
Terms for subject China containing 主要 | all forms | in specified order only
in <-> 2006中央预算执行主要情况the overall situation in the implementation of the central budget
中方主要投资者principal Chinese investor
为了适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求in order to keep abreast of the development of the socialist market economy
主要义务major obligation
主要事实principal facts
主要事项main items
主要农作物main crops
主要办事机构所在地place where the main administrative office is located
主要媒体primary media
主要官员principal officials
主要 岗位key posts
主要投资者principal investor
主要指标the main targets
主要方式main method
在修改法律时主要明确三条mainly clarify three areas (in revising the Law)
主要有两点考虑two main points were taken into consideration (in)
主要权利main rights
主要林木main forest trees
主要河段main courses
主要犯罪事实main facts of the crime
主要犯罪地principal place where the crime was committed
主要管理人员major managers
主要证据material evidence
主要证据main evidence
主要证据不足inadequate essential evidence
主要负责人person in charge
主要赡养义务predominant contribution in maintaining the parents
主要问题major issue
主要问题main question
主要问题the major issues
主要领导top leaders
主要领导亲自抓top leaders became personally involved
产品主要出口的外资企业export-oriented foreign-funded enterprises
今后一年的主要任务major tasks for this year
外方主要投资者principal foreign investor (of a foreign-invested enterprise)
2006 年主要污染物排放总量减少2%reduce the emission of major pollutants by 2 percent in 2006
提出主要目标set the major targets (for)
提出了国民经济和社会发展的奋斗目标、指导方针和主要任务set forth the objectives, guiding principles and main tasks for China's economic and social development
法律草案的主要内容main provisions of a draft law
海关主要负责人leading member of the customs
满足业主的需要meet the need of the owner
现有的主要法律the laws currently in force
社会主义制度的内在要求a basic requirement of the socialist system
经济发展的主要目标the principal economic target
行政机关的主要官员principal officials of the executive authority
议案的主要问题the main questions concerning the bills
过去一年的主要工作main accomplishments of last year
通知代表开会日期和建议大会讨论的主要事项notify the deputies of the date of the session and of the main items on the proposed agenda