
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一些投资公司认价格已降到最低限度,以后只会上升Investment companies took the view that prices had reached rock bottom and could only go up
一家私有企业同意此项目提供资金A private enterprise agrees to fund the project
一年期定期存款deposit of one-year maturity
一年期的定期存款the deposits of one year maturity
上述价格可我方接受The above price proves acceptable to us
下述条款将被解释双方业已商定的义务The following terms will be interpreted as matured obligations of both parties
…所动rise superior to
不允许卖方其自身利益而利用此项信息The seller isn't allowed to utilize the information for its advantages
不公平贸易行unfair trade practice
不应把公司和经纪人认是共同合伙人The corporation and the broker shall not be regarded as joint adventurers
不当行improper act
不正当劳动行the unfair labour practice
不正当的行不能构成权力ex turpi causa non oritur jus
不正当营业行unfair trade practice
船长及船员的 不法行barratry
不法行breach of law
不确定性作利润的来源uncertainty as source of profit
两种文本之间有任何分歧之处,则应以中文文本In case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall be controlling
一项事务与经理接洽approach the manager on a business
买方的利益分离出的货物goods set aside on behalf of the buyer
on the score of
call sb. on purpose (to give an order of fish, 订鱼给某人打电话)
for the sake of
了…on behalf of
代表某人on sb.'s behalf
了 …的利益for the sake of
了 …的目的利益for the good of...
本条款的目的for the purpose (of the present articles)
了人员和财产的安全承包商必须遵守一切现行的法律、法令和规章制度For the safety of persons and property, the contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations now in effect
了付还费用,你方可开汇票向我方支取In reimbursement of this cost you may draw on us
了使你方的服务得到充分报酬,我们将付总价 10%的佣金In full settlement of your services we will pay you 10% of the total price as commission
了保护公司的利益,董事会可以在必要时推迟批准付款In order to protect the interest of the company, the board of directors may defer the approval of payments if necessary
了兼并某-公司,我们必须购买其全部或大部分股份In order to acquire a company, we must purchase all or a majority of its shares
了发展我方业务,我们需要源源不断的订单To develop our business, we need continuity of orders
了在装运前给货物的质量及数量的检验作证,你方可指派自己的检査员In order to witness the inspection of quality and quantity of goods before shipment, you may appoint your own inspector
了大力发展该商品在国内外的销售,我们同意采取所说的这些措施In order to energetically develop the sale of the goods at home and abroad, we have agreed to take the said measures
了安全起见for safety sake
了安全起见,最好把这些文件放进橱柜里You'd better put the papers in the cupboard for safety
了实现我方诺言,我们现在向你方报送500袋巴西咖啡实盘We are now sending your firm offer for 500 sacks Brazilian Coffee in fulfillment of our promise
了实现我方诺言,我们现在向你方报送500袋巴西咖啡实盘We are now sending your firm offer for 500 sacks Brazilian Coffee in fulfilment of our promise
了履行本协议,我方必须将这批货物空运到你公司In pursuance of this agreement, we have to transport the cargo to your company by air
了建立业务关系,我已和该公司代表通了信For establishing business relations, I have correspond-ed with the representative of that corporation
了建造这幢大楼,公司将筹集资金In order to set up the building, the company will raise funds
了执行现有租约中赋予双方的权利和权力,该租约中的任何条款不得违反In pursuance of the rights and power vested in both parties by the now existing lease, any of the terms in the lease shall not be breached
了收回逾期未付款,我们决定控告债主In order to recover the amount due, we decided to take the debtor to court
了方便起见,他们可以把这些费用从他们的付款中扣除For convenience sake, they can deduct these expenses from their payment
了本条款的目的for the purposes of the present articles
了本身利益on one's own account
了某人on sb's behalf
了满足客户需要,业务代表应保证产品按时交货To meet the customer's requirements, the business representatives shall see to it that the products be delivered in good time
了…的信用for the honour of
了…的利益in the interests of
了…的利益in the interest of
了竞争,供应商按时交货是很重要的In order to compete, it is very important for suppliers to deliver on time
了符合我们扩大业务的愿望,我们已决定接受你方为代理人In conformity with our desire to enlarge business, we have decided to accept you as our agent
了要获得海关免税,你方可申请所说的这种证书You may apply for said certificate for the purpose of obtaining customs duty exemption
了订货for orders
了购买所谈商品,我们会付给你现金We will pay you ready cash for buying the articles mentioned
了贸易的援助Aid for Trade
了达成我们之间的第一笔交易,我们愿将价格降到每公吨100美元In order to conclude the first transaction between us, we will lessen the price to $100 per metric ton
了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation
了追求in quest of (truth, adventure, etc., 真理、奇遇等)
…代销for account of
制定计划方法何、何事、何人、何时、何地、如何、多少、结果如何Why, What, Who, When, Where, How, How much, Result
管理要素何、何事、何地、何时、何人、如何Why, What, Where When, Who, How
…作担保stand security for
…作担保give security for
…作担保enter into security for
…作担保go security for
使so that
使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封航邮寄上商品目录,供你参考To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference
使用车辆,租借人每月应付 1000 美元租金给公司For the use of the cars, the tenant shall pay to the company a monthly rental of $1000
保持资金流动性而作的安排liquidity arrangement
…保险underwrite (尤指水险)
保障委托人的利益,受托人应将货物全部投保For the benefit of the consignor, the consignee shall have all the goods insured
偿付债务开支再筹划资金refinancing of debt service payment
偿还债务开支再筹划资金the refinancing of debt service payments
公司专编的直达列车company train
公司财务而服务的银行业务corporate banking
其商品劳务作广告advertising certain goods service
生产设备向国外借款的减税relief for (foreign loans for productive equipment)
…出高价pay a high price for
利用甲方有关新产品的资料,乙方将付给甲方一笔酬金Party B shall pay Party A a sum of money for the utilization of Party A's information about the new product
生产制订prepare plans for (the production, 计划)
…努力go in for
协议细节争论不休haggle over the details of an agreement
及时完成定货,我们辛苦工作了三个月We had hard work of 3 months getting the order fulfilled in time
发货人所知的出口目标国country of export destination
合约作证witness an agreement
国际储存提供资金financing of international stocks
多头账户for the long account
实现共同的目标,双方同意互相交流专业技能和技术资料To achieve the common objectives, both parties agree to exchange know-how and technical data to each other
实现转让所必需的一切单据及许可证应递交给卖方All the documents and permits that may be necessary to effectuate a transfer should be delivered to the seller
将到期的债券再提供资金refinancing of maturing bonds
履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties
工业公司提供销售服务的企业distribution utility
广告选择的象征性标志随产品而异The symbols chosen for advertising will vary according to the product
建立这家商行我们已经花费了一大笔钱We have made considerable outlay for the establishment of the business
弥补赤字融资the financing for deficit covering
…所喜欢to one's mind
担保此债券,这块土地连同现有的和今后的地面建筑物已被抵押出去The certain parcel of land, including its present and future buildings, has been mortgaged in order to secure the bond
…拨款给…earmark funds to... for...
人民群众提供provide amenities for (the people, 生活方便)
产品提供保护give a protection for (products)
提高该公司的商业信誉的价值,做这类广告很有必要In order to enhance the value of the goodwill of the company, such advertisements are needed
支付债务而按年提取的预算资金permanent annual charge
改进提供资金financing of improvements
方便起见,本合同可按若干份副本同时予以执行This contract may be executed for convenience sake in a few counterparts
服务作备用stand-by service
未偿还借款重新筹集资金refinancing of outstanding borrowings
某事向某人交涉tackle sb. on a subject
某人准备报盘line up an offer for (sb.)
witness whereof
求最佳经济福利,必须在最低平均成本点上生产necessity for operation at point of lowest average cost, for optimum economic welfare
海外旅游设备做广告publicise the services of the tourist board
添加燃料而绕航deviation to take on fuel
用户着想的工艺user-friendly technology
申请签证,需有正式邀请函A formal letter of invitation is required for the visa application
…留出set apart a sum of money for (一定数量的钱)
眼前利益牺牲长远利益sacrifice future good for present gain
确保设备的有效使用必须向工厂提供一切必要的技术资料In order to ensure the effective use of the equipment, all the necessary technical data should be furnished to the plant
离开农业的人口提供的补助allowance for people leaving agriculture
租用店房所花的租金、税款、维修费和类似的费用,应由双方公平分担All rents, taxes, upkeep and similar costs for the rented store shall be fairly shared by both parties
空头账户for the short account
第一个试制样品规定的工时定额first piece time
筹措房租而举行的舞会rent party
签名作证witness a signature
经常费用提供资金financing of current expenses
某人而做好准备make ready of (somebody)
... 而努力shoot for
工人而发的奖金a premium for (the workers)
…而负责go on the hook for (或借钱)
胜利而建设ideas for victory
胜利而建设idea for victory
获得更多的保障而作为的拒绝承兑的证书a protest for better security
补足少装而多装的货物appropriated goods
解决这一问题,我方将派代表前去进行检査In order to settle this question, we will send a representative to carry out the inspection
订立条约铺平道路smooth the way for a treaty
职工等…设立的奖金bonus to (employees, etc.)
设备运用等…设立的奖金bonuses for (incessant use of equipment, etc.)
证券经纪拉生意的人customer's man (woman)
证明上述以上各节witness whereof
证明上述各节witness whereof
…说好话say a good word for
自己的儿子 谋一职业put one's son to a trade
政府购置purchase property for (government, 房地产)
贷款提供资金的联合行动协定joint venture agreement
…起见with a view to
…辩护stick up for
运输方便,你方可将所有设备拆卸成零件后发货You may ship all equipment in knocked-down pieces for convenience of transportation
逃避控制而迁到他处的工厂the runaway industry
避免发生混乱,我们已撤回我方报盘In order to avoid involvement in the confusion, we have withdrawn our quotation
顾客提供优质服务serve the clients with good service
预防起见,容器内已衬防水塑料薄膜The containers are already lined with waterproof plastic sheet for the sake of precaution
黄金加盖纯度印戳hallmark the gold
鼓励你方做出更大成绩,我们赋于你方这项特权We accord you this privilege in order to encourage you to make more achievements
鼓励外国投资,注册手续已简化The procedure of register has been simplified for the purpose of encouraging foreign investment
企业行学说the behavioral theory of the firm
但是,我们愿意每个季度向你方开具以新加坡出口银行收款人的即期汇票We would, however adv., prefer to draw a sight bill on you quarterly in favour of the Export Bank of Singapore
一个整体in its entirety
票据上的保证good as aval
共同海损予以补偿的损失loss made good as (general average)
优惠的ex gratia (地)
例外stretch a point
信息处理系统的会计the accounting as an information system
先决条件,双方应咅先解决付款问题As a prerequisite the parties must settle the question of payment first
共同海损as general average
共同海损的补偿the allowances charged to general average
劳动力商品价格的雇佣工资form of wages equivalent to the commodity price of labour power
友谊的表示as a token of friendship
合并的结果,贵行成了本市最大的银行As a result of the merger n., your bank is the largest in this city
平均数on an average
平均数on the average
平均数on an the average
开始start with
恩惠ex gratia
或不作为act or omission
抵押to give in pledge
抵押品的商业票据collateral surety
抵押担保品进行抵押pledging as collateral security
抵押的债权claim for set-off
担保人,这些公司必须按所持有股份的比例偿付全部债务As guarantors, these companies have to repay all the debts on a proportional basis of their stockholdings
担保品的抵押有价证券pledging securities as collateral
支付利息而发行的债券interest bond
普通剩余报酬的出租rent as generalized surplus return
用户的下一步业务运营next operation as customer
…的担保in security for (保证)
秘密地in confidence
贷款保障的土地land as security for a loan
非营利机构,你方可以免除纳税As a non-profit-making organization you are exempt from taxation
你将收到汇款作对你方损失的补偿You will receive the remittance in compensation for your loss
你方 4 月 20 日或以前来电接受此还盘有效This counter offer remains open for your acceptance by telex on or before April 20
你方必须清楚地知道,我方这样做是下不例的You must know clearly that, in doing so, we are not establishing a precedent
你方所需数量低于最低起订量,因而不能抵补我方制作特殊集装箱的额外费用The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers
你方报盘来得不凑巧,因我们刚接受了另一出口商的实盘Your offer arrived at an inopportune time, for we have just accepted another exporter's firm offer
你方行构成违约Your action constitutes a breach of contract
你方订单合计500吨,将在本周末装船运出Your orders aggregate 500 tons, which will be shipped at the end of this week
你方认有利使用,我们可以给予10%的补贴Should you find it expedient to use it, we could offer you an allowance of 10%
你方金额567美元的支票一张可结清你方账目Your check for $567 will clear your account
借贷资本与业主资本之比 2 : 1The ratio between the loan capital and the proprietary capital is 2 to 1
债务人未能清偿的欠债很可能成呆账The debts the debtor is unable to pay are likely to become bad ones
假定 …为真postulate
允许作共同海损补偿的损失allow a loss as general average
收入account to receive
利改replacement of profits by taxes
利润作一种功能报酬profits as a functional return
利润作一种功能报酬profit as a functional return
到岸重量landed weight final
到岸重量landed weight terms
到.....日期as of date
到现在up to present
到目前to date
到货品质landed quality final
制造商应该经常了解消费者的口味,因他们是商品的最终使用者Manufacturers should always know about the taste of consumers, because their goods are to be distributed to them ultimately
削减一般工资水准作失去的解决法reduction in general wage level, as solution for unemployment
melt into
化验员已作过化验分析,他报告说化学成份…%,低于确保数The analyst has had an analysis made and he reports that the chemical content is ...%, less than guaranteed
十进位化二进位法the binary coded decimal notation
半年期存款deposit of six-month maturity
协议一方如果发生重大违约行,另一方可立即终止本协议If a mate default is made by one party, the other party may terminate this agreement at once
单个家庭经济单位individual household as the basis economic unit
卖方如由于无法控制的意外事故而不能供应所需货物,该订单将被认已撤销The order shall be considered to have been cancelled if the seller is prevented from supplying goods required owing to any contingency beyond control
各自阵的研究uncoordinated research
合并和经济行mergers and economic performance
合法行legal act
合法行lawful act
合理行a rational behaviour
同函奉上正式收据一张,请査收We now have the pleasure to enclose hereto our formal receipt, which we trust you will find in order
售完till sale
商业行business behavior
商业行管制法Restrictive Practice Act
商品可以交给服务公司作寄售The merchandise can be delivered to the service organization on consignment
在与出口公司的那场官司中,工厂主请了一位有名的律师来自己辩护The manufacturer hired a well-known lawyer to defend him against the export house
在前任董事任期完毕之前,我们就事先填补空位而选出了一位董事We elected a director to fill a vacancy before the expired term of the predecessor in office
在实施这一条款时出现的任何争议,将以仲裁作一种解决办法Arbitration will be an approach to settle any dispute arising from the operation of this clause
在我方看来这不很合理,因装船前我们已预先给你方送去一份货样It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment
地震、战争、水灾、火灾等都被认是不可抗事件Earthquake, war, flood, fire, ect. are considered majeure
美国外国腐败行法案Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
外资foreign majority interest
大家认对外销售部经理在中国从事商务The overseas sales manager is believed to be in China on business
契约行deed of covenant
条款、数量amend the term, the quality as ...
将准备金正式转资本formal capitalization of reserves
将剩余作循环变动的方法method of residual as"cycles"
市场行theory of market behaviour
市场调节planned economy playing the leading role and market regulate on supplementary role
市场调节market regulation playing a supplementary role
市政府要求本公司地震幸存者提供食物The city government requisition-ed food from our company to feed the survivers from the earthquake
帕克曼从经理降推销员Parkman was demoted from manager to salesman
总供给行参数aggregate supply behavioral parameters
总支出的行behavior of total outlay
总经理能解释何第一季度销售额如此之高吗?Can managing director explain why the sales in the first quarter are so high?
总需求行参数aggregate demand behavioral parameters
¥100总额total up to (人民币100元)
判例的案件leading case
富翁come into one's kingdom
有实际重要性compensation, venture, etc. come into question
成本行与价格政策cost behavior and price policy
我不赞成这项安排,因它可能会损害我们公司的利益I am not in favour of this arrangement because it might be detrimental to the interest of our company
我们特殊的目的供应这些货物We supply these goods for special purpose
我们调解已作了很大努力,但毫无结果We've made great efforts at conciliation but in vain
我们不得不把此种未能履行合同的情况当作一次违反合同的行We have to regard such failure as a breach of the contract
我们不理解什么你方报盘迟迟未到We are at a loss why your offer has not arrived yet
我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city
我们从什么地方项目筹集必要的资金呢?Where will we get the necessary finance for the project?
我们从利润中留出一万美元保留款作机动Out of the profits, we have saved $10.000 as retainage for flexible use
我们决定该新产品做广告We decided to advertise the new product
我们发出的广告传单上提供的折扣15%The circular we sent out offers 15% discount
我们在长城饭店你们接风洗尘有特定的原因We arrange the banquet in your honor here in Great Wall Hotel for a specific purpose
我们将派史密斯先生代表参加谈判We will send Mr. Smith as delegate to the negotiations
我们希望成新式医疗器械的首批大规模生产者之一We hope to be among the first to produce the new medical appliances on a great scale
我们很遗憾得知你们了扩大生产所做的努力未能成功We regret to note that your efforts to expand production have been unproductive
我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约一万美元We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York
我们把我们的钱合起来成共同基金We put our money into a general pool
我们,文件下方署名者,特此聘任王先生我公司顾问We, the undersigned n., do hereby appoint Mr. Wang the advisor of our company
我们的商业行不应该损害公共利益Our commercial practice should not be injurious to the public interest
我们的确认,我们的服务质量抵得上这种报酬We do think that the quality of our service does justice to the pay
我们的论点以事实根据We should ground our arguments on facts
我们答应向他们支付专利权使用费,作使用创造发明的特权的报酬We promise to pay the royalty to them as the reward for the privilege of using their inventions
我们给契约附加一份明细表,作它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
我们要200名失业的年轻人提供就业We intend to provide 200 unemployed young people with jobs
我们认不应把这两个问题分开We don't think we should separate these two questions
我们认他们没有能力垄断锌市场We do not think they are able to make a monopoly of the zinc market
我们认你公司应立刻向我方订购这批车床We think that your order for these lathes should be placed with us without delay
我们认你方报价不合适,因为这种手提包价格现在正在下跌We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for the travelling bag is on the decline at present
我们认再和他们联系是不合适的We consider it inadvisable to contact them again
我们认协议中此项条款应取消We think this clause in the agreement should be revoked
我们认我们不能承担这些支出We do not think we can absorb these expenses
我们认有必要作出这些减免We are obliged to make these abatements
我们认现在给你们寄样品很有必要We consider that it is quite necessary to send you samples right now
我们认用这种方式处理此事会更好一些We thought it better to deal with the matter along these lines
我们认目前的形势不会阻碍我们的发展They think that the present situation will not deactivate our development
我们认结局不会违反我们的愿望We dont think the end will be contrary to our wish
我们认股票市场的反常现象不会持续很久We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long in the stock market
我们认要求你方及时完成全部订单是合理的We consider it reasonable to ask you to fill all orders in time
我们认讨论调整价格的时机已经成熟We think that the time is mature for us to discuss the subject of readjusting prices
我们认这不会影响发货期限We knew it would not affect the delivery limit
我们认这些条件与合同是一致的We think the terms are in agreement with the contract
我们认这些计算机是一流的We rate these computers as first class
我们认这种商品的质量合乎标准We acknowledged that the quality of the article were up to standard
我们认这种衣料至少可以卖到5美元一米We think this material for clothing will fetch us at least $5 per meter
我们认这笔生意只是未来一系列交易的先导We believe this deal is only a forerunner of a series of transactions in future
我们认这类公司的寿命是永恒的We hold the opinion that the duration of such corporation will be perpetual
我们认需要开辟科学研究的新领域We think it desirable to open up a new field for scientific research
我们选定驻上海的东海公司我方代理商We have chosen East Sea Corporation residing in Shanghai as our agent
我公司之所以成长、发展是因有了银行的资金支持Our company grew and prospered because we had the financial support from the banks
我公司已这些货物找到了一位买主Our company has found a purchaser for these articles
我厂用熊猫作我厂产品的广告标志Our plant uses a panda as the advertising symbol of our product
我国聘请的专家将组成顾问委员会,作我们特区的咨询机构Experts invited by our country will form an advisory board as a consultative body for our special zone
我方与你方一样对这笔未清偿款项深关注We are just as deeply concerned as you are about this outstanding amount
我方仍然认延迟交货并非仅是我方单方的责任We are still of the opinion that we are not the only party to be liable for the late-delivery
我方从你方本月6日的电报中获悉,你方对我方的产品非常感兴趣,并要求我方其报价We understand from your telegraph of the 6th inst. that you are keenly interested in our products, and request us to make an offer for them
我方从银行取得一项期十年的贷款We have a loan for a term of ten years from the bank
我方和你方联系的目的是了组成一家合作公司Our purpose in approaching you is to form a cooperative association
我方已你方装运20吨以上的白糖We have shipped you sugar in excess of 20 tons
我方指定你方当地市场上我方产品的独家代理,为期两年,从本代理协议生效之日起计算We appoint you as our sole agent for our products for the two years in your local market computed from the date when this agency agreement comes into effect
我方接受你方报盘是以你方同意将此货装在小箱内条件的Our acceptance of your offer is conditional upon your agreement to pack the goods in small cases
我方支付了一笔不可回收的预付款作专利使用费We made a non-refundable advance payment for royalties
我方正在寻找一家能在国外我方产品找到销路的公司We are looking for a company who can help us find outlets abroad for our products
我方第 1434 号订单项下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,此将提出索赔218英镑,另加检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
我方认你方定会同意我公司出口货品质量高、工艺精,足以满足要求极高的顾客We think you will agree that the quality of the materials exported by our company and the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers
我方认必须提醒你方注意合同的这一款项We found it necessary to remind you of noticing this section of the contract
我方认麻烦出于你方未通知我方In our opinion, the trouble originates from your failure to advise us
我的秘书懂西班牙语,因此她将我们翻译My secretary knows Spanish, so she will interpret for us
我的银行将我的国外旅行提供外汇,如法国法郎和埃及镑My bank will supply me with foreign exchange for my trip abroad: French francs and Egyptian pounds
我认不妨让此事拖延一段时间然后再作决定I deem it proper to let this matter slide for a period of time before we make our decision
我认你有必要详细说明此财务报告I think it is necessary for you to go into details of the financial statement
我认你有必要详细说明此财务报告I think it is necessary for you to go into detail of the financial statement
我认该协议的条款和条件不会对购买者有何不利之处I don't think the terms and conditions of such agreement will be unfavourable to the purchaser
我认这批货的质量等级应降低I think there should be a degradation in the quality of the goods
我认这种新产品将会引起国际市场的兴趣I think the new product will appeal to the international market
我请他做我的律师,我诉讼辩护I asked him to act as my lawyer to defend the lawsuit
截至 …时为止up to the time of
截至目前止的摊销the amortization to date
所有收到的款项由会计作信托基金加以保管All moneys received were held by the accountant as a fiduciary trust
所说的这些子公司的全部债务都由其母公司代偿清了All debts of the said subsidiaries were repaid by their parent company
持有某家公司股票的人称股东Those who own shares in a company are called shareholders
挪用公款是犯罪行Misappropriation of public funds is a criminal act
损坏赔偿金额最高150美元The ceiling amount of compensation for the damage is $150
支付到最后一人死亡时止的联合年金joint and survivor annuity
改变change over
政府债券的利率约 12%Government stocks yield about 12%
故意的不当行intentional misconduct
故意的行a wilful action
故意的违法行wilful misconduct
故意行a wilful act
敌对行的后果consequence of hostilities
3 月 3 日所送报盘有效时间到本周末The offer sent on March 3 still holds good before the end of this week
有意的行intentional conduct
有效期一年a licence good for (one year, 执照)
望促进赊销,协议期满后续订协议铺平道路We hope you will promote credit sales so as to pave the way for a renewal of the agreement, when it expires
本保证书延长买方的保险期期限从起运港口完成发货日算起的6个月This guarantee prolongs the period of insurance of the buyer for six months from date of completion of delivery from the port of origination
本协议有效期3年,自签字日算起The duration of the agreement is 3 years, beginning with the date of signing
本合同自下个月起有效期仅一年This contract shall be effective only for a period of one year from the following month
标价 1.5 英镑the article marked at £1.5
核准和拨款的行the authorization and appropriation measure
根据你方开出的以我方抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favour, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
根据你方开出的以我方抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favor, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
根据侵权行提起的诉讼action ex delicto
根据目前形势,我认这不会是扩大业务的有效措施I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation
欺诈行holding out
欺诈行sharp practice
欺诈行a fraud scheme
欺骗行a fraudulent act
欺骗行act of swindling
生产行the act of production
生产行act of production
由不动产转动产conversion of realty into personalty
由于你方是我们的老客户,根据你方要求,我们已设法你方保留部分货物Since you are our old customer, we have managed to retain some of the goods for you at your requirements
由于侵权行ex delicto
由于信赖大西洋公司有能力满足并履行我方的各项经营要求,我们选定该公司我方在美国的代理We have selected Atlantic Company as our agent in U.S.A. in reliance upon its ability to meet and fulfil our operating requirements
由于该项商品不在我们经营范围之内,我们愿意你方另荐一家公司Since this article doesn't fall within the scope of our business activities, we would like to recommend another company to you
由于违法行ex delicto
由卖方代租舱、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers
甲方应对其职工的正当行负责Party A shall be responsible for the proper behavior of all his employees
甲方特此同意接受总额30万美元的金额,以清理全部赔款Party A hereby agrees to accept the total sum of $300 000 in full settlement of all claims
留存盈余作资本earnings retained as capital
码头工人已停止这艘轮船卸货The dockers have desist-ed from unloading the ship
联合数家报纸成企业组合syndicate a number of newspapers
船员不法行保险the barratry insurance
船员不法行条款a barratry clause
船长和船员的不法行barratry of the master and mariners
一结果范围an action-event area
准则working rule
学派a behavior school
工程师a behavioral engineer
模式behavior model (pattern)
的计划工作action planning
科学the behavior science
规范codes of conduct
迷宫action maze
行贿受’ 贿行corrupt practice
货币转化资本conversion of money into capital
货币转换资本conversion of money into capital
货款应以我方受益人的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证方法支付The payment should be made by means of a confirmed, irrevocable L/C to be opened in our favour
贴现率15%的现值present worth at discount rate of 1 5%
资产免受其他行干预immunity of assets from other action
资本财的报酬,作准地租return on capital goods, as quasi rent
资本转化产品convert capital into a product
资本需要作加入的障碍物capital requirements as bar to entry
通函一般是产品宣传和特价销售发的推销信Circular letters are usually sales letters advertising products or special offers
通货膨胀zero inflation
错发的货如贵方能在当地市场处理,则更理想It is preferable for you to dispose of the wrongly delivered pieces in the local market
限制性行restrictive practices
限制行法庭restrictive practices court
限制贸易行the Restrictive Trade Practices Act
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