
Terms for subject Project management containing 为了 | all forms | in specified order only
不过、作为一项分析工具、它将绝对回报放回了应有的位置:对冲基金管理的核心As an analysis tool, though, it puts absolute return back -where it should be : at the heart of hedge fund management
为了保证可控硅可靠关断、需要改造逆变电路主回路In order to turn off thyristor unfailingly, the inverter circuit should be rebuilt
为了满足用户需要、应用必须实现自动数据处理In order to meet user needs, automatic application of data processing should be realized
今年截至目前、该指数已下跌了 0.4%、为首次跌至2010年年初水平以下The measure is now down 0.4% for the early going of 2010, the first time it has ended with a year-to-date loss
他表示:"任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人、最终都会变成一个赌徒。我在对冲上损失了太多的钱、因此我不会再这么做了""Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore," he says
因为安全模式的存在、 我们再也不用担心编写错误的代码会毁了整个系统We no longer -worry about bad codes break the whole system as long as safe mode is there
因为评估了公司的所有资产、 所以去年杰克的生意才有了纸上盈利Jack's business showed a paper profit last year simply due to the appreciation
在课件制作方面、本文以乙烯为例制作了多媒体 CAI 课件In making courseware, this article takes ethylene as an example to make a MCAI courseware
多伦多移民就业委员会还为职业移民者组织了为期4 个月的辅导计划TRI EC also organizes a four-month mentoring scheme for professional immigrants
当一个国家的房地产投机行为已经超过了泡沫时期的日本、投资者们的担忧是不无道理的When real-estate speculation exceeds that of the Japanese real-estate bubble, investors are right to worry
我们预料将出现一种测试套件、其内整合了常见的故障现象、包括人为、软件与硬件所导致的错误We envision a test suite that would incorporate common failures, including errors caused by humans, software and hardware
现在您应该清楚了、恰当的密钥管理规程应该成为任何加密实现的核心设计部分As should by now be obvious, appropriate key management procedures should be part of the core design of any encryption implementation
美联储不应当为了刺激累计总需求而做出会导致未来通货膨胀的承诺The Federal Reserve should not make a credible commitment to future inflation as a means of stimulating aggregate demand
这个高性能的折叠网络使用了三层交换、为客户端和服务器提供网络冗余The high performance collapsed backbone uses layer three switching. Network redundancy are provided to clients and servers