人所在地place where the withholding obligor is located
China, law扶养义务duty of support
tech.承包人义务保险contractor's liability insurance
China, law承包双方的权利和义务rights and obligations of the two contracting party
consult.承包商的权利与义务rights and obligations of contractor
China, law承受其权利义务take over the rights and obligations
securit.承担义务undertake obligations
China, law承担义务undertake an obligation
sport.承担义务undertake obligation
securit.承担义务assume obligations
China, law承担义务undertake an commitment
busin.承担义务能力capacity for duty
China, polit.承担全面纳税义务perform comprehensive obligation of tax payment
busin.承担支票上义务bind oneself by a cheque
China, polit.承担有限义务fulfil limited obligation (of)
China, polit.承担有限义务perform limited obligation (of)
busin.承担汇票上的义务liable on bill of exchange
China, law承担法律援助义务obligated to provide legal aid
commer.承担的义务incurred obligations
busin.承担票据上的义务be liable for a bill of exchange
China, law承担补缴义务be obligated to make up the difference
China, law承继其权利和义务succeed to its right and obligation
China, law承诺履行义务promise to perform one's obligation
China, law承诺履行义务promise to implement one's obligation
China, law承诺履行义务promise to fulfill one's obligation
commer.技术转让技术转让方义务commitments by the technology supplier
China, law抚养义务obligations to bring up
China, law报告义务reporting obligation
China, law担保义务obligation of a guarantor
securit.担保义务secured obligation
tech.担保人的义务surety's obligation
commer.拒绝履行义务repudiate an obligation
tech.拒绝履行义务repudiate obligation
commer.按 CIF 条件,卖方承担保险货物的义务Under the CIF clause, the seller is under an obligation to insure the goods
law按条约所承担的义务treaty commitment
China, law按照承诺履行义务fulfill one's obligation as promised
busin.捐助义务duty of contribution
busin.损失赔偿义务obligation of compensation for losses
China, law接受义务教育receive compulsory education
China, law接受义务教育的权利right to compulsory education
tech.撤消或免除纳税义务discharge of tax obligation
China, law支付保险费义务obligation of paying an insurance premium
busin.支援义务duty of support
securit.收购人履行要约收购义务purchaser's fulfillment of tender offer
China, law救助义务obligation of offering assistance
busin.义务without obligation
securit.义务原则纽约交易所制定的交易步骤negative obligation
busin.无条件承担义务unconditional promise
busin.无条件的义务债务unconditional obligation
tech.无条件的义务unconditional obligation
shipb.无法履行义务incapacity of meeting the obligation
tech.无法履行义务的情况incapability of meeting obligation
busin.明确承担义务definite undertaking
China, polit.普及初等义务教育universalize compulsory primary education
busin.最佳承担义务best efforts commitment
econ.最好承担义务the best efforts of commitment
econ.最好承担义务best efforts commitment
econ.最好的承担义务the best efforts commitment
China, law义务obliged
gen.义务be in duty bound to + inf.
China, polit.义务be obligated to
China, polit.义务be obliged to
gen.义务as in duty bound
China, law义务保证have the duty to guarantee
China, law义务协助under an obligation to assist
China, law义务协助执行have a duty to assist enforcement
China, law义务协助调查obligation to assist in investigation
commer.义务履行合同的规定条款be bound to carry out the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract
commer.义务提交已装船的清洁提单be obliged to tender shipped on board clean bills of lading
China, law义务提供be obliged to furnish
securit.义务纳税liable to tax
China, law有交付义务obligated to deliver
China, law有同等的诉讼权利和义务enjoy the same procedural rights and duties
busin.有条件承担义务conditional undertaking
gen.有…的义务be bound to (+ inf.)
tech.未完成的义务unfulfilled obligations
tech.未尽义务unfulfilled obligations
busin.未履行义务obligation outstanding
tech.未履行的义务unfulfilled obligations
shipb.未履行的义务unredeemed obligation
busin.未承诺义务资金unobligated fund
China, law权利义务rights and obligations
China, law权利义务关系relationship of rights and obligations
China, law权利义务承受人party that succeed to the rights and obligations
busin.权利与义务devoir and right
busin.权利与义务rights and duties
tech.权利与义务rights and obligation
consult.权利与义务right and duty
tech.权利与义务的平衡balance of right and obligations
China, law权利和义务rights as well as duties
China, law检查义务obligation to check
commer.每一方应履行各自的义务Each party shall fulfil his own obligations
tech.民事义务duty in civil affairs
tech.民事义务civil obligation
busin.汇票上义务限制原则limitation of liability on the bill
busin.汇票上的义务liability on a bill
busin.没有义务和牵连free and clear
busin.法定义务statutory duty
busin.法律义务legal duty
China, law法律文书确定的义务obligations specified in the legal document
securit.注意义务duty of care
securit.注意义务duty of attention
busin.清偿义务duty of fulfillment
econ.清理程序中的债权人与出资义务的会议the liquidation meeting of creditors and contributories
China, law清算义务obligations of liquidation
securit.潜在义务/负债potential obligation
China, law爱护公路的义务duty to protect highways
China, law环境保护义务duty of environmental protection
China, law电信普遍服务义务obligation to make telecommunications services universally
China, law相应的义务corresponding obligation
busin.票据产生的义务obligation arising out of the instrument
China, polit.科学合理地规定权利与义务scientifically and rationally prescribing the rights and duties
gen.签约承担义务sign up (for)
busin.约定义务contractual obligation
busin.约定义务commitment set forth
China, law约定的义务contractually obligated
busin.纳税义务duty to pay taxes
busin.纳税义务duty bound to pay taxes
China, law纳税义务persons obligated to pay duty
China, law纳税义务taxpayer
busin.纳税义务obligatory duty payer
busin.维修义务责任obligation to maintain
tech.维修义务maintenance obligation
China, law职责、义务function and obligation
securit.肯定义务affirmative obligations (美国证券交易商协会对 NASDAQ 市场上造市商的规定)
tech.背弃合同义务back-out of contract
China, law自伤身体,逃避军事义务injure oneself in order to evade his or her military obligation
busin.自由化义务部分废除derogation from liberalization obligation
commer.船东义务shipowner's liability
tech.船舶所有人的义务shipowner's liability
busin.行使权力、履行义务的能力competent to exercise right and perform duty
China, law补缴义务obligation to make up the difference
shipb.表示承担义务express undertaking
commer.被解除履约的义务be discharged from performing the contract
busin.要求履行义务require the performance of an obligation
tech.规定双方权利义务的契约indenture deed
busin.解除义务free from liability
tech.解除义务relieve from obligations
gen.解除… 的义务<#0>释放affranchise
busin.解除履约义务free from liability for acts of performance
busin.解除或履行了汇票上的义务discharge of liability on a bill of exchange
tech.解除汇票上签字人的义务discharge of a party
busin.解除汇票签字人义务discharge of a party to a bill of exchange
busin.解除签字人的义务discharge of a party
busin.设定义务规则rule imposing duty
China, law诊疗义务obligation of diagnosis and treatment
China, law诚信义务obligation of good faith
securit.诚信义务fiduciary duty
expl.谁都不愿意且没有义务与懒人合作No one is willing or bound to cooperate with a lazy person
law谨慎和勤勉的义务duty of care
tech.负担的义务obligation assumed
tech.负有义务incur obligation
China, law负有保密义务obligation to keep confidential
China, law负有扶养义务而拒绝扶养refuse to fulfill the duty to support
busin.负有纳税义务liability to pay tax
tech.负有纳税义务be obligated to pay tax
tech.负缴税义务subject to taxation
tech.负缴税义务subject to tax
busin.负责履行义务engage oneself to perform one's duties
securit.财务上的义务financial obligation
busin.财务保守主义financial conservation
agric., econ.贷款义务loan obligations
tech.赋税义务tax liability
tech.赋税义务减轻reduced liability tax
China, law赔偿义务机关organs liable for compensation
busin.赔偿损失义务obligation of compensation for loss
tech.赔偿损失的义务obligation of compensation for losses
tech.赔偿的义务obligation to compensation
China, law赡养义务obligation to provide for the elderly
China, law转移义务transfer of obligations
China, law转移义务transfer the obligations
China, law转让合同的权利和义务assign the rights and obligations stipulated in the charter
busin.违反义务行为act against duty
busin.违反分期付款义务breach of the obligation pay an installment
tech.违反分期付款的义务breach of obligation to pay an instalment
commer.违反法定义务breach of statutory duty
busin.违反规定义务breach of duty
securit.违反诚信义务breach of fiduciary duty
commer.违背义务breach of duty
China, law违背受托义务go against the fiduciary obligations
commer.连带义务joint obligation
commer.连续义务continuing obligation
China, law逃避军事义务evade one's military obligation
law逐步义务obligation of progressive realization
law逐步义务progressive obligation
law逐步实现的义务obligation of progressive realization
law逐步实现的义务progressive obligation
busin.通知损失义务obligation of giving claim notice
busin.道义债务无法律强制honorary debt
busin.遵守契约义务observe one's contractual obligation
China, law遵守法律的义务obligation to abide by the law
busin.部履行汇票付款义务full discharge of liability under a bill of exchange
busin.间接营业税和非纳税义务indirect business tax and nontax liability
China, law义务collateral obligation
commer.附带义务supplementary obligations
commer.附带义务supplemental obligations
busin.附条件义务承担conditional liability
busin.附条件承担义务conditional undertaking
tech.附设义务停车场obligated parking lot
tech.雇主义务保险employer's liability insurance
tech.非合同上的责任或义务non-contractual obligation
commer.预先规定如果在发生他们所不能控制的某些意外事件时双方的权利和义务It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
tech.默示义务implied undertaking
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