
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上市公司董事会行规范Code of Conduct of Directorate of Listed Company
市场约束指令market not held order
盈利not for profit
不作omit to do
不分单位的成分基金non-unitized constituent fund
不妥行improper conduct
不容忍股市上投资人的任何违法行zero tolerance of investors5 illegal behaviors in stock market
不当交易行improper dealing practice
不当行improper conduct
不择手段行sharp practice
不正当商业行规则illicit commercial practices regulation
不法行illegal practices
不诚实行证券交易中dishonest behavior
专业行规定及规则professional conduct rules and regulations
专业行规范code of conduct regulation
业务行准则conduct of business rule
业务行守则code of business conduct
严重违法行serious illegal act
举行股东大会暂停一天交易one-day trading suspension for holding the general meeting
买人而售出证券proceeds sale
了零售股份发出的临时凭证scrip certificate issued for fractional shares
他人保管的证券securities deposited for others
他人清偿欠款settle another's account
偿付债务再筹资refinancing of debt service payments
公众承担责任accountability to the public
公司财务服务的银行业务corporate banking
……出高价offer a high price for
华尔街解困bailout for Wall Street
在海外使用资金而在海外发行的债券out to out external bond
实物投资而发行的股票issuance of capital stock for noncash assets
客户代管资产assets held for clients
客户开设的账户保密keeping information confidential for the accounts opened for clients
延迟而支付的利息interest for delay/delinquency
扩大经营而收购控制其下游公司forward integration
投资者提供的信息information for investors
……担保give security for
招揽顾客而降价出售的商品loss leader
收购制造法律障碍create legal obstacles to the takeover
潜在的收购定价pricing a potential acquisition
第三方代收现金服务cash collection on behalf of the third part
第三方担保贷款secure a loan for a third party
……而努力shoot for
股东创造价值creating value for shareholders
股东服务shareholder services
股东的最佳利益着想in the best interests of shareholders
股东的最佳利益而行动act in the best interest of shareholders
股市经纪人揽生意者bird dog
获取垄断权而进行的兼并mergers for monopoly power
补偿亏损而发行的票据deficiency bill
认股而提供的贷款offer a loan for subscription
购买证券融资funding of securities purchase
购置财产而发行的股票stock issued for property
防通胀而套购hedge against inflation
非授权交易承担责任证券交易中assume responsibility for unauthorized trades
也就是面值12.5美元的股票eighth stock
买家可能目标公司债务承担的责任buyer's potential liability for target's debts
交易不规范行trading irregularity
交易厅行监察委员会Floor Conduct Committee
交易行trading practice
交易行规则trading practices rule
交易违规行trading irregularity
浮动managed float
设定虚假股价fixing artificial prices for shares
从众行herd behaviour
从粗放经济转变集约经济shift from extensive economy to intensive economy
垫付advance money for another
观看公告牌号码经纪商在离开交易现场时,请另一经纪商察看其公司号码是否出现在公告牌上,如出现,他要帮忙到场内的交易室去办理相关事宜watch my number
以一定收益基准的证券购人buying on a yield basis
以上年度基础preceding year basis
以业绩导向的激励机制performance-oriented incentive mechanism
以……为代价in consideration of
以……为单位denominated in...
以主事人身份作交易的一方party to transaction as principal
以互联网中心交易市场mission-critical internet
以交易/订单基础的制度order-based system
以交易订单导向的自动调节市场order-driven automated market
以人方式设定价格fixing an artificial price
以价值基础定价value based pricing
以价值基础的策略value based strategy
以价值导向的投资理念value oriented investing philosophy
以价格标准的交易者price-level trader
以公有制主导的股份公司stock company with public ownership as the mainstay
以出售subject to sale
以合同subject to contract
以实物利息的债券pay-in-kind bond
以实物股息的优先股pay-in-kind preferred share
以客户中心的机构customer-centric organization
以客户本的组织customer-centric organization
以工资收人基础的人股计划Payroll-based Stock Ownership Plan
以开证银行收货人unto issuing bank
以意见subject to opinion
以投资导向的项目investment-oriented project
以持有的股份数量extent of their respective shareholdings
以提前售出准的报盘subject to prior sale
以日历年基础calendar year basis
以期权基础的估价option-based valuation
以某方最后确认subject to one's final confirmation
以正式订约subject to contract
以消费者本的经济consumer-oriented economy
以盈利目的的法人如股份公司association for purposes of profit
以科技股主的纳斯达克technology-laden NASDAQ
以科技股主的纳斯达克technology-heavy NASDAQ
以索赔申请人单位计算per claimant basis
以索赔申请人单位计算赔偿额per claimant level of compensation
以经纪人单位的赔偿限额per broker limit
以结转扣减基础的交易carryover basis transaction
以绩效衡量标准的激励机制performance-oriented incentive mechanism
以美元单位的外币期权dollar-denominated foreign currency option
以股票作红利发放dividend in specie
以获取利润目的的不动产investment property
以证券担保的贷款者taker in
以评估基础的指数appraisal-based indexes
以谋利导向的profit seeking
以货币代价money consideration
以资产净值基础评估Net Assets Value based valuations
以资产或成本基础的收购assets or cost basis acquisitions
以资产调整作防止收购的手段assets adjustment as a takeover defense
以避险出发点的方法risk-based approach
以避险基础的方法risk-based approach
以银行基础的公司治理体制bank-based corporate governance system
以问责性风险本的监管accountable risk-based regulation
以风险基础的押金计算法risk based algorithm
价值零的权证zero-value warrant
价格100美元的1/8的股票eighth stock
企业扭亏turn a loss making firm into a profitable one
企业融资顾问行准则Corporate Finance Adviser Code of Conduct (中国香港证监会)
优先股转普通股的资本capital from conversion of preferred stock to common stock
合伙人的投资银行investment firms as partners
外国公司的美国公司US corporation as foreign corporation
对冲基金投资者的公司corporations as hedge fund investor
投机风险的基础as basis for risk of speculation
抵消的债权claim for set off
担保品的资产assets pledged as collateral
担保物的票据bill deposited as collateral security
流动资产的投资investments classifiable as current assets
美国公司的外国公司foreign corporation as U. S. corporation
融资手段的债务与权益互换debt-equity swap as financing technique
资产收购的股票收购stock acquisition as asset acquisition
资本市场投资工具的股票stock as capital market instrument
侵权行的诉权claim in tort
债券转换股票conversion into capital stock
债务约束行debt-bonding activity
先下手early mover advantage
公司不当行corporate wrongdoing
公司不良行corporate misconduct
公司行事宜corporate action matters
公认行准则established rules of conduct
减少在证券期货交易中的违法行minimize crime in securities and futures transaction
损失charge off
利润转化平均利润conversion of profit into average
利益短期化的投资行behavior of pursuing short term interests
到……日为止as at
制止涉嫌违规行stop the suspected illegal conducts
制止过度炒作行curb excessive speculation
制裁市场上的非法行crack down on illegal behaviors in market
剩余价值转化利润conversion of surplus-value into profit
计算round to nil
化整零的洗黑钱方法money laundering
华尔街投行最剧烈的转变radical change for Wall Street investment banks
受托他人保管in trust for
金边证券的英镑权证sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities
金边证券的英镑认股权sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities
可疑违规行的调查和处置investigation and disposal of suspicious violation of rules
商业行准则business conduct rule
因侵权行产生的索赔权claim in tort
因市场不当行而需承担的民事责任civil liability for market misconduct
国家行原则act of state doctrine
垄断定价行monopolistic pricing behavior
基金经理行准则香港证监会Fund Manager Code of Conduct
大股东的投机违法行big speculative stockholders' illegal behaviors
契约性行contractual performance
委托人对受托人行负责respondent superior
审计企业债务渎职行audit of enterprise liabilities malpractices
客户先的原则client priority
对外投资的信息披露行disclosure of outward investment
对市场上的非法行采取严厉措施crack down on illegal behaviors in market
尽力而act with due diligence
已确立的行规范established rules of conduct
市场不当行market misconduct
市场不当行market malpractice
市场不法行market misconduct
市场操纵行market manipulation
市场行market conduct
强化打击证券交易违法违规行的力度enhancing the strike on behaviors breaking laws or regulations in securities trade
徇私舞弊行abusive practice
徇私舞弊行abusive conduct
合伙人become partner
次贷的人质hostage to the subprime loans
股东become shareholder
成员对公司犯罪行应负担的法律责任liability of members for offences by corporation
打击证券交易中违法违规行crack down on behaviors breaking laws or regulations in securities trade
执法行enforcement action
扭亏turn losses into gains
扭亏turn a loss into profit
投资者理性的行rational behaviour of investor
拥有作合伙人的利益owning a partnership interest
捕食行占优势的公司把价格定在成本以下造成对其他公司的损害或威慑,从而阻止潜在的人场竞争者predatory behavior
损害股东利益的行act detrimental to shareholder's interest
接受有价证券作抵押take in
控制亏损行loss control activity
控制过度放贷行curb aggressive lending practices
摩根士丹利成银行控股公司Morgan Stanley becoming bank holding companies
操控行manipulative conduct
操纵行manipulative conduct
故意或疏忽行股市上wilful or negligent act
故意的不当行wilful misconduct
新行准则new conduct rules
信托passive trust
有害的交易行证券交易中harmful trading behaviors
有意胡作非wilful misconduct
有权转换固定利率的浮动利率票据floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option
服务费唯一报酬fee only compensation
期望值正的资金管理good bets in money management
期望值零的资金管理fair bets in money management
未成现实的损失unrealized loss
本年到目前year to date
本年度截至现在本年1月 1日至今天year to date
根据侵权行提起的诉讼action ex delicto
欺诈性行deceptive practices
欺诈或不诚实行fraudulent or dishonest act
欺诈行fraudulent conduct
欺骗性披露行deceptive disclosure practices
正常投资行normal investment practice
泛用职权行abusive practice
泛用职权行abusive conduct
浮沫堆积成一个总的泡沫股市上froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble
涉嫌犯罪或不良行suspected crimes or misconduct
混合所有公有制主的股份公司stock company under mixed ownership with public ownership rights as the principal part
犯有过失行guilty of misconduct
现货转期货exchange for futures (的现金支付)
监督客户交易行supervise clients' trading behavior
票据行act of bill
禁止的交易行股市上prohibited trading acts
禁止证券欺诈行暂行办法Provisional Measures Prohibiting Fraudulent Conduct Relating to Securities
策略性投资行strategic investment behavior
经营行business behavior
经营行守则code of business conduct
结存negative balance
结存zero balance
网上投资者账户核对股票online check of shares for investor accounts
羊群行herd behaviour
职能失调的行与当局目标冲突的行为dysfunctional behaviour
联邦侵权行索赔法Federal Tort Claims Act
联邦贿赂行Federal Corrupt Practices Act
股价中人的因素human factor in stock prices
胜者市场拼杀中rewarding of success
营造虚假繁荣行manipulative conduct
一致behavior congruence
不当guilty of misconduct
不当act improperly
假设behavioural hypothesis
准则standards of conduct
准则model code
合伙人partner by estoppel
正当proper conduct
状况behavioural aspects
范围behavioural aspects
规范model code
规范ethical norm
资产定价模型behavioral asset pricing model
资产组合理论behavioral portfolio theory
被视同意to be deemed to consent
被认失效的市场market deemed to fail
规范上市公司董事的交易行regulate the trading behavior of listed companies' directors
规范……行为regularize... behavior
增值税value-added tax
已获执照deemed to have been licensed
拥有企业权益的条款corporate interests deeming provisions
被撤销deemed revocation
触价后转市价订单market-if-touched order
触价后转市价订单Market-If-Touched orders
证券互惠行soft dollar practice
证券交易中的欺骗行fraudulent acts in securities trading
证券罪犯危害行的种类categories of dangerous acts of securities criminal
评级 AAA 的巨头企业triple-A titan
评级 AAA 级的债券bonds rated AAA level
谨慎行act with prudence
败者市场拼杀中weeding out of failure
资本市场中的不法和犯罪行illegal and criminal behaviors in capital market
资本股息转股份capital divided into shares
资本转化产品convert the capital into products
负值dip into red
坚挺firm up
转亏make good the deficit
转变股份公司的大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises turned into corporate enterprise
转变股份合作制的小企业small enterprises changed into shareholding cooperatives
转让证券作贷款担保transfer of securities as security for a loan
轻微违反纪律行summary offence
过失行negligent act
违法违规行behavior breaking law or regulation
追风行herd behaviour
适合列本金的项目items applicable to principal (or to income)
逃汇行evasion of foreign exchange
重大违法行commit major illegal act
重新打包债务抵押债券repackaged in the form of collateralised debt obligations (CDO)
金融行业不负责任的行irresponsible conduct of the financial sector
金融违规行financial irregularity
金融违规行financial irregularity/impropriety
金融违规行financial impropriety
限制做空行short-selling curbed
限制董事会行restriction of board action
陷人抵押贷款债务成无辜的受害者mire in mortgage debt as innocent victims
隐瞒挪用资产的行concealing misappropriation
零利率基础的预算zero based budgeting
雷曼兄弟已成历史华尔街第四大投资银行已于2008年9月破产Lehman Brothers already gone
非正常交易行abnormal trading behavior
非法行illegal conduct
非理性投资行irrational investment behaviors
证券交易所开的 非诉讼行证书no-action letter
靠息票生的阶层clipping coupons class
面值25美元的股票quarter stock