
Terms for subject Economy containing 举行 | all forms | in specified order only
下一轮谈判定于星期五上午举行The next negotiation is scheduled for Friday morning
中国出口商品交易会在4月2日至6日举行The Chinese Export Commodities Fair will run from April 2nd to 6th
为筹措房租而举行的舞会rent party
举行表演put up a show
他将参加即将和你方代表举行的谈判He will participate in the upcoming negotiations with your representative
你们能举出一个我们不履行协议的事例吗?Could you cite an instance where our execution is not in keeping with the agreement?
外交部某一官员将就这一问题举行一次新闻发布会An official in the Department of Foreign Affairs will hold a press conference on the issue
如果出席的股东人数达到法定人数,才能举行股东大会If the number of shareholders present is up to a quorum n., a meeting of shareholders can be held
如果商品交易会没有准时举行,则可退回入场费The admission fee will be refundable if the trade fair is not held on time
我方建议交易会于下月举行We suggest that the fair should be held next month
签字仪式已推迟至下周举行The signing ceremony has been defer red until next week
该公司对其产品定期举行全国性的民意测验The company regularly conducts nationwide opinion polls on its products