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上周,我分享了这些以自身体重阻力的锻炼方法,特别适合那些不去健身房而且家里也几乎没有健身器材的跑步者Last week I shared these best bodyweight exercises, which are especially good for runners who don't belong to a gym and have very little fitness equipment at home
不必要的粗暴行unnecessary roughness
不正当行unfair play
不礼貌的行impolite conduct
不符合体育道德的行foul play
不良行improper deportment
不适当行improper deportment
两种计时方法均应被承认正式计时:—手计时、—以终点摄影系统为基础的全自动计时Two alternative methods of time-keeping shall be recognised as official:— Hand timing,— Fully Automatic timing obtained from Photo Finish system
严重不良行serious misconduct
严重不良行gross misconduct
中国田径运动员刘翔在男子110米跨栏决赛中以 12 秒91的成绩打破奥运会纪录、平世界纪录、在第 28 届奥运会田径比赛中他中国获得一块金牌Chinese athlete Liu Xiang finished first in the men's 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, breaking the Olympic record and equalling the world record. He won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games
了使投掷有效、 掷出的链球必须落人规定的落地区In order to qualify as a legal throw the hammer must land in the throwing sector.
了使投掷符合丈量条件、运动员的脚不能踩过起掷线The thrower must not step over the scratch line, if he is to have his throw qualify for measurement
…加油cheer for
博得喝彩的表演gallery hit (shot, stroke)
国争光win honour for one's country
国争光win honors for the motherland
安全着想,练习骑车应佩戴安全护具For your safety, always wear the proper safety gear while practising cycling
竞选做工作lobby for election
获奖参赛playing for medals
运动而运动sport for sport's sake
习得行acquired behavior
以一个优秀运动员核心的队one-man team
以我play one's own game
以我stick to one's own game
以我persist in one's own game
以码单位的游泳池yards-measured pool
以自身体重阻力的锻炼bodyweight exercise
任何一名赛跑运动员不立刻遵守发令员的口令也可判起跑犯规A runner who fails to comply promptly with the starter's commands may also be charged with a false start
使用兴奋剂是违反国际田联规则的行Doping is strictly forbidden and is an offence under IAAF Rules.
使用视接法时、接棒人注视着传棒人、直到完成交接棒When using the visual pass, the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass is completed
使转败pull out of the fire
光明正大的行fair conduct
公正行fair conduct
公路赛跑男女公路赛跑标准比赛距离应 15 公里、20 公里、半程马拉松、25 公里、30 公里、马拉松42. 195 公里、100 公里和公路接力赛跑The standard distances for men and women shall be 15km, 20km, Half-Marathon, 25km, 30km, Marathon 42.195 km, 100km and Road Relay
内隐行implicit behavior
内隐行covert behavior
冒险行risk-taking behavior
冲动行impulsive action
动机一行模式motive-behavior model
动机争胜性行agonistic behavior
单纯获奖而参赛的运动员pot hunter
反射行reflex behaviour
反社会行antisocial behavior
反败pull out of the fire
反败bring about a complete turnabout
发令员认一名或几名运动员对起跑犯规负责时、他应只给这名或这几名运动员警告The Starter should warn only such competitor or competitors who, in his opinion, were responsible for the false start
只有标枪金属头的尖端比其他部位先插人地面、 投掷方有效A javelin throw shall be valid only if the tip of the metal head strikes the ground before any other part of the javelin
8 号竞走运动员受到警告处分、 因他的两只脚同时离开地面Walker No. 8 received a caution because his two feet left the surface of the ground at the same time in race walking
回避行avoidance behavior
他最初速度太慢He was boxed in after a slow early pace.
国际田联认有必要协调许多单独举行的田径比赛项目The IAAF identified a need for all these athletics events to be coordinated
在"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视起跑犯规If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"
A 型行Type A
A 型行A-type
A 型行Type A
A 型行A-type
基本人际关系取向行测试FIRO-B test
外表行apparent behavior
外观行over behavior
外部行external behavior
女子 10000 米比赛中跑出一匹黑马一一中国运动员邢慧娜在最后一圈超越领先的埃塞俄比亚运动员、在第 28 届奥运会中她中国赢得一枚金牌In the women's 10,000m race, a dark horse from China Xing Huina overtook the leading Ethiopian runners in the last lap. She won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games
妥协行appeasement behavior
定型行stereotyped behaviour
室内体育场应是四周有围墙、顶部有覆盖的体育场、应室内比赛提供符合条件的照明、供暖和通风设备The indoor stadium shall be completely enclosed and covered. Lighting, heating and ventilation shall be provided to give satisfactory conditions for indoor competitions
少年男子和女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日 16 或 17 周岁者Youth Boys and Girls: Any athlete of 16 or 17 years on 31st December in the year of the competition
尽力而do one's utmost
局末平分后以先连得两分者胜方的规则advantage rule
1985 年国际田联世界田径系列赛诞生了、它成国际田联"一揽子"系列比赛项目In 1985, the IAAF World Athletics Series was born as a package of IAAF events
2001 年在埃德蒙顿召开的第 43 届代表大会上、国际业余田径联合会改名国际田径协会联合会。 注释:国际田联新的英文名称 International Association of Athletics Federations (缩写:IAAF)国际田联原文英文名称 International Amateur Athletic Federation(缩写: IAAF)变更后的国际田联英文全称虽有变化,但英文缩写 IAAF 不变The IAAF was re-named the International Association of Athletics Federations at the 43rd Congress in Edmonton in 2001
年轻有的队伍team of young talents
当接力的全程或第一棒分道跑时、运动员可在自己的分道内用胶布做一个标记When all or the first portion of a relay race is being run in lanes, a competitor may place one check-mark on the track within his own lane, by using self-adhesive tape
情绪引导行emotion-directed behavior
头条新闻hit the headlines
强队blossom into a capable team
报纸的头条make headlines in the paper
我们想成国际的、专业的运动品牌,这是一个好机会It's a good opportunity for us, as we want to become an international, specialist sports brand
我们的运动员参加赛跑进行训练Our athletes trained for races.
报名参加这次马拉松比赛的人数 650 名There are six hundred fifty entries for the marathon race
探究行exploratory behavior
撑竿跳高所需的助跑距离30〜45米The distance of approach run required by the pole vaulting is about 30-45 metres
攻击行attack behavior
攻击行aggressive behavior
教练员行分析系统coach behavior analysis system
教练员行评定量表coach behavior assessment scale
教练行模式model of coaching behavior
新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds
无意行involuntary behavior
无理行irrational act
智能行intelligent behavior
暴力行physical violence
最后转败Garrison finish
8 月 3 日、陈跃玲在巴塞罗那奥运会女子 10 公里竞走决赛中夺魁、成绩是 44 分 32 秒、她中国夺得第一块奥运会田径比赛金牌Chen Yueling won China's first ever gold medal in Olympic Games track and field competition with a victory in the women's 10-kilometer walk final in Barcelona on August 3rd. She clocked 44 minutes 32 seconds
有作动机motive to be good
有意行voluntary behavior
有条件成qualify as
有条件成qualify for
有资格成qualify as
本能行instinctive behavior
条件行conditioned behaviour
欺骗行fraudulent act
比赛行conduct of play
满足欲望行appetitive behavior
熟练运动行skilled motor behaviour
理性行rational behavior
目标指向行goal-directed behavior
目标行target behaviour
社会行social behavior
粗暴的行crude behavior
粗暴的行rough play
粗暴的行act of brutality
粗暴行violent conduct
粗暴行boorish behaviour
粗野的行boorish behavior
美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,垒球、曲棍球、射箭和自行车等奥运项目提供设备James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling
美国保龄球协会决定整顿保龄球运动,使它再次成一项绅士运动The American Bowling Congress decided to clean up bowling and make it a gentlemen's game again
胜方……in favor of...
自以是的体育迷armchair quarterback
英国"铁人"汤普森赢得男子十项全能金牌、成第二位卫冕奥林匹克"铁人"美名的运动员Britain's Iron man Daley Thompson won the decathlon and became only the second man ever to retain his Olympic title
倾向behavior disposition
behavior field
守则rules of conduct
异常behavior disorder
强度intensity of performance
形成behavior shaping
性体温调节behavioral thermoregulation
控制behavior control
改变behavior change
水平behavior level
环境behavior environment
理论behavioural theory
疗法behavior therapy
矫正behavior modification
空间behavior space
规范rules of conduct
评定behavior rating
错乱behavior disorder
问题behavior problem
裁判员取消某竞走运动员比赛资格的提议称严重警告Each Judge's proposal for disqualification is called a warning
裁判员负责监督比赛中有无违规行The judge is responsible for watching the contest for any infraction of the rules
视觉肌动行演练visual-motor behavioral rehearsal
角色行role behavior
转危pull out of the fire
转危安的球员clutch hitter
转败turn right defeat
转败turn the scales
转败reverse the tide
转败garrison finish
迁移行transfer behavior
运动行motor act
进行训练参加…比赛train for...
违例行unsportsmanlike conduct
违反体育道德的行unsporting behaviour
违反体育道德的行unsporting behavior
违反奥林匹克宪章行infringement of the Olympic Charter
违反运动精神的行unsportsmanlike conduct
违背体育道德的行ungentlemanly conduct
退缩行withdrawal behavior
适应行adaptive behaviour
适应行adaptive behavior
逃避行escape behavior
道德的行合适的举止行为,其重点是公平竞争ethical conduct
铅球必须完全落在落地区内沿以内、试推方有效For a valid trial, the shot put must fall completely within the inner edges of the landing sector
随意行功能voluntary and behavioral function
集体行collective behavior
青年男子和女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日 18 或 19 周岁者Junior Men and Women: Any athlete of 18 or 19 years on 31st December in the year of the competition
非线性行nonlinear behaviour
鞋钉最大直径 4 毫米These spikes shall have a maximum diameter of 4mm
顺应行adaptive behavior
驱力引导行drive-oriented behavior