
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一年期的定期存款deposits of one-year maturity
上升转下降区converting area from uplifting into depression
下降转上升区converting area from depression into uplifting
不作act of omission
不可预测行unpredictable behavior
不正当行unjust action
不正当行sharp practice
不法行illegal act
不法行的责任delictual liability
不的经济行unreasonable economic action
不足not to be taken as an evidence
串指示器末端静态quiesce-at-end-of-chain indicator
专门用途的借贷tributary lending
了适用陆上/海上作业安装equipping for land/marine work
享受而打短工的人short staker (俚语)
…做好准备make provision for
偿付债务开支再筹资refinancing of debt service payments
偿付债务筹集资金refinancing of debt service payments
公共住房建设置地public housing acquisition
其他承包商提供方便facility for other contractors
其他承包商提供机会opportunity for other contractors
厚层沥青整层翻修而造成的to be built for full depth reclamation of thick lifts of asphalt
固定螺钉用的铰孔reaming holes for screw stays
地下室外墙设防潮层dampproof sheeting
安全而驶出海面safe offing
安全计for consideration of safety
居住者备餐的楼面service flat
开挖土方而配备的铁路车辆ditching car
损失支付的费用loss draft
摊铺道砟而建筑的路槽ballast boxing (土路基)
暴风雨所阻的storm bound
本企业职工提供的住宅company's house for employees
检验提供设备facility for testing
热带设计的tropical designed
热带设计的tropic designed
用户服务的附属工作ancillary customer service
……留有余地make allowance for
……留有裕量make allowance for
租户服务tenant services
等候进入戏院而暂时停留的面积hold-out area
粉刷面而作的机械嵌缝mechanical keying for plastering
获利而购进buying on a yield basis
蓄电池充电charge a battery
装饰所中断的拱interrupted arch
车制螺纹的镦粗upset for threading
…铺平道路blaze the rail for
首班组heading crew
亏损结转到结清deficit carried forward till extinction
交通行traffic behaviour
交通行traffic behavior
事故human failure
侵蚀man-induced erosion
侵蚀artificial shift erosion
修剪applied pruning
偏倚human bias
冲刷man-made erosion
冲刷man-induced erosion
冲刷human erosion
冲蚀man-made erosion
冲蚀man-induced erosion
冲蚀human erosion
分类artificial classification (法)
分配资金artificial allocation of funds
anthropic zone
原因man-induced cause
变化man-induced variation
变化man-induced change
因素human equation
因素human element
因素事故human element accident
地平artificial horizon
地物man-made feature
地表man-made surface
地质灾害man-made geological hazard
地质灾害man-made geologic hazard
地面沉降man-made land subsidence
artificial field
大气污染物man-made atmospheric contaminant
定价arbitrary pricing
富营养化anthropogenic eutrophication
干扰electronic jamming
干扰active jamming
废弃物man-made wastes
废弃物anthropogenic wastes
归化植物artificial naturalized plant
影响many activity
影响man-made influence
影响臭氧ozone modification
扰动man-made disturbance
振动man-made vibration
排放artificial discharge
接地artificial ground
故障personal committed failure
故障发生率error rate for human incurring fault
效应man-made effect
来源man-made source
植物群丛anthropogenic association
气候变化man-induced weather modification
水平artificial horizon
污染man-made contamination
污染artefact pollution
污染anthropogenic sources of pollution
污染sources of man-made pollutant
污染man-made pollution sources
污染anthropogenic pollution sources
污染物anthropogenic pollutant
污染物anthropogenic contaminant
污染物浓度anthropogenic contaminant concentration
污染物质man-made pollutant
污水artificial sewage
形成的沙漠man-made desert
波动man-induced fluctuations
泥石流artificial mudflow
洪水波artificial flood wave
活动human activity
活动many activity
活动anthropic activity
淘汰artificial selection
滑坡artificial landslide
特性artificial characteristic
环境异常artificial envir on mental anomaly
环境影响anthropogenic environmental effect
环境水文地质问题hydrogeological problem of artificial environment
环境水文地质问题hydrogeologic problem of artificial environment
环境污染物man-made environment pollutant
环境污染物man-made environmental contaminant
环境污染物man-made environmental pollutant
环境污染物man-made environment contaminant
环境问题man-in environment problems
生态系统man-made ecosystem
电离artificial ionization
的供应紧张man-made shortage of goods
的工作made work
的河槽变化man-induced channel change
的物质substance of anthropogenic origin
的直接破坏direct harm done by purely man-made factors
的稀缺性contrived scarcity
的稀缺性artificial scarcity
破坏man-made sabotage
稳定artificial stabilization
稳定artificial stability
空气污染man-made air pollution
粗糙率artificial roughness
约束man-made constraint
蜕变artificial disintegration
误差human incurring error
误差人差personal error
误差信号artificial error signal
调节human adjustment
贝塔射线man-made beta radiation
资本artificial capital
资源man-made resources
边界线artificial boundary
酸化anthropogenic acidification
防治artificial control
限制artificial constraint
障碍man-made obstruction
障碍artificial barrier
障碍artificial adverse
静电干扰man-made statics
顶极anthropogenic climax
人类行human behaviour
企业行科学behaviour theories of the firm
企业行科学behavior theories of the firm
住宅主的地区predominantly residential area
分期付款on account
发电机的感应电动机inductor motor
抵押品的资产assets held as collateral
有效荷载的仪器payload instrument
红利发行的股票bonus issue
肥料as fertilizer sources
肥料使用use in fertilizer
肥料使用的有机质organic matter used as fertilizer
腐烂物的来源to act as a source of decaying material
试验样品的电动机model motor
依靠农业生的人口population dependent on agriculture
依靠工资生者wage earner
依靠工资生者pay roller
侵权行act of tort
保留自然耕地reserve as natural farmland
倍率三的钢丝绳滑轮组three-part line
债务人认无误的确定清单account stated
假塑性行pseudo-plastic behaviour
假塑性行pseudo-plastic behavior
偷税漏税行ways of going about tax evasion
元素地球化学行geochemical behaviour of elements
元素地球化学行geochemical behavior of elements
全局行global behaviour
全局行global behavior
内在化关系internalized as relations
冲动作impulsive action
决策行decision behaviour
决策行decision behavior
三种型号be divided into three types
三类be divided into three classes
刻度盘中心零的仪表centre zero instrument
割开片砖成饰面砖split tile brick veneer
加热时的行behaviour on heating
加热时的行behavior on heating
动态系统行分析analysis of dynamical system behaviour
动态系统行分析analysis of dynamic system behavior
动态行dynamical behaviour
十进位translation to decimal fraction
化学行chemical behavior
化害利综合利用原则principle of comprehensive utilization of turning harm into good
半年期的定期存款deposits of six-month maturity
卖空行short selling
危险行hazardous act
厂商的行理论behaviour theories of the firm
厂商的行理论behavior theories of the firm
厚度4~121英寸=0.0254米英寸的原木材thick stuff
去除增加混凝土和易性而超用的水excess water removal
双线改单线行车single-line working of double track line
反周期行counter-cyclical action
反周期行counter-cyclic action
反直观行counter-intuitive behaviour
反直观行counter-intuitive behavior
取顺时针方向正的positive clockwise
变废turn wastes into wealth
变废change wastes into valuables
变租用购置的选择权option to purchase leased property
合成树脂基材的胶黏剂synthetical resin-based bonding adhesive
合成树脂基材的胶黏剂synthetic resin-based bonding adhesive
商业行commercial action
四季均液态的石油气all-weather liquefied petroleum gas
凹面与凸面没有磨损,螺母可以重复使用Because there is no abrasion between the concave and convex, the nut is reusable
场地受到影响的限制site-specific constraint
地下水的人污染man-made groundwater pollution
地面人干扰发射机ground jammer
塑性plastic analysis
塑性行plastic behaviour
填充碎石作铺砌基础packed broken rock soling
多户出租住房改造合作住房rental housing to cooperative housing
多级式开环磨矿工艺过程研磨分级-送出,与闭环工艺不同multistage open-circuit grinding
头部喇叭形圆锥破碎机flared-head gyratory
妨害治安行disorderly conduct
妨碍治安行disorderly conduct
委托人对受托人行负责的原则principle of respondent superior
定向行orientation behaviour
定向行orientation behavior
客户的不法行illegal client acts
将牛粪、石灰、砂子和牛毛涂在帆布上作圆管热绝缘材料monkey dung
展开泰勒级数expansion in Taylor series
岩石主的公园rock garden
平均成本的行behaviour of average cost
平面多边形的穹隆dome of polygonal plan
广应用的工具work horse
底层商店等的公寓apartments combining shop and dwelling units
底层商店等的集体住宅apartments combining shop and dwelling units
底层商店等的集体宿舍apartments combining shop and dwelling units
底层集体公寓apartment combining shop and dwelling units
废约行rescissory action
异常行abnormal behaviour
异常行abnormal behavior
弹塑性行elasto-plastic behavior
弹塑性行elasto-plastic behaviour
弹塑性行elastic-plastic behaviour
战争行act of hostility
房地产主与租户准备的房屋租赁所作的分工协议书work letter
把 M 作 Nhave M as (N)
把最终目标按统筹方法分解分支的作业分解结构work breakdown structure
投机过度行speculative excesses
折合海平面值reduction to sea level
拉绳行string-pulling behaviour
指出的违约行designed offence
授权行act of authorization
探究行exploratory behaviour
控制人地面沉降control man-made land subsidence
推测行conjectural behaviour
推测行conjectural behavior
提出债权作抵销assert a set-off
收缩主要趋势的脉动pulsation but in which the essential trend is contracting
住户自有公寓condominium conversion
淡色relieve dark appearance
改正行correcting behaviour
放射化学行radiochemical behaviour
放射化学行radiochemical behavior
故意行deliberate act
救助守候行stand-by act
无偿行act without consideration
显示行display behaviour
显示行display behavior
有目的的行purposive behaviour
有目的的行purposive behavior
有行能力的人capable person
有限抽样行finite sample behaviour
有限抽样行finite sample behavior
期望行expected behaviour
期望行expected behavior
本能行障碍instinctive behaviour disturbance
杂草weed injury
杂草weed encroachment
不良的能见度zero visibility
极点主性pole dominance
极端火灾行extreme fire behaviour
极端火灾行extreme fire behavior
标准仿效行norm following behavior
根据侵权行的诉讼action ex delict
格林尼治准的经度值Greenwich value
模型行model behavior
正面玻璃的建筑物glass-fronted building
正面玻璃的建筑物glass-facade building
毁林行act of destroying forest
民事不法行civil wrong behavior
民事侵权行civil trespass
民事法律行civil juristic act
水体人非点污染源anthropogenic non-point pollution source of water body
水行政行administrative action of water
水认污染源man-made source of water pollution
河流人负荷综合指数integrated index of the anthropogenic load on river
油的触变行oil thixotropic behaviour
油的触变行oil thixotropic behavior
法人的行能力disposing capacity of juristic person
法律认legal ratification
中用make foreign things serve China
流体行fluid behavior
流变行rheologic behavior
流量零时水位stage of zero flow
海上侵权行maritime tort
消费者行consumer's behaviour
消费者行consumer's behavior
消费者行consumer action
消费者行研究consumer behaviour research
消费者行theory of consumer's behaviour
消费者行theory of consumer's behavior
消费行理论consumer theory
液态主的地热系统liquid dominated system
温度依赖行temperature-dependent behaviour
温度依赖行temperature-dependent behavior
火灾行分析员fire behaviour analyst
火灾行分析员fire behavior analyst
火灾行预测fire behaviour forecast
火灾行预测fire behavior forecast
灭火行fire-fighting behaviour
灭火行fire-fighting behavior
燃烧行firing behaviour
燃烧行firing behavior
牛顿行Newtonian behavior
物理行physical behaviour
特种消费行tax on special consumption behaviour
特种消费行tax on special consumption behavior
特种消费行excise tax
环境侵权行environmental tort
环境损害行environmental impairing activity
环境行environmental behavoir
环境行心理environmental behavior mentality
甚低频人干扰发射机very low frequency jammer
甚高频人干扰发射机very high frequency jammer
用软木骨料的混凝土concrete with cork aggregate
用麻布作填充物封隔套管环状间隙shirt-tail packer
电变色行electrochromic behaviour
电变色行electrochromic behavior
百分之百贷款资金one-hundred percent financing
真空行vacuum behaviour
真空行vacuum behavior
瞬变行transient behavior
破产行act of bankruptcy
破碎成粗粒coarse break-up
程序控制操作行试验schedule controlled behaviour test
程序控制操作行试验schedule controlled behavior test
详细的in some detail
穿越法主,追索法为辅passing through method mainly be used tracing method be used as supplementary
管理的行regulatory action
织构行textural behaviour
织构行textural behavior
经济行economic behaviour
经滑轮分四股的缆索four-part line
结构—行一实绩体制structure conduct-performance framework
绝对气压……磅/平方英寸absolute pounds per square inch
缓减税法作除污手段moralization tax as pollution abatement tool
置产人以抵押款付给出售人作部分产价purchase money mortgage
群体行group behaviour
群体行group behavior
脊角90度屋顶square roof
腐蚀行corrosion behaviour
腐蚀行corrosion behavior
舞弊行corrupt transaction
营业行business behaviour
营业行business behavior
蓄意的违法行wilful misconduct
蓄意行wilful act
虚伪的法律行hypocritical legal act
蠕变行creep behavior
事件记录event recording
修正behaviour modification
决策behaviour decision making
决策behavior decision making
决策函数behavioral decision function
准则standard of conduct
准则criterion of conduct
准则code of conduct
变革的过程process of behaviour change
地理学behavioural geography
地理学behavioral geography
守则standard of conduct
守则criterion of conduct
工程师behavioural engineer
异常behaviour abnormality
异常behavior abnormality
方案course of an action
方程behaviour equations
模型behaviour mode
模型behavior mode
模式behaviour pattern
生态学behavioural ecology
生态学behavioral ecology
研究法behaviour approach
研究法behavior approach
科学behaviour science
act tax
背景behaviour setting
背景behavior setting
量表behaviour rating scale
量表behavior rating scale
补给源人衰减artificial attenuation of recharge sources
被告废弃的住宅condemned dwelling (因拆迁等原因)
被审单位的违法行illegal acts by audited entity
被法院宣布破产的当事人party adjudged bankrupt
要因行causative action
计划中列单独流程in the planning as separate flows
计提折旧以产出量基础service-yield basis
设计吞吐量n 吨designed for capacity of n tonnages
超过法定权限的行ultra-vires act
转亏come out of the red
轻率的行reckless conduct
迁徙行migration behaviour
迁徙行migration behavior
迁移行migratory behaviour
迁移行migratory behavior
迂回行detour behaviour
迂回行detour behavior
违犯林业规章行forest offence
违约行defaulting behaviour
违约行defaulting behavior
通常认安全的generally recognized as safe
量入measure expenditures by income
钻具泥包住ball up
错误行faulty act
防止破坏行deter vandalism
阳极行anodic behavior
废品reduce to scrap
除法转换乘法division converted to multiplication
需求弹性unitary elasticity of demand
非专业行unprofessional conduct
非人污染源non-manmade pollution sources
非本国行act of foreign states
非法行unlawful act
非法行illegal action
非统计行non-statistical behaviour
非统计行non-statistical behavior
面层水磨石的梯级terrazzo faced tread
面积 100m x 100man area of 100m x 100m
顾客行模型consumer behaviour model
预防prevention first
预防主、防治结合的政策policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control
首项系数一的多项式monic polynomial
高跨比单数的屋顶odd-pitch roof
黑色black positive
黑色black negative
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